Post de Justin Trudeau

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Justin Trudeau Justin Trudeau est un Influencer

Prime Minister of Canada | Premier ministre du Canada

Leadership matters, and Gov. Wes Moore has been a leader at driving Maryland’s greenhouse gas emissions down. Glad we had the chance to talk in D.C. about what more progressive leaders can do to lower emissions and build up renewables industries. — Le Gov. Wes Moore a pris l’initiative de réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre du Maryland. Je suis heureux d’avoir discuté avec lui de ce que les dirigeants progressistes peuvent faire pour réduire les émissions et bâtir les industries des ressources renouvelables.

  • Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Governor of Maryland, Wes Moore, have a conversation. Both are seated.

Le premier ministre Justin Trudeau et le gouverneur du Maryland, Wes Moore, sont assis et discutent.
Gary Barone

Director Of Manufacturing until site closure June 2021

2 sem.

remember that Maryland is a very different place than Canada. It is small geographically so it's citizens do not have to travel long distances to be with one another to unify. Canadians do. If you don't want a Canada, we can change that & align North/South. Maryland does not have a notable energy industry. Canada has a critical energy industry. Maryland is entirely a coastal state. Much of Canada is landlocked. We could barely be more different in our needs

Rod Marshall B.Sc.

Management Consultant, Investor and Business Advisor

2 sem.

Free advice Justin. You cannot properly throttle wind and solar, nor store it’s energy properly to meet demand. AI and quantum computing will significantly increase energy demand. Natural Gas is much cleaner than coal (which is growing significantly in Asia) and Canada has huge LNG reserves to supply these countries. Wake up and help them get cleaner fuels and admit that renewable energy is too slow, costly and ill equipped to meet the coming demand. You are slowly strangling the Canadian economy (the numbers are stark and clear) while increasing harm to the environment while you operate in fantasy land as you wait.

Dear Justin at one point your Dad Pierre was way down in the polls and he called an election which he lost to P Conservative leader Joe Clark who pretty soon demostrated he could not govern a country like Canada 🇨🇦 because he didn’t even know nor communicate with the french population nor could he develop a comprehensive policy to pass legislation to move forward the economy. 6 moths later Joe Clark lost a vote of confidence in Parliament and had to call an election which your Dad won with a huge mayority and returned to govern the country for a few more years. I think you dont have Biden’s health problems. However, it would be good for you to review your economic growth indicators and take a different approach to immigration. Close the doors to new immigrants for at least a Year and see what happened with the economic growth indicators. Then, look at opening up inmigration only to immigrants with the Skills that are mostly in high demand and that the Canadian Market is not ready to supply as these are low Skills jobs that are required by farmers and industrial towns. You will see the economic growth indicators will turn up so will hope to graduating Canadian students who will be able to find the jobs they are looking for.

Charanjit Singh B.

Business Improvement Coach - We challenge the status quo,LEGO & Experiential Learning, Trained by HONDA Japanese Senseis

2 sem.

Dear Prime Minister, I hope this message finds you well. I would like to propose the facilitation of a group event with the citizens of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) to address and reduce our carbon footprint. This initiative aims to provide a platform where citizens can voice their experiences and challenges in adopting green technologies. As a personal example, I own two electric cars, for which I did not receive any rebates and had to pay additional luxury taxes. This highlights a significant issue where individuals striving to go green are not adequately supported by current government policies. At this group facilitation session, you will have the opportunity to hear directly from the people who are most affected by these policies. Engaging with actual citizens, rather than solely with policymakers, can provide valuable insights and foster greater support for the adoption of new green technologies. Your support in organizing and attending this event would be greatly appreciated by the community. Together, we can work towards creating more effective and supportive policies that encourage a greener future for all. Thank you for your time and consideration. Regards, CJ 416-571-8770

Salman Deumah

Research Assistant at China University of Petroleum, Beijing

2 sem.

Well done, PM. Justin Trudeau, and we wish you continued success.

Canada is 5th largest producer of Crude Oil. We sent our crude oil to US refinery paying $70 barrel. After refinery of crude oil , US sell gas in New Stock exchange price for gasoline per barrel? Why Canada should pay high cost of Gasoline as compare to US ? Why government don't make own big refinery to supply our need ?

You? Consider yourself a leader? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Whoever Governor Wes Moore is, you'll definitely think he's great because you both believe in "climate change". Hope he isn't destroying Maryland like you are destroying Canada. Maryland is lucky however, alot of our nurses and doctors who graduate in Canada, end up being hired by Baltimore hospitals upon graduation. I know a few and they thanked their lucky stars to get hired straight upon graduation and start their internships in Baltimore hospitals. Never came back to Canada and the last I heard, all were happy and doing extremely well in their specialties. Canada's loss, now you will succeed in pushing more out because of your insane capital gains tax. Be proud "leader".

Andrew Lokenauth

I write for 50,000 subscribers ➖ Follow for advice on your career, finances, and life.

2 sem.

Maryland's setting a great example for other states. 

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