VAT legislation in Tajikistan: FAQs

Updated 2 months ago | 3.5 min read time

We’re required to charge 15% VAT on top of our commission to some of our partners in Tajikistan. This is in line with legislation that was passed in 2022, which lowered the VAT from 18% to 15%. The new rate is applicable to invoices from February 2022 onwards. Click here to learn more about the new tax code. For more information on tax legislation, we advise you to contact the local tax authorities or your tax advisor.

Partners that qualify as private individuals or individual entrepreneurs are charged VAT. Those that qualify as legal entities are not charged VAT. In order to determine this, we need partners to send us their VAT information via the extranet.

What’s in this article

Providing us with your tax information


Providing us with your tax information

Here’s how to provide us with your tax information:

  1. Log in to the extranet
  2. Click on Finance and then select either VAT Details or Finance settings
  3. Select your legal status and update your VAT information in the required fields
  4. Click Save to finalise

If you qualify as a legal entity, please be sure to provide us with your tax ID number (raqami yagonia andozsuporanda), a valid business ID or state registration number (rakami yagonai mushakhkhas) and an up-to-date extract from the state register (iktibos).

If you qualify as private individuals or individual entrepreneurs, we’ll charge you the 15% VAT starting in February 2022.


  • First check whether you’ve provided all the information we require. If that is the case, you can ask us to credit the incorrect invoice and issue a correct invoice without VAT. Read this article for more information on disputing invoices.

  • In line with the tax code of Tajikistan, we charge VAT for the invoices we issue to partners who aren’t legal entities. We remit this VAT in full to the Tajikistan tax authority. We pay our own corporate taxes in the Netherlands, where we are registered.

  • Every business in Tajikistan has its own business ID or state registration number. This is the 10-digit number shown on the certificate of state registration (shahodatnoma) and in the extract from the state register (iktibos). You can also check your number here.

  • Our tax ID number in Tajikistan is 990000112. You’ll also be able to find this on all your invoices from September 2021 onwards.

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