Dear Vicki: I hate body piercings – can I introduce a dress code banning my staff from having them?

Workplace norms sometimes have to adapt to changing societal attitudes. Photo: Stock image

Vicki O'Toole

​Q Vicki, call me old-fashioned, but I have a strong dislike of piercings. I know they’re all the rage among younger people these days, but I would be most uncomfortable with any of my staff having a ring in their nose or anywhere other than their ears. The issue hasn’t arisen yet, but we are about to hire new staff, so it might. Am I within my rights to introduce a dress code banning them?

A Acceptance of piercings in the workplace ­varies widely depending on the industry, company culture, and regional norms. There is now a greater acceptance of visible piercings and body modifications in many workplaces. However, attitudes differ across professions and organisations. Some conservative industries may have more ­traditional expectations.