The Big Tech Show: Why Eoghan McCabe isn’t the only tech founder endorsing Donald Trump

Donald Trump with Intercom CEO Eoghan McCabe

The Irish tech industry grabbed its popcorn when Intercom co-founder and CEO, Eoghan McCabe, posted a thumbs-up photo with Donald Trump, endorsing the recently-convicted ex-president.

McCabe isn’t alone. Across Silicon Valley, there’s a clear drift of senior figures toward Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential election.

But as Adrian Weckler and JJ Clarke discuss, this shift may have more to do with backing crypto and deregulation than conventionally hot topics such as immigration or the Ukraine war.

You can listen to the full episode here on the Irish Independent website or wherever you get your podcasts.

The Big Tech Show: Why Eoghan McCabe isn’t the only tech founder endorsing Donald Trump

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