Highlights for:  2024  |  2023  |  2022

2024 Highlights

Establishment of Global AI Frontier Lab

On May 30, 2024, Minister of Science and ICT Dr. Jong-Ho Lee and President Linda G. Mills announced the establishment of the Global AI Frontier Lab. The Lab will be based in NYU facilities in Brooklyn and draw top AI researchers from the U.S., Korea, and around the world. The Institute of Information and Communication Technology Planning and Evaluation (IITP) President Hong Jin-bae and NYU signed a Memorandum of Agreement to establish the Lab and to outline its structure and operating guidelines. The Lab will be led by two AI scholars from NYU’s esteemed Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Center for Data ScienceYann LeCun, a Turing Prize-winning professor at NYU and Meta’s chief AI scientist, and Kyunghyun Cho, winner of the Samsung Ho-Am Award for Engineering, senior director of Frontier Research at Genentech, and a graduate of KAIST.

NYU Postdoc Collaborative Grant Program

In July 2024, NYU will welcome two postdoctoral research fellows from KAIST as part of the NYU Postdoc Collaborative Grant Program. This innovative collaboration among NYU Abu Dhabi, NYU Shanghai, and NYU-KAIST will provide researchers from across NYU’s global network with new opportunities to enhance their research perspectives, expand their professional networks, and explore future career pathways. 

Funded by the NYU-KAIST Global Innovation and Research Institute, the KAIST fellows will spend three weeks at NYU’s Brooklyn campus working alongside NYU faculty members who belong to one of NYU-KAIST’s 12 Research Groups. In addition to their lab work, the fellows will attend networking events and receive career mentoring sessions throughout their stay.

NYU Visit to Korean Consultate

On March 6, 2024, Consul General Euy Whan Kim of New York hosted NYU President Linda G. Mills at his official residence for dinner.  They discussed ways to enhance cooperation in education and human exchange via the partnership between KAIST and New York University.

NYU-KAIST Research Group Workshop

On January 11, 2024, the second annual NYU-KAIST Research Group Workshop brought together over 50 faculty from NYU and KAIST from all 12 joint research groups to deepen and expand collaboration. Representatives from each group shared overviews of their work over the previous year, as well as goals for future projects over the upcoming year.

2023 Highlights

AI & Digital Business Partnership

In September 2023, His Excellency Yoon Suk Yeol returned to NYU’s campus to announce an MOU on the Establishment of the AI & Digital Business Partnership between the Korean Institutions and NYU. The objective of the MOU is to foster promising businesses in the AI and digital fields and to conduct world-class AI research. President Yoon was joined by the Honorable Maria Torres Springer, Deputy Mayor of New York City; the Honorable Sethuraman Panchanathan, Director of the National Science Foundation; Linda G. Mills, NYU President; Professor Yann LeCun, Meta Chief AI Scientist & NYU Center for Data Science & Courant Institute; and Joon-hee Cho, President of the Korea Software Industry Association.

2022 Highlights

NYU and KAIST Kick Off Partnership 
(September 21, 2022)

Establishment of NYU-KAIST Partnership

On September 21, 2022, New York University and KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) celebrated their new partnership at an event that included South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol, New York City Mayor Eric Adams, NYU Board of Trustees Chair William R. Berkley, NYU President Andrew Hamilton, and KAIST President Lee Kwang Hyung. The event also included the signing of a cooperation agreement with the City of New York by the KAIST delegation.