Washington Post Persistent Links

Link to Washington Post in ProQuest

Access Washington Post content through ProQuest for traditional persistent links (see ProQuest permalink help).

Link to WashingtonPost.com Articles

WashingtonPost.com does not have permalinks in the same way that traditional databases do. The link in your URL bar is NOT always persistent. Instead:

  1. Go to WashingtonPost.com using the link below.
  2. Click the "share" button on the article's page and select the email option.
  3. Your email client will open and include a link. Copy and paste this link to share the article.
  4. If the students have issues, tell them to first use the WashingtonPost.com link and then in a new tab open the persistent link.

Help Locating News Articles

Sometimes news articles can be hard to find due to name changes and spotty coverage in various resources. See tips and FAQs.