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  • Gaboriau, Linda
  • Gadouas, Daniel
  • Gadouas, Robert
  • Gagnon, Hubert
  • Gai, Claude
  • Gale, Lorena
  • Galloway, Pat
  • Gallow, Gillian
  • Galluccio, Steve
  • Garber, Victor
  • Garden City Productions
  • Gardner, David
  • Garfinkle, Gayle
  • Garneau, Michel
  • Garnhum, Dennis
  • Garrard, Jim
  • Garratt, Gil
  • Gascon, Gabriel
  • Gascon, Jean
  • Gass, Ken
  • Gatchalian, C.E.
  • Gateway Theatre
  • Gaucher, David
  • Gault, Connie
  • Gauvreau, Claude
  • Gay and Lesbian Theatre
  • Gazal�, Alexandre
  • Gaze, Christopher
  • G�linas, Gratien
  • Geordie Theatre
  • George, Chief Dan (Teswahno)
  • Gerecke, Bretta
  • G�rin-Lajoie, Antoine
  • Germain, Jean-Claude
  • Gerussi, Bruno
  • Gervais, Jesse
  • Gesser, Sam
  • Ghost River Theatre
  • Gianfrancesco, Michael
  • Gilbert, Edward
  • Gilbert, John
  • Gilbert, Sky
  • Gillard-Bentley, Paddy
  • Gill, Robert
  • Gilsenan, Marion
  • Gingras, Ren�
  • Girard, Benoit
  • Girard, Marcel
  • Girard, R�my
  • Giroux, Antoinette
  • Giroux, Germaine
  • Gishler, Richard
  • Glassco, Bill
  • Glass, Joanna McClelland
  • Glassman, Steven
  • Glenfield, Frank
  • Glenvale Players
  • Globe Theatre
  • Gobeil, Pierre
  • Godin, Jacques
  • Godin, Jean Cl�o
  • Goethe-Institut Toronto
  • Goldby, Derek
  • Gold, Muriel
  • Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet)
  • Goulet, Michel
  • Goulet, Robert
  • Governor General�s Award
  • Gowan, Elsie Park
  • Gow, David
  • Goyette, Claude
  • Graham, Beth
  • Grand Bank Regional Theatre Festival
  • Grandmont, �loi de
  • Grand Th��tre de Qu�bec
  • Grand Theatre Kingston
  • Grand Theatre, London
  • Gratz, Bonnie
  • Gravel, Robert
  • Gravel Run
  • Gravenhurst Opera House
  • Graves, Warren
  • Gravy Bath Productions
  • Gray, John
  • Great Canadian Theatre Company
  • Greenberg, Joel
  • Greenblatt, Richard
  • Greene, Graham
  • Greene, Lorne
  • Green, Michael
  • Green Thumb Theatre For Young People
  • Grenier, Silvy
  • Griffin, Lynne
  • Griffin, Nonnie
  • Griffiths, Linda
  • Grimaldi, Jean
  • Grimwood, Freddie
  • Grinhaus, Jack
  • Grittani, Vince
  • Gross, Paul
  • Groulx, Georges
  • Ground Zero Productions
  • Ground Zero Theatre
  • Groupe Multidisciplinaire de Montr�al
  • Gryphon Theatre
  • Guedo, Jim
  • Gu�rin, Maude
  • Guilbeault, �lise
  • Guilbeault, Luce
  • Guimond, Olivier
  • Guinand, Louise
  • Gunvordahl, Terry
  • Gurik, Robert
  • Guthrie, Tyrone
  • Guy, Jean
  • Gwaandak Theatre