NYU Shanghai

Global Seed Grants for Collaborative Research

The University has announced awards to 26 teams of faculty in its new Global Seed Grants for Collaborative Research competition established by the Provost of NYU, together with the Provosts of NYU Abu Dhabi and NYU Shanghai. The winning teams were selected from among 45 teams involving 111 faculty members who submitted applications for this competition.

The aim of this program is to support research that strengthens collaborations among the schools at NYU in New York and the portals at NYU Abu Dhabi and NYU Shanghai, to develop research capacity across NYU campuses, to gain outlook and knowledge in international settings, and possibly to serve as a platform for obtaining future extramural funding.

The winning teams, each of which has at least two Principal Investigators from at least two separate portals, span the full range of academic disciplines and NYU schools. The awards, typically for two years and starting in April 2016, were made by the Global Collaborative Research Advisory Committee, a committee of faculty from NYU in New York, NYU Abu Dhabi, and NYU Shanghai. They are listed below.

Grant awarded for collaborative research linking NYU Abu Dhabi and NYU Shanghai

  • Xing Tian (Neural & Cognitive Sciences, NYU Shanghai); Diogo Almeida (Psychology, NYU Abu Dhabi) for "The Role of Motor Representations in Short-Term and Long-Term Memory in Speech Perception"

Grants awarded for collaborative research linking NYU New York, NYU Abu Dhabi, and NYU Shanghai

  • Krishnendu Ray (Nutrition & Food Studies and Public Health, Steinhardt); Anna Greenspan (Global China Studies, NYU Shanghai); Mark Swislocki (History, NYU Abu Dhabi) for "DiverseCities: A Digitally Networked Urban Food Lab"
  • Jonardon Ganeri (Philosophy, NYU Abu Dhabi); Brad Weslake (Philosophy, NYU Shanghai); Anthony Appiah (Philosophy, FAS) for "Virtues of Attention: Ethics, Agency, Mind"

Grants awarded for collaborative research linking NYU New York and NYU Shanghai

  • William Glover (Chemistry, NYU Shanghai); John Zhang (Chemistry, NYU Shanghai); Yingkai Zhang (Chemistry, FAS) for "Developing Polarizable Quantum Mechanical Models to Simulate Photochemical Processes"
  • Marianne Petit (Arts, NYU Shanghai); Clara Fernandez-Vara (Game Design, Tisch); Rosanne Limoncelli (Film & Television, Tisch); R. Luke Dubois (Technology, Culture and Society, Tandon) for "Living Stories Through Technology"
  • Tim Byrnes (Physics, NYU Shanghai); Matthew Kleban (Physics, FAS) for "Investigating Cosmic Inflation with Quantum Information"
  • Kyunghyun Cho (Computer Science, Courant); Zheng Zhang (Computer Science & Engineering, NYU Shanghai) for "Model-Free Visual Object Tracking with Recurrent Neural Networks"
  • L. Andrew Wray (Physics, FAS); Andrew Kent (Physics, FAS); Pilkyung Moon (Physics, NYU Shanghai) for "Collaborative Investigation of Novel Topological Insulator Interface Physics"
  • Steven Lehrer (Economics, NYU Shanghai); David Cesarini (Economics, FAS) for "Specification and Estimation of the Birth Weight Production Function: Understanding the Effects of Inputs from the Health Sector"
  • Jeffrey Erlich (Neuroscience, NYU Shanghai); Robert Froemke (Otolaryngology, School of Medicine) for "Neuromodulatory Influences on Economic Preferences"
  • Xinying Cai (Neural & Cognitive Sciences, NYU Shanghai); Paul Glimcher (Center for Neural Science, FAS) for "Differential Contribution of the Central and Lateral Orbitofrontal Cortex to Economic Choice and Reinforcement Learning"
  • Leif Ristroph (Mathematics, Courant); Jun Zhang (Physics & Mathematics, NYU Shanghai) for "Understanding the Hydrodynamics of Schooling through Physical and Biological Experiments"
  • Eyal Lubetzky (Mathematics, Courant); Vladas Sidoravicius (Mathematics, NYU Shanghai) for "Mixing Time and Motion by Mean Curvature for Glauber Dynamics of the Stochastic Ising Model"

Grants awarded for collaborative research linking NYU New York and NYU Abu Dhabi

  • Nader Masmoudi (Mathematics, Courant); Pierre Germain (Mathematics, Courant); Tej-Eddine Ghoul (Mathematics, NYU Abu Dhabi) for "Asymptotic Behavior of Nonlinear Parabolic Equations"
  • Michail Maniatakos (Electrical and Computational Engineering, NYU Abu Dhabi); Brendan Dolan-Gavitt (Computer Science, Tandon) for "Firmware Emulation Platform for Smart-grid Devices"
  • Rafael Song (Mechanical & Biomedical Engineering, NYU Abu Dhabi); Daniel Malamud (Basic Science and Craniofacial Biology, College of Dentistry) for "Miniaturized Point-of-Care Molecular Diagnostic Device for Rapid and Accurate Detection of Malaria in Low-Resource Settings"
  • Saif Eddin Jabari (Civil Engineering, NYU Abu Dhabi); Samer Madanat (Civil Engineering, NYU Abu Dhabi); Kaan Ozbay (Civil and Urban Engineering, Tandon) for "A Decision-Support System for Resilient Transportation Networks"
  • Elza Erkip (Electrical & Computational Engineering, Tandon); Sundeep Rangan (Electrical & Computational Engineering, Tandon); Hamidou Tembine (Electrical & Computational Engineering, NYU Abu Dhabi) for "Learning and Incentive Mechanisms for Resource Sharing in Millimeter Wave Wireless Networks"
  • Weiqiang Chen (Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Tandon); Mohammad Qasaimeh (Mechanical & Biomedical Engineering, NYU Abu Dhabi) for "Plasmonic-based Microfluidic Biosensor for Immune Cell Phenotyping"
  • Khaled Omar Shahin (Engineering, NYU Abu Dhabi); Nikhil Gupta (Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Tandon) for "Innovative Design Strategies in Additive Manufacturing Techniques for Improved Security, Manufacturability, and Product Functionality"
  • Siddharth Garg (Electrical & Computational Engineering, Tandon); Ozgur Sinanoglu (Electrical & Computational Engineering, NYU Abu Dhabi) for "Provably Secure and Trustworthy Electronics"
  • Mohamed Eid (Electrical & Computational Engineering, NYU Abu Dhabi); Peter Loomer (Periodontology & Implant Dentistry, College of Dentistry) for "A Hepatic-based Simulator for Periodontal Training"
  • Carlos Guedes (Music, NYU Abu Dhabi); Godfried Toussaint (Computer Science, NYU Abu Dhabi); Juan Bello (Music & Performing Arts Professions, Steinhardt); Robert Rowe (Music & Performing Arts Professions, Steinhardt) for "Creation and Analysis of a Digital Repository of Middle Eastern Music"
  • Carol Dysinger (Graduate Film, Tisch); Scandar Copti (Film & New Media, NYU Abu Dhabi) for "NYU Global Documentary Arts"
  • Clayton Curtis (Psychology, FAS); Kartik Sreenivasan (Psychology, NYU Abu Dhabi) for "How Spatial Priority Facilitates Feature-Based Working Memory"
  • Samreen Malik (Economics, NYU Abu Dhabi); Kevin Thom (Economics, FAS) for "Infrastructural Development and Labor Market Response"