Student working in art studio

The Summer term is a great opportunity to pursue an international experience. In addition to offerings at NYU’s global network locations, schools and departments have also created a number of specialized programs in other places, such as Brazil, Greece, and Ireland. You can learn about all of these opportunities and find specific program details at

Student working in music studio

In-Person Course Offerings at NYU Global Sites

Format: In-Person
Course Length: 6 Weeks

NYU’s Summer study away offerings have expanded! Take advantage of the opportunity to earn credits toward your degree while experiencing a new culture and expanding your horizons. New courses from multiple schools are now available around the global network, and enhanced financial aid is available to needy students to help defray travel costs. Find your Summer study away experience here!

Check out the Global in-person course highlights below and learn more about how to study away this summer at the NYU Summer Study Abroad website.

  • FOOD-UE 918X Food, Culture, and Globalization (Accra, FlorenceLondon, or Tel Aviv)
  • CORE-UA 9556 Cultures and Contexts: Germany (Berlin)
  • PRACT-UG 9200 Global Fashion Industry: Italy (Florence)
  • IMBX-SHU 9501 Real-Time Media: Concepts and Production (Los Angeles)
  • ARTH-UA 93X8 Masterpieces in the Prado Museum (in English or Spanish) (Madrid)
  • CSCI-UA 9472 Artificial Intelligence (Paris)
  • HIST-UA 9075 Memorializing American History: Public Memory and the DC National Mall (Washington, DC)


Students studying in dorm room

Global Online Course Offerings

Format: Online (Fully Synchronous)
Course Length: 6 Weeks

Interested in taking a course from one of NYU’s global network sites but not yet ready to commit to studying away? Try a remote course offering at one of NYU's Global sites.

  • POL-UA 9780 Interamerican Relations: Latin America and the United States (taught from Buenos Aires)
  • ECON-UA 9238 International Economics (taught from Florence)
  • FINC-UB 9007 Corporate Finance (taught from London)
  • MGMT-UB 9001 Management and Organizations (taught from Madrid)
  • CSCI-UA 9473 Introduction to Machine Learning (taught from Paris)
  • MCC-UE 9008 Video Game Economies (taught from Prague)
  • MKTG-UB 9001 Intro to Marketing (taught from Sydney)

Register directly in Albert — no application required — or email with any questions or requests for assistance. Explore the complete list of remote global site courses at our website.

Group of students studying abroad

Global Summer Internships

Looking for a summer internship that will supercharge your resume? NYU’s global network is stacked with unique and international opportunities that will put you at the top of the heap.

  • Washington, DC is the place to learn government and politics, but it’s also a key hub for NGOs, international finance and development, museums and the arts, and more. You’ll get academic credit while taking a key step toward a future career at one of NYU’s under-the-radar global sites. Check out the many internship opportunities in DC.
  • Gain a leg up in the entertainment industry with a summer internship through NYU Los Angeles, where you can also take courses and connect with NYU’s 15,000+ strong alumni community in Southern California. Start your LA journey.
  • NYU Accra and NYU Tel Aviv can help you find an international internship that will set you apart in a variety of professional fields. Check out the internship opportunities for all students in Accra and Tel Aviv.
  • For students who have an EU passport and can arrange their own internship in Europe, NYU’s Summer European Internship Program can help you get academic credit for the experience. More information is available in the Summer 2022 study away application, or you can email And, as always, European internships are available for non-EU passport holders as part of Fall and Spring study away.

For questions about global internships, whether this Summer or any term, you can always email