Rujak Center for Urban Studies

Rujak Center for Urban Studies

Arsitektur dan Perencanaan

For better cities, everyone is invited!

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Rujak is dedicated to the building of a better, sustainable Jakarta. It is a space where ideas, actions, questions, know-how’s, challenges and solutions are shared to transform Jakarta into a sustainable metropolis. We believe that plenty of them there among us. We believe that every one of us, both individually and collectively, can do a lot to change the metropolis, if we share them. Rujak sedang kami bangun untuk membantu kita semua berbagi gagasan, tindakan, pertanyaan, know-how, tantangan dan solusi, membuat Jakarta menjadi metropolis yang lebih baik, berkelanjutan. Kami percaya bahwa banyak dari semua itu ada beredar di kalangan masyarakat luas. Kami percaya bahwa kita semua, masing-masing maupun secara kolektif, dapat berbuat banyak kalau kita berbagi semua itu bersama.

Arsitektur dan Perencanaan
Ukuran perusahaan
11-50 karyawan
Tahun Pendirian
Participatory Planning, Urban Advocacy, Community Architect


Karyawan di Rujak Center for Urban Studies


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    951 pengikut

    IT'S WRAPPED! A five-day workshop for our collaborative project in Jakarta deepened our understanding of how Jakarta coastal residents process transformation in the face of climate change impacts. Is Jakarta sinking? Well, it isn't very easy. From 10 to 14 July, we uncovered new insights into climate adaptation within transdisciplinary contexts that show the many aspects that are put into the situation we face. Especially from a scientific perspective, practice models are contesting for sustainable and socially integrated climate adaptation. Now is the time for Haratua Zosran's artistic approach to play into perspective. There will be much discussion and collaboration with Haratua while he continues his residency at one Jakarta coastal community, Kampung Susun Akuarium. Thanks to Jan-Philipp Possmann, Teresa Erbach, Elisa Sutanudjaja, Dian Tri Irawaty, Ph.D., Hilke Marit Berger, Jessica Fritz, City Science Lab, Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS), and all Rujak Center for Urban Studies partners that involved in Artist in Residence (AIR) Program JAKARTA SINKING (?)(!) (Pictures photographed by Halifaldza Jaladri)

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  • Thank you, JP! It was a pleasure to finally meet you and the team in person. Jakarta's complexities are indeed vast and often surprising, we hope through this ongoing collaborative experience we can gain a true understanding of the situation and make meaningful progress for the cities. See you today!

    The fastest sinking city or what? So finally, I am here, in the notorious "fastest sinking city of them all: #Jakarta. Our wonderful local partner Rujak Center for Urban Studies with the lovely Elisa Sutanudjaja takes us and a dozen young, devoted, bright Indonesian urbanists on a tour through the wondrously winding alleys of that impossible place. And of course - nothing is quite what it seems and nothing is what you expected. The famous mosque left outside the seawall - a media stunt. A great city by the sea - but nobody ever goes to the seashore or seems to even care. Jakarta is sinking ever faster - well not really, but let's stick to the plot, please! I believe there's nothing as good as getting proven wrong and learning from the place and the people who live there. That's why local knowledge and heritage is so valuable for climate adaptation. You can't beat the street! with Teresa Erbach, Hilke Marit Berger, City Science Lab, Forschungsinstitut für Nachhaltigkeit (RIFS), Haratua Zosran, Jessica Fritz

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  • Thank you, Rissa Listy Andini, for sharing your insightful experience with us! It's inspiring to hear about the impactful discussions during the program and hands-on learning during our events. Kudos to all participants and mentors; let's make a future of decent housing for all! #CollaborativePlanning #UrbanStudies #AffordableHousing #SustainableCities

    Lihat profil Rissa Listy Andini, grafis

    Individual Consultant at Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning | Staff of Media and Creative Center at IAP

