Disputing your invoice

Updated 7 months ago | 5 min read time

Partners receive commission invoices based on reservations accumulated during the previous month. It’s the partner's responsibility to review each reservation within 48 hours of a guest’s check-out to make sure the property is invoiced the right amount. 

If you believe your property has been charged incorrectly after the invoice is issued, you can address this as a dispute to us.

In this article

How to avoid incorrect invoices

Requesting and waiting for credit notes is time consuming. To avoid receiving incorrect invoices, you should keep in mind the following points:

  • Marking changes on time
    You should mark any change to a reservation in the extranet within 48 hours of check-out for it to be correctly reflected in our commission billing. This includes marking no-shows and cancellations. If you fail to mark a no-show, guests will still be able to leave a review, which then serves as proof of a completed booking. Read this article to learn more.
    It’s your responsibility to mark these changes. This is in accordance with our General Delivery Terms (GDT). If the changes aren’t marked within 48 hours of check-out, you’ll be charged full commission on the original booking. If you’re unable to mark these changes in the extranet, contact Customer Service.
  • Marking a credit card as invalid
    In cases of non-refundable or partially non-refundable reservations that haven’t been charged to the guest’s credit card, you’ll need to mark their card as  invalid. Failure to do so will result in us charging you commission on the reservation.

    Follow these steps to mark a credit card as invalid:
  1. Log in to the extranet
  2. Click Reservations 
  3. Click the guest’s name or booking number, then select Mark credit card as invalid

How to dispute a commission invoice and request a credit note

If you believe your property received an incorrect invoice, you can dispute the commission and request a credit note in the extranet for reservations made within the last three months. A dispute is not guaranteed to be accepted.

To submit a dispute, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the extranet.
  2. Click Finance, then select Reservation statements.
  3. Choose the period of invoicing.
  4. Find the reservation you want to open a commission dispute for and select it.
  5. Check the box under the field that says Dispute commission amount.
  6. Click Dispute reservation in the Remarks column.
  7. Choose the reason for the dispute, specify the details and enter the amount paid by the guest.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Review your claim, then click Submit dispute.

It can take up to 14 business days for us to process your request. You’ll receive a notification in the extranet inbox once we do this. Until then, there’s no need to contact us for an update.

When a dispute is approved and we’ve confirmed that we’ll need to correct an invoice, we’ll issue a credit note. The credit note will show the amount to be deducted from the original invoice. Keep in mind that you can only dispute commissions for reservations that have been invoiced. For more information on credit notes, please read our dedicated article.
If your dispute request is rejected, you’ll receive a notification in your extranet inbox and you’ll be expected to pay your disputed invoice in full before its due date. 

How to view the status of your dispute request

To view the status of your dispute request, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to the extranet
  2. Click Finance, then select Reservation statements.
  3. Choose the period of invoicing.
  4. Find the reservation you have disputed and observe its status on the right side of the list.
  5. Once a dispute is submitted, this is where you’ll be able to view the date, amount and number of reservations of your submission.

Dispute status:

A dispute’s status may be displayed with any of the three icons below:

  • The dispute is being processed. This can take up to 14 business days.
  • The dispute has been declined. 
  • The dispute has been approved. When a dispute has been approved, you will receive a credit note. More information on credit notes can be found here

How to dispute other invoices

If you’ve received another (non-commission) invoice and you have proof of being incorrectly billed, then you can address this dispute to us in writing by sending us a message in the extranet inbox.

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