The Hague Journal of Diplomacy Article Award


The Hague Journal of Diplomacy Article Award is given to the published research article which best advances the theoretical and/or empirical study of diplomacy.

All research articles published in the two volumes preceding the year in which the Award is given are eligible.

The Jury shall consist of members from the Editorial Board, with an adequate balance in gender, location and seniority. The Editors-in-Chief will ask Editorial Board members to serve on the Jury.

Jury members shall evaluate the eligible articles based on a fixed set of criteria, and each shall submit a ranked shortlist. The Editors-in-Chief will compile the selection from the Jury and determine the winner.

  • The winning article can be accessed Free of Charge electronically for one year.
  • The successful author(s) shall be awarded a certificate and cash prize of 500 Euros.


Prize Winners

For 2021’s Prize winning article see: “The Gendered Networking of Diplomats” by Birgitta Niklasson.

For 2020’s Prize winning article see: “Navigating Discretion: A Diplomatic Practice in Moments of Socio-political rupture” by Judit Kuschnitzki.