John Fagan: Now is the time to get key tasks done before all hell breaks loose with lambing season in March

John Fagan at his farm in Co Westmeath. Photo: Tom O’Hanlon

John Fagan

I got my quad course done in early January. Being honest, I thought it would be a complete waste of time, but actually I was delighted that I did it and it was a real eye opener in terms of where I stand, both in terms of safety for ourselves and employees, and insurance if you or someone working for you had an accident on the farm. Unless the person using the quad is wearing a helmet and has done a quad safety course, they won’t be covered by insurance in the event of an accident.

Legally you must wear a helmet when you are on a quad. I was aware of this, but when you realise that if something happens to either you or someone working for you, you could leave yourself wide open to your insurance being void, then you get a real dose of reality. Quads are lethal in the wrong hands and young lads — and I was one myself —are pre-disposed to messing, so from now on, when it comes to riding the quad, they can only do so if they wear a helmet and have done a safety course. Otherwise, they’re walking. I would highly recommend getting your course done as soon as possible. Andrew Reilly Cohort Training runs them in Trim, and he is very thorough in the training that he gives, from practical side of riding the bike safely, to familiarising yourself with the mechanics of the quad bike.