Gina London: Andrea McLean gave me a masterclass in harnessing resilience and facing fear

Her experiences offer valuable lessons for anyone striving to lead

ITV presenter Andrea McLean. Photo: Getty

Andrea McLean is the host of the ITV show ‘Loose Women’. Photo: Getty

thumbnail: ITV presenter Andrea McLean. Photo: Getty
thumbnail: Andrea McLean is the host of the ITV show ‘Loose Women’. Photo: Getty
Gina London

You may already think you know her from her role hosting ITV’s Loose Women programme, or perhaps you’ve read one of the four books she has written.

Well, stick around – as I’m delighted today to tell even more of the story of presenter and bestselling author Andrea McLean.

We met last month at a women’s leadership retreat in Kent where we were both booked as speakers and we really hit it off.

And since you already know more than enough about me, let me bring you Andrea’s story.

Her experiences offer valuable lessons for anyone striving to lead with courage and authenticity.

The journey of a bestselling author

Andrea McLean’s path to becoming a bestselling author was anything but straightforward.

“I originally wrote my life story as a novel,” she told me. “I wanted to incorporate a lot of dark bits that I didn’t necessarily want to talk about in interviews.”

Despite countless rejections, Andrea’s persistence paid off when Curtis Brown, a publishing house she admired, finally gave her manuscript a chance.

Even in the face of rejection, continue to pursue your goals

“They said: ‘The crux of it is good. Why don’t you just make it into an autobiography?’ So I reworked it,” she said.

Andrea’s first book, Confessions of a Good Girl, soared.

“I handed my manuscript in, got the publishing deal, and they didn’t change anything. It went to number one!” she exclaimed.

Her subsequent books have focused on self-help, tackling themes like overcoming burnout and working alongside fear.

Overcoming fear and embracing challenges

Facing fear is a common thread in Andrea’s work and personal life.

“I think fear is our biggest block,” she said. “I experience fear just as much as any other human being. But I’ve always had something in me that pushes me to face it.”

Her book on overcoming fear, This Girl Is On Fire, breaks down the reasons behind our fears and offers strategies to confront them.

Andrea distinguishes between fear and anxiety.

“When I experience anxiety, it’s usually social anxiety. I’m shy, so I get anxious when I walk into a room full of people I don’t know,” she admitted.

But she excels in professional settings.

“When I’m working, the role is defined, and I’m fine with that.”

From print journalism to TV presenting

Andrea’s career began in print journalism, but a twist of fate led her to television.

“I ended up being a TV presenter because I misread a job advert,” she said. Despite not having a showreel, her charm and storytelling skills landed her a spot on the Weather Channel.

“I went in thinking I’d write an article about auditioning to be a weather presenter. But I gave it my best shot, and they offered me the job!”

Her journey wasn’t without its setbacks. After eight months, she was made redundant but soon found another opportunity.

“I got my second job on breakfast TV by accident. They called me in because I looked like the editor’s girlfriend!”

Andrea trained the person who was initially hired and eventually took over the role herself.

Resilience: the key to success

Andrea’s story is a testament to the importance of resilience.

“Every major thing that’s happened to me started off by accident, but I got it through resilience,” she explained.

Andrea McLean is the host of the ITV show ‘Loose Women’. Photo: Getty

Her ability to turn challenges into opportunities has been a consistent theme in her life.

“Even if something happens that’s not meant to happen in a good way, if you’re brave and curious, amazing things can happen.”

Embracing failure

One of the most powerful moments in our conversation was when Andrea told how she was introduced at a recent event.

“The person in charge said: ‘Our chair for this evening is a woman who has failed more times than anyone I’ve ever known.’ I stood there gobsmacked, but then I realised it was a compliment.”

Andrea has failed many times, in marriage and in business.

“I’ve been told ‘no’ more times than I can count,” she admitted. “But every door that’s closed and every time I’ve landed on my face, there was always a learning.”

Her ability to see failures as learning opportunities has been crucial to her success.

Lessons for leaders

As I’m sure you’ll agree, Andrea’s journey offers valuable lessons for leaders in any field:

Persistence pays off: Even in the face of rejection, continue to pursue your goals. Andrea’s determination to get her manuscript published is a perfect example.

Embrace fear: Understand that fear is a natural part of growth. By confronting and working alongside fear, you can achieve great things.

Resilience is key: Life is full of setbacks. It’s your ability to bounce back and learn from these experiences that defines your success.

Stay humble and open to learning: Andrea’s willingness to train others and learn from every situation has been instrumental in her career.

See failure as a stepping stone: Don’t be embarrassed by your failures. Instead, view them as opportunities for growth and development.

Andrea McLean’s story is a powerful reminder that resilience, fearlessness, and a positive attitude towards failure can lead to remarkable achievements.

As leaders in business and in regular life, let’s take a page from Andrea’s real-life book and embrace the challenges that come our way, knowing that every setback can be a setup for a comeback.

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