    🏘️ Collaborative Planning: 1001 Ways to Provide Affordable Housing in Crowded Urban Areas 🏘️ 🎏 Some of you may have forgotten about the struggles of Kampung Akuarium residents to stay in their homeland and secure their right to live peacefully. Recently, Kampung Bayam residents have been facing a similar crisis, even being forced to leave their flats. This not only highlights complex land rights issues but also threatens their livelihoods. 👨👩👧👦 A decent, healthy, and livable settlement with proper security is a basic need for everyone. In this fast-paced city development, space is shrinking while the number of people and activities in the city is growing. We need more than seven-story public housing that frequently targets the wrong group of people and ends up with countless empty units. In other words, we must consider the social aspects as well as the physical aspects. 🔄Collaborative planning is a strategic approach that emphasizes a participatory process where everyone is involved in every step. Local governments, experts, the private sector, and residents all play a role in shaping future housing developments that meet everyone’s needs. Innovative strategies will emerge to incorporate different perspectives and resources to find the best alternative solutions for ensuring sustainable communities. Vertical housing is crucial to accommodate overcrowded urban areas. 🔎In Batch 12 of "Kelas Perencanaan Bersama" held by Rujak Center for Urban Studies, I learned a lot about creative ways to address such problems. We covered general issues in Kampung Kota, agrarian reform, related policies, financing, institutional frameworks, collaborative planning strategies, zoning policies, and more. Besides, I had the opportunity to take a walking tour of Kampung Susun Akuarium with the other participants. As a final task, we conducted a public presentation on our group assignment using Kampung Rawa and other Settlements in Jakarta that have the same characteristics, as a case study. At this time, the residents of each Kampung came to give feedback on the Public Presentation. Kudos to all Rujak Center for Urban Studies mentors and team! Especially Mrs. Elisa Sutanudjaja as Kampung Rawa mentors herself and helps the team to keep on track! I give my heartfelt thanks to Rujak Center for Urban Studies for giving us this opportunity on their 14th anniversary! 👤 Anyway, alongside the residents' eagerness, one thing I always keep in mind from this training is that 'Political Will' plays a crucial role in making collaborative planning successful. Kampung Susun Akuarium has demonstrated the success of collaborative planning despite the challenges. Once again, this has been an exciting experience for me! To many more discussions on settlement planning and how to provide decent housing for all people, I hope this opportunity comes to me again! 👀 looking forward to meeting with many more amazing people! #collaborativeplanning #affordablehousing

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    Lihat halaman organisasi World Habitat , grafis

    3.537 pengikut

    Today we had the privilege of taking Dian Tri Irawaty, Ph.D. from the Rujak Center for Urban Studies (Indonesia's first ever housing cooperative) to meet St Clements (London's first ever Community Land Trust). We discussed legal models and how its important to bring people from communities together. It was agreed that regardless of whether you are from Jakarta's kampungs or the expensive estates of London, well-being is greatly improved by using collective spaces. Abigail Stoltzfus Yiorgos Papamanousakis Louise Winterburn Elisa Sutanudjaja Vidya Tanny Community Land Trust Network

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  • Rujak Center for Urban Studies membagikan ini

    Lihat profil Rissa Listy Andini, grafis

    Individual Consultant at Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning | Staff of Media and Creative Center at IAP

