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  • Cabana, Eric
  • Cabaret neiges noires
  • Cadeau, Lally
  • Cadieux, Anne-Marie
  • Cahoots Theatre Projects
  • Cailloux, Andr�
  • Cairns, Coralie
  • Calderisi, David
  • Caldwell, Zoe
  • Cameron, Ken
  • Campbell, Benedict
  • Campbell, Douglas
  • Campbell, Norman
  • Campbell, Stancil
  • Campion, Joyce
  • Canac-Marquis, Normand
  • Canada Council
  • Canadian College of Performing Arts
  • Canadian Improv Games
  • Canadian Institute For Theatre Technology
  • Canadian Mime Theatre
  • Canadian Players
  • Canadian Stage
  • Canadian Theatre Critics Association
  • Canadian Theatre History
  • Canadian Theatre Timeline
  • Candy, John
  • Canmore Opera House
  • Capraru, Jennifer Herszman
  • Caravan Farm Theatre
  • Caravan Stage Company
  • Carbone 14
  • Cardinal, Lorne
  • Cardinal, Marie
  • Cardinal, Tantoo
  • Cariou, Len
  • Carley, Dave
  • Carley, Rod
  • Carlos Bulosan Theatre
  • Carlson, Leslie
  • Caron, Jean-Fran�ois
  • Caron, M�r�dith
  • Carousel Players
  • Carousel Theatre
  • Carrefour International de Th��tre
  • Carrier, Roch
  • Carver, Brent
  • Casabonne, Jean-Francois
  • Castel, France
  • Castle, Corey
  • Castonguay, Daniel
  • Catalyst Theatre
  • Catudal, Michel
  • Cavendish, Nicola
  • CBC
  • Celle-l�
  • Cendres de cailloux
  • Censorship
  • Centaur Theatre
  • Centre des auteurs dramatiques
  • Centre for Indigenous Theatre
  • Cercle Moli�re
  • Chafe, Rick
  • Chafe, Robert
  • Chai, Camyar
  • Chalmers Awards
  • Chalmers, Floyd Sherman
  • Chambers, Ron
  • Champagne, Dominic
  • Chan, Marjorie
  • Chan, Marty
  • Chapman, Vernon
  • Charbonneau et le Chef
  • Charlebois, Ga�tan
  • Charlebois, Marie
  • Charlesworth, Hector Willoughby
  • Charlesworth, Marigold
  • Charlottetown Festival
  • Charpentier, Gabriel
  • Chass�, Henri
  • Chatterton, Anna
  • Chaurette, Normand
  • Chaykin, Maury
  • Chemainus Theatre
  • Chevrier, Micheline
  • Chiasson, Herm�n�gilde
  • Children of Kush Arising
  • Chioran, Juan
  • Chislett, Anne
  • Choini�re, Olivier
  • Chouinard, Denis
  • Chouinard, Normand
  • Christenson, Jonathan
  • Christie, Dinah
  • Christie, Robert
  • Christodoulou, Stacey
  • Christopher-Carter, Patrick
  • Cimolino, Antoni
  • Cirque du Soleil
  • Citadel Theatre
  • City Stage
  • Claing, Robert
  • Clarke, Denise
  • Clark, Michael
  • Clark, Patrick
  • Clark, Sally
  • Clements, Marie
  • Cl�ment, Sophie
  • Clifford E. Lee Award
  • Clinton, Robert
  • Cloran, Daryl
  • Coal Mine Theatre
  • Coates, Eric
  • Codco
  • Codrington, Lisa
  • Coghill, Joy
  • Cohen, Nathan
  • Coleman, Layne
  • Colicos, John
  • Collective Creation
  • Colley, Peter
  • Collier, Kim
  • Collin, Fr�d�rique
  • Collin, Pierre
  • Collins, Patricia
  • Colours in the Storm
  • Com�die-Canadienne
  • Common Boots Theatre
  • Compagnie Jean-Duceppe
  • Compagnons de Saint-Laurent
  • Company of Sirens
  • Concrete Theatre
  • Cone, Tom
  • Confederation Centre of the Arts
  • Conlogue, Ray
  • Connolly, David W.
  • Conolly, L.W.
  • Conseil qu�b�cois du th��tre
  • Cooke, Jennifer
  • Cook, Michael
  • Cooper, Beverley
  • Copithorne, Marianne
  • Copp, Trevor
  • Coquereau, Patrice
  • Corcoran, Ashlie
  • Corker
  • Cornish, Belinda
  • C�t�, Jean-Claude
  • C�t�, Lorraine
  • Coulter, Clare
  • Coulter, John
  • Counter Offence
  • Coup de sang
  • Coutu, Ang�le
  • Cox, Susan
  • Coyne, Susan
  • Crabdance
  • Craddock, Chris
  • Craig, David S.
  • Crawford, Mark
  • Creeps
  • Crest Theatre
  • Cr�te, Michel
  • Criminals in Love
  • Criticism
  • Crombie, Jonathan
  • Cronyn, Hume
  • Cronyn, Tandy
  • Crow�s Theatre
  • Cruel Tears
  • Cul-de-Sac
  • Curran, Colleen
  • Curtain Razors
  • Curtis, Doug
  • Curzi, Pierre
  • Cushman, Robert
  • Cyr, Ren� Richard
  • Czerny, Henry