Showing posts with label ucsd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ucsd. Show all posts

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Video from the Occupied Chancellor's Office at UCSD

And from our comrades at Reclaim UCSD, a "Statement of Intention from the Reclaimers of the Chancellor’s Complex to the UCSD Administration":
  • We have initiated a civil, peaceful, and indefinite Reclamation of the UC San Diego Chancellor’s Complex.
  • The UCSD Administration can resolve the Reclamation by fulfilling the six UCSD Institutional Demands issued on March 1st, 2012.
  • If the Administration fails to fully implement these six Demands by March 8th, large-scale community action will be taken against the Administration.
  • If the Administration cannot implement any particular Demand(s) by March 8th, they must provide an acceptable justification and a detailed timeline for rapid implementation.
  • Because our assembly is public and promotes transparency, the Administration is invited and encouraged to continue holding meetings in Conference Room 111A for the duration of the Reclamation.
  • We have the right to actively and civilly participate in any such meetings.
  • Furthermore, we insist that the Administration play an advocacy role on behalf of our statewide and national demands.
A coalition of students, Alumni, faculty, workers, and community members.