    🏘️ Collaborative Planning: 1001 Ways to Provide Affordable Housing in Crowded Urban Areas 🏘️ 🎏 Some of you may have forgotten about the struggles of Kampung Akuarium residents to stay in their homeland and secure their right to live peacefully. Recently, Kampung Bayam residents have been facing a similar crisis, even being forced to leave their flats. This not only highlights complex land rights issues but also threatens their livelihoods. 👨👩👧👦 A decent, healthy, and livable settlement with proper security is a basic need for everyone. In this fast-paced city development, space is shrinking while the number of people and activities in the city is growing. We need more than seven-story public housing that frequently targets the wrong group of people and ends up with countless empty units. In other words, we must consider the social aspects as well as the physical aspects. 🔄Collaborative planning is a strategic approach that emphasizes a participatory process where everyone is involved in every step. Local governments, experts, the private sector, and residents all play a role in shaping future housing developments that meet everyone’s needs. Innovative strategies will emerge to incorporate different perspectives and resources to find the best alternative solutions for ensuring sustainable communities. Vertical housing is crucial to accommodate overcrowded urban areas. 🔎In Batch 12 of "Kelas Perencanaan Bersama" held by Rujak Center for Urban Studies, I learned a lot about creative ways to address such problems. We covered general issues in Kampung Kota, agrarian reform, related policies, financing, institutional frameworks, collaborative planning strategies, zoning policies, and more. Besides, I had the opportunity to take a walking tour of Kampung Susun Akuarium with the other participants. As a final task, we conducted a public presentation on our group assignment using Kampung Rawa and other Settlements in Jakarta that have the same characteristics, as a case study. At this time, the residents of each Kampung came to give feedback on the Public Presentation. Kudos to all Rujak Center for Urban Studies mentors and team! Especially Mrs. Elisa Sutanudjaja as Kampung Rawa mentors herself and helps the team to keep on track! I give my heartfelt thanks to Rujak Center for Urban Studies for giving us this opportunity on their 14th anniversary! 👤 Anyway, alongside the residents' eagerness, one thing I always keep in mind from this training is that 'Political Will' plays a crucial role in making collaborative planning successful. Kampung Susun Akuarium has demonstrated the success of collaborative planning despite the challenges. Once again, this has been an exciting experience for me! To many more discussions on settlement planning and how to provide decent housing for all people, I hope this opportunity comes to me again! 👀 looking forward to meeting with many more amazing people! #collaborativeplanning #affordablehousing

  • Rujak Center for Urban Studies membagikan ini

    Lihat halaman organisasi Jakarta Smart City, grafis

    7.776 pengikut

    Anak muda sulit punya rumah? Kenaikan harga rumah yang melejit menjadi salah satu alasan mengapa generasi milenial sulit mempunyai rumah. Namun, ternyata ada alasan lain mengapa milenial masih sulit punya rumah. JSCTalks Podcast Episode 4 kali ini, kita bakal membahas topik "Hunian Terjangkau untuk Milenial di Jakarta". Bareng Ibu Meli Budiastuti, Kepala Unit Pengelola Dana, Dinas Perumahan Rakyat dan Kawasan Permukiman Provinsi DKI Jakarta dan Mbak Elisa Sutanudjaja , Executive Director at Rujak Center for Urban Studies. Mereka akan berbagi mengenai tantangan dan peluang bagi milenial memiliki hunian, pilih sewa atau beli hunian, sampai solusi kepemilikan hunian terjangkau di Jakarta. Watch/listen on Jakarta Smart City YouTube Channel! #JakartaSmartCity #jsctalkspodcast #rumahdijakarta #jakartakotaglobal#dinasperumahanjakarta #suksesjakartauntukindonesia

  • Rujak Center for Urban Studies membagikan ini

    Lihat halaman organisasi World Habitat , grafis

    3.537 pengikut

    Today we had the privilege of taking Dian Tri Irawaty, Ph.D. from the Rujak Center for Urban Studies (Indonesia's first ever housing cooperative) to meet St Clements (London's first ever Community Land Trust). We discussed legal models and how its important to bring people from communities together. It was agreed that regardless of whether you are from Jakarta's kampungs or the expensive estates of London, well-being is greatly improved by using collective spaces. Abigail Stoltzfus Yiorgos Papamanousakis Louise Winterburn Elisa Sutanudjaja Vidya Tanny Community Land Trust Network

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  • JAKARTA SINKING (?)(!) The Rujak Center for Urban Studies (RCUS), in collaboration with HafenCity University, organized a residency program for young artists and researchers. This program supports the exploration of transformative knowledge about the potential of cultural heritage and formats in coastal cities. It will focus on the impacts of rising sea levels and their influence on transformation processes. The program will include a public exhibition in 2025. Are you: - concern for the climate crisis and environmental issues? - working as an artist, cultural or ethnography researcher? or art-related professional with experience in the arts and cultural sector? - under 35 years old? If your answers are YES, we invite you to apply to our artist-in-residence program! Deadline: 28 June 2024 Application Form: Term of Reference: For more information: chat to +6281391967767 or

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