Showing posts with label Staff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Staff. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Absent Professors

Today, the Daily Cal reports what we've known for awhile: that faculty, with a few important and inspiring exceptions, are no longer part of what is now a student-worker alliance against the privatization of public education.
“The faculty is a whole range — we don’t agree on anything except that we want this place to be great," Jacobsen said. "We differ on tactics, on strategy, even sometimes on what great means, but we want this university to be great."
It's important to acknowledge that this phenomenon is not new -- it just took the Daily Cal a year or two to figure it out. Since the 2009 September walkout, faculty have remained deeply divided about potential responses to privatization -- from embracing tuition hikes to preserve "excellence" and proposing that flagship institutions like UC Berkeley become autonomous from the rest of the UC system to attempting to channel popular outrage into support for a California ballot initiative and Democratic party legislators (a faith in in the Democratic Party which has had devastating consequences for California public higher education).

Split between the more politically moderate SAVE and the more activist Solidarity Alliance, ladder-rank faculty willing to speak out against privatization were from the very beginning
a tiny fraction of total faculty. Although there are exceptions, ladder-rank faculty have historically shown little to no interest in supporting, for example, ongoing university staff labor union struggles and opposing UCOP's infamous pattern of intimidation and open contempt for organized labor -- from unionized graduate students to unionized librarians.

We've been discussing these issues here for some time. Last November, for example, we examined the comments made by a number of faculty members regarding the round of protests, walk-outs, and occupations that took place in 2009-2010. What they said made clear that they no longer saw themselves as participants or even understood the rationale for public protest, let alone potentially disruptive protest. There was a strong sense that the faculty saw themselves instead as "standing on the sidelines, observers of what is essentially a student movement...bystanders." Though ladder-rank faculty are simply not impacted by the tuition hikes the way students themselves are, many faculty (especially those without tenure) hate the way the university is being managed but often continue to observe the education "movement" as though they were outside of it and as though it were a single homogeneous organization.
More recently, of course, we examined the striking lack of solidarity found in the recommendations of the Academic Council of the Academic Senate, seen in the Daily Cal article as the one remaining site from which faculty are attempting to contest the administration's plans. In these recommendations, the Council not only comes out in favor of tuition increases for students but also endorses the expansion of contingent/precarious adjunct labor at the UC -- a superexploited class of lecturers with no benefits, health insurance, or job protections which as others have pointed out is a fundamental policy tenet of the privatization of higher education nationally. Obviously these views do not represent the entirety of the UC faculty, but the distance between these recommendations and the original general demands of the SAVE faculty group are stark: 
"To ensure the future of the University of California as the world’s premier public university system:
  • We demand that Gov. Schwarzenegger, the legislature, and the Board of Regents fulfill the Higher Education Compact (2005) and reaffirm the commitments set forth in the Master Plan for Higher Education (Donahoe Act; 1960).
  • We oppose the Board of Regents’ privatization strategies and call on the Office of the President to act in concert with faculty to preserve the highest level of excellence in the core teaching and research missions of the University.
  • We urge UC alumni to support these missions as their highest priority.
  • We insist upon greater administrative and budgetary transparency in recognition of the principle of shared governance."
    Despite a litany of familiar criticisms about leaderlessness and demandlessness, the recent proliferation of "Occupy Wall Street"-inspired protests should remind us that the California public education "movement" was never simply one organization, body, or program, but an cross-sectoral coalition of different groups organizing teach-ins, poetry readings, general assemblies, speakouts, townhalls, and statewide organizing meetings among organized labor groups.

    Part of the vibrancy of the "movement" was due to the fact that no single organization monopolized this field of different constituencies, each impacted differently by tuition hikes, layoffs, budget cuts, and intensifying campus racism. There is simply no reason, other than political fatalism or squeamishness around longstanding activist debates about direct action or "diversity of tactics," why such educational or outreach events cannot be organized again by concerned faculty or any other student group impacted by the cuts.

    Readers of this blog can draw their own conclusions about the effectiveness of continuing to petition Sacramento legislators versus the combination of outreach, education, and disruptive political actions which California witnessed briefly in 2009--where concerned students, staff, and faculty each played an important role in creating the conditions for mass mobilization.

    Thursday, September 15, 2011

    What the Public Education Coalition Stands For

    This summer, following the July Regents Meeting — at which student fees were raised by another 9.6 percent — a group of students, workers, and faculty began meeting to renew our shared fight for public education and against the evisceration of the UCs. Since then, we’ve held large social gatherings and open meetings to begin building an effective, coordinated pushback against fee increases and worker layoffs. These attacks against students and workers are only intensifying: this past week, we learned that the UC Regents are considering a plan that could result in an 81% fee increase over the next four years. They will be voting on this plan in mid-November. In collaboration with our allies in the labor movement, we are building for mass student walkouts on November 9 and 10, which we hope will make it more difficult for the UC Regents and state politicians to carry forward their agenda to privatize California’s public universities, and to slash spending on health and social welfare programs. In order to begin building for the November actions, we’re organizing a public forum on state austerity and the budget cuts this Tuesday, September 20th (6-8pm, Wheeler 315). We’ve also called and are organizing for a Day of Action this coming Thursday, September 22nd, which will begin with a noon rally on Sproul Plaza. We have collectively prepared the following statement in advance of next Thursday’s Day of Action, and hope that all students, workers and instructors on campus will join us in fighting for public education and against the destruction of the public sphere in California.


    We are a broad coalition of UC Berkeley students, workers, instructors, and community members who are committed to fighting for universal, free, and accessible education.

    As members of the campus community, we see university administrators and state politicians abandoning and blocking the realization of this goal. We are facing crushing levels of student debt from massive and increasing student fees, the intensifying exclusion of students of color and working class students, worker layoffs, departmental cuts that have damaged the quality of our education, and futures constrained by devastated job markets. Meanwhile, corporations and the wealthiest – including many UC Regents – continue to rake in increasing bonuses and profits, partly by speculating on our indebtedness. This destructive prioritization of corporate interests is apparent at all levels of society: in our country, state, educational system, and on our campuses.

    We say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! We live in the richest society in the history of the world, yet we always hear that there are no resources for accessible public education and decent public services. We as a society generate immense wealth. Trillions of dollars are currently directed towards warfare, incarceration, and the enrichment of an already wealthy few. It is through collective actions that we must reclaim and redirect this wealth for the public good and the needs of the people. We support making corporations and the wealthy pay for free public education, health care, and social services.

    Popular movements against austerity and oppression all across the world have occupied public squares and established popular assemblies where ideas can be exchanged and proposals debated. From Spain to Chile, these movements have revealed how education and consciousness raising are far more effective when combined with a strategy of impacted communities mobilizing on the ground and in the streets.

    As members of the UC community, we demand a complete reversal of recent fee increases; a revision of current admissions policies to lift barriers faced by underrepresented students of color and working class students; the re-hiring of workers fired as a result of the budget cuts; a full investigation of the Regents’ conflicts of interest, especially their investments in banks and for-profit schools; an end to UC administrative and police surveillance, violence, and intervention in political and academic activities; equal and full access to the university for undocumented students and workers; and the democratic control of the university by students, faculty, and staff. In order to pursue these ends, we are committed to uniting with people and movements in all sectors of society, who share our commitment to the empowerment of workers, students, and the unemployed to create an equitable and compassionate society.

    Originally posted here.