Chi siamo

Stefano Boeri Architetti (SBA), based in Milan and Shanghai (called Boeri Studio until 2008) is dedicated since 1993 to the research and practice of architecture and urbanism. More than 20 years of research and practical experience allowed the studio to develop a know-how of sustainable development of the projects of different scales – from social housing units to strategic urban developments of the entire cities and regions. It develops projects and regeneration strategies in complex environments, outlining and supporting synergies between the various stakeholders, public and private entities. In the design process SBA collaborates with a wide network of professionals, from engineering consultants and landscape architects, to social scientist specialists, which allows to provide ad hoc solutions over a wide range of territorial and socio-economic contexts.

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Architettura e pianificazione
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11-50 dipendenti
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Società privata non quotata
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Settori di competenza
Architecture, Urban Planning, Sustainable Architecture e Design Consultancy


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    🌎 Stefano Boeri Architetti China’s design for the Xi’an Culture Modern Technology Experience Centre is inspired by the ancient origins of the city of Xi’an and the local natural landscape. The museum is designed to attract a wide audience of technology enthusiasts, children and students and to activate, on an urban scale, a process of regeneration of the entire district. The rooftop garden in continuity with the park allows visitors to get to the top of the building and gain a new view of the surrounding urban landscape. The green terraces and staircases, open and accessible for all citizens, will host a cultural programme of public events and activities. The rooftop garden design includes six plant species chosen as the main varieties for the tree species - including Ginko Biloba, Acer Pictum and Pinus Bungeana - twelve types of shrubs and twelve types of perennial herbs, selected from typical local species of the Chinese natural landscape. Il progetto di Stefano Boeri Architetti China per il Xi’an Culture Modern Technology Experience Center si ispira all’antica origine della città di Xi’an e al paesaggio naturale locale. 🇮🇹 Il museo è progettato per attirare un ampio pubblico di appassionati di tecnologia, bambini e studenti e per attivare, a scala urbana, un processo di rigenerazione dell’intero distretto. In copertura il giardino pensile in continuità con il parco consente ai visitatori di salire in quota e acquisire uno sguardo nuovo sul panorama urbano circostante. Le gradonate e terrazze verdi, aperte e fruibili per tutti i cittadini, ospiteranno un programma culturale di eventi e attività pubbliche. Il progetto del verde per il giardino pensile include in particolare sei essenze di piante scelte come varietà principali per le specie arboree – tra cui Ginko Biloba, Acer Pictum e Pinus Bungeana – dodici tipologie di arbusti e dodici di erbacee perenni, selezionate tra le essenze locali tipiche del paesaggio naturale cinese.

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    Proud to be part of #ICLEIWorldCongress with Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (GCoM) in São Paulo, Brazil. We will join the sessions focusing on ways to help cities access climate finance and transform their climate challenges into concrete projects and actions. The event includes representatives from local and regional governments, urban practitioners, researchers, and stakeholders to exchange knowledge and best practices in sustainable urban development. Full program and information:

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    🚀 We are excited to kick off a week filled with impactful activities at the #ICLEIWorldCongress, together with Pacto Global de Alcaldes por el Clima y la Energia - América Latina y Caribe, in São Paulo, Brazil. Today, we start with the City Climate Finance Gap Fund session focused on Local Climate Financing. Throughout the week, we’ll dive into the GCoM Latin America Mayors Forum, the GCoM Global Dialogue on Multilevel Climate Action, the Solutions & Finance Marketplace, in partnership with the Global Research and Innovation Symposium, and many other pivotal sessions aimed at accelerating local climate actions. Stay tuned for updates and insights from these important discussions and collaborations. Let’s work together to drive meaningful climate action and build sustainable, resilient cities. 🌱 🏙

