Gregans Castle Hotel review: ‘My main is one of the best things I’ve eaten in months. Will they land a Michelin star next year? Quite possibly’

Our critic returns to Co Clare to taste the hotel’s new chef’s outstanding set menu

Gregans Castle Hotel in Ballyvaughan, Co Clare

Katy McGuinness

I last reviewed Gregans Castle back in August 2022 and it would be unusual for me to return so soon had there not been a change of kitchen guard in the meantime. On my last visit, I felt Robbie McCauley was doing a great job. The silver lining of the pandemic was the time it afforded him in the kitchen garden and, in late summer, its bounty was impressive enough to have us townies dreaming of polytunnels and preserving

Since then, McCauley and his wife Sophie have opened their own place, Homestead Cottage, in nearby Doolin. Last month, Michelin rewarded their leap of faith with a shiny new star.