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From Liquipedia VALORANT Wiki
Map Information
Morocco Morocco
Release Date:
Bomb Sites:
Game Mode:

Bind is one of the first two maps in VALORANT.

Top-Down View of the Map[edit]

Map Features[edit]

Bind's unique feature is that it doesn't contain a mid section, instead having two one-way teleporters. One takes players from A Short to B Short and the other takes players from B Long to A Lobby.

Players use teleporters by walking into the section of wall taken up by the teleport entrance. They will then instantly arrive in a small exit room which players leave by walking towards the door out of the room. This door is closed by default and can only be opened by players inside the exit room walking up to it, at which point they will open automatically. Players outside the exit room cannot open these doors, but they can be penetrated by gunfire.

Other objects can also be sent through teleporters if they come into contact with the teleporter entrance. They will maintain any velocity they had before being teleported and can open the doors and leave the exit room should they travel far enough to trigger the door sensor. Objects include abilities, the spike, and dropped weapons.

Whenever a teleporter is used by an agent or an object, all players on the map will be given an audio cue.


Site Name
A Tower
A Lamps
A Site
A Teleporter
A Bath
A Cubby
A Short
A Lobby
A Exit
A Link
B Hall
B Elbow
B Site
B Garden
B Teleporter
B Long
B Window
B Exit
B Short
B Lobby
B Link

Version History[edit]

Version Balance Changes
  • New The newly updated Bind rotates into Competitive and Unrated queues.
  • Rework Exit room for B Long to A Lobby teleporter has been moved to outside A Bath.
  • Rework A Lobby has been adjusted to accommodate the new teleporter location.
  • Rework Doorway from A Lobby into A Bath has been widened.
  • Rework Doorway from A Bath to A Site has been widened.
  • Rework Radianite crates on A Site have been adjusted.
  • Rework Barrel has been added on A Site.
  • Rework Back wall on A Site has been adjusted.
  • Rework Defender Spawn to B Site doorway has been widened.
  • Rework Utility window has been added to B Site into B Hall.
  • Removed Bind have been removed from competitive and Unrated map rotation, but it still playable in all other modes.
  • Rework The double stack of cover at short A has been changed to remove a very powerful one-way smoke location that made the area a little too difficult for Attackers to approach.
    • Sentinels will still be able to clog the space, but the new layout should open a few options for attackers pushing in.
  • New There’s also a small, new bench for a mix up when taking that first peek.
  • Rework One stack of crates on A site is no longer pennable, this is to create a safer planting option for attackers
  • Rework Adjusted numerous locations to allow clearing angles to be a bit more straightforward in the following places:
    • A Bath entrance
    • B Teleporter Exit and B Window entrance
  • Rework Modified several call out names to better match player terms
  • New Expanded our new system that combats map exploits to all other maps — this will eradicate anyone trying to escape the playspace
  • Bug Fix Continued to fix level collision in order to enhance the smoothness of the gameplay space
  • Rescale Completed draw call optimizations
  • Bug Fix Also continued to block spots for Cypher’s Spycam that prevented counter-play
  • Bug Fix Added fixes for Cypher Spy Camera exploits
  • Rework Backside of spawn barriers are now opaque to prevent some abuse cases
  • New Added ability for Spike to automatically fall from elevated boost positions
  • Bug Fix Fixed multiple spots where Sova's Recon Dart could over-penetrate map geometry
  • Bug Fix Multiple fixes to geometry to fix exploits and help optimize gameplay
  • Rescale Updated materials to make surfaces more consistent overall
  • Bug Fix Several exploits fixed on Bind