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    Livia Shamir, Director of the Research Department at Stefano Boeri Architetti, has been awarded the European Young Urban Forester Award 2024! Congrats Livia Shamir! The award was established in 2010 by the European Forum on Urban Forestry (EFUF) and is given annually to recognize the exceptional contribution of an individual under the age of 40 in the field of urban forestry practice and research. The Research Department of Stefano Boeri Architetti is dedicated to studying and promoting urban forestry practices in Italy and Europe, with projects as Parco Italia, a vision that aims to extend urban forestry to the 15 metropolitan areas; HeritACT – Heritage Activation Through Engaging Experiences Towards Sustainable Development, a project funded by the European Commission for the co-production of highly innovative public space installations; and ELABORATOR Project, an initiative funded by the European Union’s Horizon program for designing inclusive, safe, accessible, and sustainable urban mobility. Livia Shamir, Director del Dipartimento di Ricerca di Stefano Boeri Architetti, è stata insignita del premio European Young Urban Forester Award 2024!  Congratulazioni Livia Shamir! Il premio è stato istituito nel 2010 dal European Forum on Urban Forestry (EFUF) e viene assegnato annualmente al per riconoscere l’eccezionale contributo di un individuo di età inferiore ai 40 anni al settore della forestazione urbana in Europa. Il Dipartimento di Ricerca di Stefano Boeri Architetti è impegnato nello studio e nella diffusione delle pratiche di forestazione in Italia ed Europa, attraverso progetti come Parco Italia, visione che prevede di sviluppare corridoi ecologici tra le 15 aree metropolitane italiane; HeritACT– Heritage Activation Through Engaging Experiences Towards Sustainable Development, progetto finanziato dalla Commissione europea per la co-produzione di installazioni di spazi pubblici altamente innovativi; o ELABORATOR Project, un’iniziativa finanziata dal programma Horizon dell’Unione Europea per la progettazione di una mobilità urbana inclusiva, sicura, accessibile e sostenibile.

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    🌍 Stefano Boeri Architetti‘s ‘Urban Oasis’ masterplan has been chosen to revitalize a former industrial area in Bratislava. The project will create a new central hub for the city through a large public park surrounded by green buildings. The winning design was chosen in an international competition for the development of the Chalupkova district. Despite its prime location, Chalupkova has remained largely abandoned for decades. The Urban Oasis project aims to transform it into a thriving neighborhood with contemporary architecture and a focus on green public space, renewable energy, urban forestry and sustainable water management. The project recalls Stefano Boeri’s proposal for the ‘Archipelago metropolis’ , envisioning neighborhoods as self-sufficient hubs with clean energy production, mixed - use activities, and a strong connection to nature. Pietro Chiodi, partner at Stefano Boeri Architetti, highlights the project’s focus on creating a high-quality public space while also considering factors like noise pollution, sunlight optimization The park is designed to be a flexible and attractive space that also contributes to regulating the microclimate of the neighborhood. From designboom 🇮🇹 Il masterplan “Urban Oasis” di Stefano Boeri Architetti è stato scelto per rivitalizzare un'ex area industriale di Bratislava. Il progetto creerà un nuovo polo centrale per la città attraverso un grande parco pubblico circondato da edifici verdi. Il progetto vincitore è stato scelto in un concorso internazionale per lo sviluppo del quartiere di Chalupkova. Nonostante la sua posizione strategica, Chalupkova è rimasto in gran parte abbandonato per decenni. Il progetto Urban Oasis mira a trasformarlo in un quartiere fiorente con un'architettura contemporanea e un'attenzione particolare allo spazio pubblico verde, alle energie rinnovabili, alla forestazione urbana e alla gestione sostenibile delle acque. Il progetto richiama la proposta di Stefano Boeri per la “metropoli arcipelago”, immaginando quartieri come poli autosufficienti con produzione di energia pulita, attività a uso misto e una forte connessione con la natura. Pietro Chiodi, partner di Stefano Boeri Architetti, sottolinea l'attenzione del progetto per la creazione di uno spazio pubblico di alta qualità, tenendo conto anche di fattori come l'inquinamento acustico e l'ottimizzazione della luce solare Il parco è stato progettato per essere uno spazio flessibile e attrattivo che contribuisce anche a regolare il microclima del quartiere. Penta Real Estate A project by: Stefano Boeri Architetti Landscape design: GROSS.MAX

