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  • Tableau D'H�te Theatre
  • Tager, Aron
  • Tahn, Andras
  • Talk Is Free Theatre
  • Tamahnous Theatre
  • Tamara
  • Tannahill, Jordan
  • Tarragon Theatre
  • Tarver, Jennifer
  • Taylor, Drew Hayden
  • Taylor, Kate
  • Taylor, Michael
  • Teasdale, Laura
  • Teatro La Quindicina
  • Teatron Toronto Jewish Theatre
  • Teesri Duniya Theatre
  • Temenos (Productions)
  • Ten Lost Years
  • Tepperman, Shelley
  • The Aberhart Summer
  • Theatre 3
  • Theatre Alberta
  • Theatre Aquarius
  • Theatre Baddeck
  • Theatre Beyond Words
  • Th��tre Biscuit
  • Theatre by the Bay
  • Theatre Calgary
  • Th��tre Capitole
  • Th��tre Carrousel
  • Th��tre Catapulte
  • Theatre-Club
  • Theatre & Company
  • Th��tre d�Aujourd�hui
  • Th��tre de la Bord�e
  • Th��tre de la Crique
  • Th��tre de la Dame de Coeur
  • Th��tre de la Feni�re
  • Th��tre de la Manufacture
  • Th��tre de la Poudrerie
  • Th��tre de la R�cidive
  • Th��tre de La Veill�e (Groupe [de] La Veill�e, Espace de la Veill�e)
  • Th��tre de la Vieille 17
  • Th��tre de l�Oeil
  • Th��tre de Marjolaine
  • Th��tre de Quat'Sous
  • Th��tre des Confettis
  • Th��tre des Vari�t�s
  • Theatre Direct
  • Th��tre du Bois de Coulonges
  • Th��tre du Nouveau Monde
  • Th��tre du Nouvel-Ontario
  • Th��tre du Rideau Vert
  • Th��tre du Trident
  • Th��tre Ex Machina
  • Th��tre Exp�rimental des Femmes
  • Th��tre Fran�ais de Toronto
  • Theatrefront
  • Th��tre Il Va Sans Dire
  • Theatre Junction
  • Theatre Kingston
  • Theatre Lac-Brome
  • Th��tre la Licorne
  • Th��tre la Seizi�me
  • Th��tre le Clou
  • Th��tre l�Escaouette
  • Th��tre les Deux Mondes
  • Th��tre les gens d�en bas
  • Th��tre National
  • Theatre Network
  • Theatre New Brunswick
  • Theatre Newfoundland Labrador
  • Th��tre Niveau Parking
  • Theatre NorthWest
  • TheatreOne
  • Theatre Orangeville
  • Th��tre Parminou
  • Theatre Passe Muraille
  • Th��tre P�riscope
  • Th��tre Petit � Petit
  • Theatre Plus
  • Th��tre populaire d�Acadie
  • Th��tre Populaire du Qu�bec
  • Theatre Projects Manitoba
  • Theatre Prospero
  • Th��tre R�p�re
  • Theatre Replacement
  • Theatre Royal
  • Th��tre Sans Fil
  • Theatre SKAM
  • Theatre Smith-Gilmour
  • Th��tre Sortie de Secours
  • Theatresports
  • Theatre St. Thomas
  • Th��tre Ubu
  • Theatre Yes
  • The Chop Theatre
  • The Collected Works of Billy the Kid
  • The Crackwalker
  • The Donnellys
  • The Dragonfly of Chicoutimi
  • The Drawer Boy
  • The Dumbells
  • The Ecstasy of Rita Joe
  • The Komagata Maru Incident
  • The League of Nathans
  • The Maggie Tree
  • The Magnificent Voyage of Emily Carr
  • The Melville Boys
  • The Next Folding Theatre Company
  • Theodore, Bobby
  • The Only Animal
  • The Orphan Muses/Les Muses orphelines
  • The Other Guys Theatre Company
  • The Other Theatre
  • The Rez Sisters
  • Th�riault, Yves
  • Th�rien, Andr�
  • The Saints and Apostles
  • The Theatre Centre
  • Thibault, Olivette
  • Thiessen, Vern
  • Thirteen Hands
  • This is For You, Anna
  • Thomas, Powys
  • Thompson, Judith
  • Thompson, Paul
  • Thomson, Graeme S.
  • Thomson, Joy
  • Thomson, Kristen
  • Thomson, RH
  • Thomson, Robert
  • Thornton, Kelly
  • Thousand Islands Playhouse
  • Tifo, Marie
  • Timoteo, Farren
  • Tinka's New Dress
  • Tit-Coq
  • Tondino, Guido
  • Toronto Drama Bench
  • Toronto Free Theatre
  • Toronto Workshop Productions/TWP
  • Touchstone Theatre
  • Toupin, Paul
  • Tova, Theresa
  • Transit of Venus
  • Translation
  • Tremblay, Carmen
  • Tremblay, Guylaine
  • Tremblay, Joey
  • Tremblay, Larry
  • Tremblay, Michel
  • Trotter, Kate
  • Troupe Comedienne
  • Troupe des Treize
  • Troupe du Jour
  • Trunk Theatre
  • Tsitsias, Evan
  • Turcot, Louise
  • Turcott, Iris
  • Turgeon, Marthe
  • Turgeon, Serge
  • Turnbull, Keith
  • Turner, John
  • Tweed, Terry
  • Two Planks and a Passion Theatre