All you need to know about direct debit

Updated 3 weeks ago | 3 min read time

Direct debit authorises to automatically collect payments from your Bank Account when they're due. You can set up direct debit by completing the direct debit Mandate form. This can be found in the Finance tab in the extranet.

Aside from being the safest and most cost-effective way of paying your invoices, there are several other reasons to use direct debit. For example, you’ll save on transaction costs, and you’ll never have to worry about making your payments on time because everything is automated. You'll get notifications each time a transaction takes place, and payments are guaranteed with options for refunds if you’ve been debited incorrectly.


If you're based in the eurozone and use Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) direct debit, the funds are recoverable by your bank for up to eight weeks. This period extends to 13 months when you have a valid reason.


Please be advised that direct debit is not available for all partners. If you do not have this option on the extranet, please go to the following article for more information on paying your invoices. 

What’s in this article:

Activating direct debit

Before activating direct debit, please check with your bank if direct debit is available in your region. If it is available then you can set up direct debit by following these steps:

  1. Log into the extranet
  2. Click on Finance and select Bank details (if you do not have this subtopic, please select Finance settings)
  3. Click on Set up bank details, then click on direct debit payments to or Get a SEPA mandate and fill in the details
  4. Click Save

In some cases, even if direct debit is available in your region, we may not be able to offer you this service. To check you your eligibility:

  1. Click Finance
  2. Click Financial overview
  3. Scroll down to Payment Information

If you are eligible you will find the Link to register online for direct debit.

When we debit your account

We will debit your bank account 14 days after issuing an invoice. The direct debit process can take from four to five days to complete, after which the invoice will be marked as paid and appear green in the extranet. If a direct debit doesn’t go through, the invoice will appear red.

What to do if the direct debit fails

If the direct debit fails, the invoice will be marked in the extranet in red. You can view this under Finance - invoices. 

When the invoice is marked in red, the invoice can only be paid via Bank transfer.

Bank details for the payment can then be found under the tab Finance - Financial overview. Please always use your property ID or Invoice number as payment reference.

How to modify your bank details for direct debit

  1. Log into the extranet
  2. Click on Finance and select Bank details (If you do not have this subtopic, please select Finance settings)
  3. Click edit direct debit and fill in the details
  4. Click Save

How to change the payment method from direct debit to others? offers multiple payment methods to partners, country specific. For some countries, there is only the option to have direct debit. This means that it is not always possible to change the payment method.


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