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    🌎 5th June- We won first place in the competition for the development of Chalupkova, a former industrial area in the centre of Bratislava. Urban Oasis envisages a new neighbourhood developed around a public park open to all and will host 1,300 flats, commercial activities and public functions. The definition of the volumes and the articulation of the façades are developed from the need to shelter the central courtyard from the high wind and noise pollution of the surrounding streets, while maximising the entry of direct light into the courtyard. In addition to the park, a green ring around the perimeter of the lot acts as a filter between the buildings and the street, while green terraces and roofs contribute to the presence of trees and plants, to increase ecosystem benefits such as the absorption of particulate matter and the regulation of the microclimate. Urban Oasis will be a new centrality for Bratislava, open and permeable to the flows of everyday life. 🇮🇹5 giugno– Abbiamo vinto il primo posto nel concorso per lo sviluppo di Chalupkova, un’ex area industriale nel centro di Bratislava. Urban Oasis prevede un nuovo quartiere sviluppato attorno ad un parco pubblico aperto a tutti e ospiterà 1300 appartamenti, attività commerciali e funzioni pubbliche. La definizione dei volumi e l’articolazione delle facciate si sviluppano a partire dall’esigenza di riparare la corte centrale dall’elevata ventosità e dall’inquinamento acustico delle strade circostanti, massimizzando allo stesso tempo l’ingresso della luce diretta nella corte. Oltre al parco, un anello verde lungo il perimetro del lotto funge da filtro tra gli edifici e la strada, mentre terrazze e tetti verdi contribuiscono ad implementare la presenza di alberi e piante, per incrementare i benefici ecosistemici quali l’assorbimento di polveri sottili e la regolazione del microclima. Urban Oasis sarà una nuova centralità per Bratislava, aperta e permeabile ai flussi della vita quotidiana. Penta Real Estate A project by: Stefano Boeri Architetti Landscape design: GROSS.MAX

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    Simone Marchetti, membro del team di Ricerca di Stefano Boeri Architetti, ha partecipato alla conferenza annuale European Forum on Urban Forestry (EFUF), tenutasi dal 21 al 25 maggio 2024 a Zagabria, Croazia. Nella giornata del 23 maggio, dedicata a “Foreste Urbane per un Domani Sostenibile”, Simone Marchetti ha presentato il progetto Parco Italia, sviluppato da Stefano Boeri Architetti e Fondazione AlberItalia. Parco Italia è un programma nazionale di afforestazione, riforestazione e rinaturalizzazione di aree urbane, periurbane ed extraurbane, che ha l’obiettivo di estendere, collegare, proteggere e gestire in modo sostenibile la rete di aree naturali, aree protette, corridoi ecologici e foreste in Italia. Per maggiori informazioni:

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    🇮🇹 Il 22 maggio si celebra la Giornata Mondiale della Biodiversità, nata con lo scopo di preservare gli ecosistemi marini e terrestri. La forestazione urbana, in tutte le sue forme, dà benefici a tutte le specie viventi: maggiore è la diversità di specie di alberi in città, maggiori sono i servizi ecosistemici cruciali per la salute di tutte le specie, animali e vegetali. Come può l’architettura contribuire a implementare la biodiversità? Wonderwoods Vertical Forest è un caso di progettazione per la coesistenza tra le specie, dove 30 specie di fauna – tra uccelli, api e farfalle – tornano a vivere in città. Con le 50mila piante di specie autoctone differenti, equivalenti a un ettaro di bosco, Wonderwoods è un’architettura viva con facciate cangianti nella composizione cromatica e nelle dimensioni delle chiome. È un ecosistema urbano, presidio per la biodiversità delle specie viventi, soprattutto dei volatili dei cieli olandesi che trovano riparo nei fori circolari realizzati nelle facciate. 🌎 May 22 marks World Biodiversity Day, which was established for the purpose of preserving marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Urban forestation, in all its forms, benefits all living species: the greater the diversity of tree species in the city, the greater the ecosystem services crucial to the health of all species, animal and plant. How can architecture help implement biodiversity? Wonderwoods Vertical Forest is a design case for species coexistence, where 30 species of fauna-including birds, bees, and butterflies-return to the city. With the 50 thousand plants of different native species, equivalent to one hectare of forest, Wonderwoods is a living architecture with changing facades in color composition and canopy size. It is an urban ecosystem, a garrison for the biodiversity of living species, especially the birds of the Dutch skies that find shelter in the circular holes made in the facades. G&S Vastgoed Laura Gatti INBO Terberg Totaal Installaties Koninklijke Ginkel Groep

