FT Persistent Links

  1. Use the Financial Times link to find the full-text of the article.
  2. In the right menu bar, click Share > FT Subscribers only > Get sharing link. Another box will pop-up with the link you can copy.
  3. Do NOT use the proxy-prefix for these links. Instead, give students the direct link to the article and tell them how to connect to Stanford's Financial Times access.
    1. Example: US borrowing binge risks market strains, analysts warn (https://on.ft.com/3Vs0iBy). You need to be logged into your FT.com account to read the article - Learn how to create a FT.com account at Stanford.

Example: https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/HS2302395095/FTHA?u=stan90222&sid=FTHA&xid=8c6245f2


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