Post de Justin Trudeau

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Justin Trudeau Justin Trudeau est un Influencer

Prime Minister of Canada | Premier ministre du Canada

A fleet of new electric buses is coming to York Region. We’re building a greener, better future here — where people go from work to home a lot faster, with cleaner air at each end. — La région de York aura bientôt un nouveau parc d’autobus électriques. Nous bâtissons un avenir meilleur et plus vert ici, où les gens pourront se rendre du travail à la maison beaucoup plus rapidement et en respirant de l'air plus propre.

  • Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks with a man who is wearing a hi-vis vest. An electric bus is in the background.Le premier ministre Justin Trudeau parle avec un homme qui porte un gilet de haute visibilité. Un autobus électrique se trouve à l'arrière-plan.
William Dahmer

Global Capital Markets | Sales | Trading | Marketing | Structured Finance | Sustainable Investment | Fund Distribution

4 j.

eBuses that are more expensive and less reliable than traditional buses that run on diesel or cleaner burning natural gas. Edmonton's buses don't run when it is very cold. So they need back up diesel buses in winter. The school buses in the Maritimes could not keep warm inside. Half of them were out of service at any given time. Again, requiring back up buses, and a mixed fleet that is more expensive to maintain. Another unnecessary burden for taxpayers. Not sure why taxpayers in Alberta, Saskatchewan or Newfoundland should be subsidizing eBuses in York, Ontario, and paying taxes for their own public transport as well?

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Good luck. Check with Edmonton to see how that goes.

Gary coers

--NDT Inspector CGSB L2 MT

5 j.

And how much is this little tidbit costing the taxpayer.....and the buses are coming from one of the plants taxpayers invested heavily in???? Probably why would we want to support our own industries/business

Ken Grysiuk

Education Assistant at Lord Selkirk School Division

4 j.

Great but when will you address the inhuman policy regime of the WCB. Making Injured worker’s return to work with serious unhealed injuries which become worse most times, harming the injured worker for life as a result …why & how does that happen… Cuz WCB Policy says they can! It happens cuz a policy can force a good case worker to make unethical choices because they have no options… It is their job or the injured workers life… it is wrong to push against the vulnerable injured worker who either doesn’t know how to stand up for themselves or just doesn’t know they can excercise their rights. Long time worker with a solid employment history has a serious injury & ends up with a life long disability…life changes…the families of these people are negatively impacted…injured workers who get hurt in the late 40’s early 50’s often don’t have a pension & at age 65…WCB cuts off the disability benefits & now at the age of 65 after losing their normal healthy life with opportunities to gain & invest in their life…it is all gone cuz of the workplace accident so they suffer until age 65 & then wsib cuts off the wage-loss disability benefits & as the elderly injured worker with a disability is left with minimal financial supports… 💩

This guy is going door to door and taking credit for himself. :-) There is a building construction in my neighbourhood, do you want to go take a picture?

Zaher Juma

Chartered Professional Accountant

5 j.

It is very easy to criticize someone because it doesn’t cost anything. But the best of us is one who will roll up his sleeves and say you know this is my country and I am going to make it a better place for us all and for the future generations. We have an election coming up soon, those of us who are so critical of the Prime Minister and concerned about this country should sign up to take the lead. We should recall JFK’s historic words, “Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country”. Every Canadian should contribute in some way for the public good instead of espousing negative criticism.

I think we need to ask the Competition Bureau to investigate this claim that battery powered buses are "greener". Seems to me that most EV buses launched in Canada so far have ended up in the junk yard. Hardly green if they don't last as long as ICE buses.


Methods/Planning Engineer. at AlliedOne Industrial Inc

5 j.

Sir. Your priority should be housing and reviewing immigration policies, not electric buses

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