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    HeritACT, a European Union-funded project, was activated on January 11, 2024, an initiative to connect the past and future of cities by activating cultural and historical heritage with participatory experiences and innovative design to facilitate sustainable urban development. Stefano Boeri Architetti’s Research Department will develop, in collaboration with UoP, an innovative framework for the co-production of highly innovative public space installations and will be the partner responsible for the implementation roadmap of the pilot project. HeritACT are the common actions to create more sustainable and equitable lifestyles in creative and inclusive settings. Within the  New European Bauhaus macro-field, 15 partners in 5 European countries will collaborate together for 3 years. The goal i11s to integrate 9 solutions and 7 digital tools that promote inclusive and sustainable cultural-historical heritage in 3 pilot cities in Europe. The pilot cities – Milan (Italy), Ballina (Ireland) and Elefsina (Greece)-will become living laboratories for urban transformation. Leveraging the synergy between innovative architectural design and cultural practices. HeritACT aims to facilitate harmonious and balanced urban development that respects its history and culture. In Elefsina, the initiative aims to engage neighborhoods in cultural and urban planning initiatives, focusing on inclusion through innovative and sustainable design actions. In Ballina, the project explores the potential of institutional buildings as diffuse centers supporting the European Green Deal and the New European Bauhaus in Irish cities. In Milan, on the other hand, the project focuses on farmsteads as historical and cultural heritage and their enhancement through nature-based solutions (NBS) and participatory design installations. For more information:

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    How to make cities more liveable, greener and healthier? 🌿 In Cagliari, the currently under construction “green promenade” project envisions a new system of pedestrian avenues and tree-lined squares along the seafront. Through the creation of a new park open to the city, Via Roma - today a barrier of asphalt, impermeable and difficult in terms of accessibility - becomes a connection between the waterfront and the main public functions facing it, enhancing the entire axis from a cultural, social and environmental point of view. In addition to preserving the existing vegetation, the project envisages the planting of 200 new trees and 4,300 square metres of green areas; the selected trees, with their tall canopies, favour the view of the sea and help to diminish the heat island effect and considerably improve the local microclimate. The intervention is the result of the tender won by the group led by MATE Soc Coop va with Stefano Boeri Architetti, Studiosilva Srl, S.T.P, MIC-HUB and the archaeologist Demis Massimiliano Murgia. Come trasformare le città, per renderle più vivibili, verdi e sane? 🌿 A Cagliari il progetto “promenade verde”, in cantiere, immagina sul lungomare un nuovo sistema di viali pedonali e piazze alberate. Attraverso la creazione di un nuovo parco aperto alla città, via Roma - ad oggi una barriera di asfalto, impermeabile e difficilmente accessibile - diventa un elemento di connessione tra il waterfront e le principali funzioni pubbliche che vi si affacciano, valorizzando l’intero asse dal punto di vista culturale, sociale e ambientale. Oltre al mantenimento della vegetazione presente, il progetto prevede la piantagione di 200 nuovi alberi e 4.300 mq di aree verdi; gli alberi selezionati, dotati di chiome alte, favoriscono la visuale sul mare e contribuiscono a ridurre l’effetto isola di calore e migliorare notevolmente il microclima locale. L’intervento è oggetto della gara vinta dal raggruppamento guidato da MATE Soc Coop va con Stefano Boeri Architetti, Studiosilva Srl, S.T.P, MIC-HUB e l’Archeologo Demis Massimiliano Murgia.

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    Foresight, the website of the CMCC Foundation - Centro Euro Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change), publishes an interview by Francesco Bassetti and Davide Michielin with Livia Shamir, Head of Research Department at Stefano Boeri Architetti, entitled “Spreading the roots: Urban forests link cities with nature.” The article focuses on the benefits of forests, urban trees, parks, and gardens in cities, which constitute a complex and interconnected system whose benefits go far beyond aesthetics. If managed properly, they can play a vital role in climate regulation and biodiversity conservation in urban environments. Building on this premise and citing the Bosco Verticale in Milan as the first example of a shift in approach towards integrating living nature into cities, the interview considers various aspects of urban forestry, also addressing issues of environmental justice and equity, to promote inclusive and resilient urban environments for future generations. “The interconnectedness of ecological systems is essential for the full functionality of urban green spaces, which offer a suite of ecosystem services with multidimensional benefits. Urban forests, for instance, play a crucial role in mitigating the impacts of climate change and reducing risks to infrastructure and urban systems. Their contributions are manifold, including regulating and managing stormwater, sequestering carbon, and mitigating the effects of urban heat islands through temperature regulation. These benefits are crucial in the context of global efforts to combat climate change, highlighting the role of urban areas in broader environmental sustainability strategies,” states Livia Shamir. To read the full article:

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