I tried to overtake a slow-moving tractor and I got rear-ended by the car behind me. Can I sue the tractor driver?

The tractor was doing 30kph and wouldn’t pull over, even with 30 cars stuck behind. And when I tried to pass it, an oncoming car forced me to brake suddenly

'People were getting frustrated, beeping horns and flashing lights, but the guy refused to pull in, even on the rare straight parts where you could overtake'. Photo: Getty

Mary Frances Fahy

Query: On a recent bank holiday visit to our cousins down the country we got stuck behind a slow-moving tractor and trailer. We weren’t the only ones.

There was a line of about 30 cars stuck behind this tractor that was only doing about 30kph. People were getting frustrated, beeping horns and flashing lights, but the guy refused to pull in, even on the rare straight parts where you could overtake.