Why are landowners considering long-term land leasing?

Teagasc Collaborative Farming Specialist Gordon Peppard has the answer to this and lists the many benefits, including enhanced tax-relief incentives, advantages for the lessee, details on stamping the lease and vital information you should know

Cattle enjoying the weekend sunshine at Castlecomer, Co. KIlkenny on Sunday 27 September 2020. Picture: Alf Harvey.

Gordon Peppard

Profitability of existing enterprise: some farming enterprises may struggle to support a family farm income, and in many situations these farmers are required to work part-time away from the farm to provide an adequate income to support their families.

Successor’s situation There are farms that have no identified successor, or maybe the successor is not ready to take over the farm. The current farmer may want to cut back or retire altogether. Long-term land leasing ensures that ownership of the land is retained should a successor require it in the future.