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From Liquipedia VALORANT Wiki
Map Information
United States United States
Release Date:
Bomb Sites:

Sunset is the tenth map released in VALORANT.

Top-Down View of the Map[edit]

Map Features[edit]

Sunset is one of VALORANT's more traditional maps with two sites and three lanes.

It has a mechanical door found between B Market and Mid Courtyard. Players can use a switch on the Market side of the door to close or open it. This door is impenetrable while closed but has 500 HP, allowing players to damage and eventually destroy it. Once destroyed, the doorway remains permanently open for the rest of the round.


Site Name
A Lobby
A Main
A Elbow
A Site
A Alley
Mid Top
Mid Courtyard
Mid Tiles
Mid Bottom
B Lobby
B Main
B Site
B Market
B Boba

Version History[edit]

Version Balance Changes
  • New Sunset rotates into Competitive queues.
  • New Sunset added.


  • In early development, Sunset had acid pools that could damage players.
  • Sunset features graffiti from LA based artist ATLAS (Cat character on wall and billboard near defender spawn) as well as the Montréal, Canada based 123KLAN crew (Mural on the wall of the skate-shop)