Hate Has No Place at NYU

Some tragedies unite us; others divide us. But NYU is where the world converges and our differences are navigated through respectful dialogue, learning, and reflection. NYU is home to many things, but it is not a home for hatred, harassment, or intimidation. All students deserve the opportunity to live and learn in peace. Confident that we are a foundation of civil discourse, we want to emphasize our University’s standing as a place of free expression, mutual respect, and security. 

University-Wide Resources

A selection of relevant tools, programs, support services, and offerings.

Allyship and Understanding

NYU offers interactive, in-person group courses and workshops designed to provide students, faculty, and staff with practical education, research, skills, and tools to explore concepts related to identity, diversity, and community. Trainings include Faith ZoneFaith Zone IIJewish Ally Zone, and Muslim Ally Zone


Created in collaboration with more than 50 NYU students, "How We Engage" is an initiative anchored by a short film that highlights specific guidance, mindsets, and approaches to help students skillfully navigate a range of experiences.

Bias Response Line

The New York University Bias Response Line provides a mechanism through which NYU students, faculty, and staff can share or report experiences and concerns of bias, discrimination, or harassing behavior that may occur within our community.

Campus Safety

NYU's Department of Campus Safety is committed to providing safety and security for our community and property, enabling the pursuit of academic and professional goals. In addition to on-site Campus Safety Officers across NYU buildings, services include free campus shuttlesSafe Ride, and the victim services unit

Community and Support

Students needing academic assistance should contact their faculty directly. Any student who requires additional support navigating their academics or university life should reach out to the Office of the Dean of Students at deanofstudents@nyu.edu. Students are also encouraged to take advantage of various spaces across the University, including the Center for Multicultural Education and Programs, the Bronfman Center, the Islamic Center at NYU, and the Center for Global Spiritual Life


Students can contact the NYU Wellness Exchange 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Faculty and Staff may similarly access counseling services through the Employee Assistance Program.

Policies and Guidelines

Because NYU is, first and foremost, a place of teaching, learning, and scholarship, we reaffirm — amidst a concerning rise in hate and intimidation nationally and internationally — our expectations for student conduct. NYU will continue to enforce our long-established rules. We have and will continue to discipline those who violate them, while keeping individual cases confidential. 

Messages to the Community

The following are statements made by NYU leadership and others since October 7 about the attacks on Israel and related issues:

Speech by President Mills at an event hosted by the Chairs of the Tenured/Tenure Track Faculty Senators Council and the Full-Time Continuing Contract Faculty Senators Council:

Letter from SVP Jason Pina to NYU students:

Letter from President Mills on Spring 2024:

Letters regarding NYU's rules on conduct and our policies on non-discrimination and anti-harassment:

Reminder of Guidance and Expectations on Student Conduct by Senior Vice President for University Life Jason Pina:

Announcement by President Mills of the new NYU Center for the Study of Antisemitism:

In response to photos of people in Washington Square Park holding antisemitic signs:

NYU's 10-Point Plan for student safety and wellbeing, and commitment to enforcing campus rules of conduct:

Messages to the NYU community about keeping safe:

In response to GSOC's Statement of October 9:

In response to the letter sent by the president of the NYU Law Student Bar Association:

In response to the Hamas attacks on Israel:
Statement from President Linda Mills and NYU Board of Trustees Chair Evan Chesler (October 8, 2023; updated October 10, 2023)

Additional Resources: