Editing bank and invoice details

Updated 1 week ago | 2 min read time

Keep your bank and invoicing details up to date so you can receive accurate invoices from us and send payments if you pay commission fees via Direct Debit.

Changing your bank details

Here’s how you can review and edit your bank details:

  1. Sign in to the extranet.
  2. Click on the Finance menu, then click on Bank details or Finance settings to view.
  3. Under Receiving payouts from Booking.com or Direct debit payments to Booking.com, click Edit bank details to change your information.
  4. Finish by clicking Save.

Once you’ve completed this process, you won’t be able to edit your bank details again for 24 hours. The change can take five days to validate and process in our system. Once your bank details have been approved, you’ll get your payout during the next payout cycle.

Please be aware of some common mistakes when adding bank details that could impact receiving payouts: 

  • Incorrect account holder’s name 
  • Special letters in the account holder’s name 
  • Incorrect IBAN
  • Adding a bank account that can’t receive funds from abroad 
  • Adding a bank account with a limited amount of funds that can be received 
  • Bank account in a different currency than the payout currency

Reviewing and changing your invoice details

Depending on the settings you have on the extranet, you can view or change your invoice details using the Finance settings or Documents and Invoices. Please follow the steps below:

  1. Sign in to the extranet through your primary account.
  2. Click on the Finance menu, then click on Finance settings.
  3. Under the General Finance section, click on Invoice Details.
  4. Click on Edit Details to modify details including Invoicing name, For the attention of, Address, Zip/Postal code and City.
  5. Click Review Changes.

Please note that changes to your invoice details will be reflected in the next invoicing cycle and that invoice details can only be changed after the 7th of each month.

  1. Sign in to the extranet through your primary account.
  2. Click on the Finance menu, then click on Documents and Invoices.
  3. Click on Invoice Details.
  4. Click on Edit Invoicing Details to modify details including Invoicing name, For the attention of, Address, Zip/Postal code and City. 
  5. Click Review Changes.

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