Contact Information for Global Network Faculty Leaders

Several senior faculty members have full- or part-time leadership roles related to the global network at the University level. Please reach out to any of us to discuss starting a study away program for your students, enhancing current offerings, connecting with the sites to support your research, or any other question. We will answer directly or connect you to colleagues who can best answer your question(s). If you’re unsure of whom to contact, you can also always reach the Office of Global Programs at

Eliot Borenstein, Vice Chancellor and Vice Provost for Global Programs 

Russian and Slavic Studies and East Asian Studies, FAS

Eliot oversees the strategic and academic planning for the Office of Global Programs.

Rogan Kersh, Associate Vice Chancellor for Global Programs

Political Science, Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service

Rogan is responsible for developing a research agenda, graduate education programs, fundraising/alumni development, and government and community relations on behalf of NYU.

Niyati Parekh, Associate Vice Provost of Faculty Initiatives
Public Health, School of Global Public Health

Niyati helps to enhance faculty engagement across NYU’s twelve global sites and leads other faculty initiatives for Global Programs.

Marianne Petit, Associate Vice Chancellor for Global Network Academic Planning
ITP/IMA, Tisch

Marianne focuses on undergraduate academic development and programming at the global sites.

Zvi Ben-Dor Benite, Associate Vice Chancellor for Global Network Faculty Planning
History and Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, FAS

Zvi helps coordinate faculty hiring at NYU Abu Dhabi and NYU Shanghai and works to expand faculty circulation among NYU's three degree-granting campuses.