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  • da da kamera
  • Dagenais, Pierre
  • Daigle, Jean
  • Dainard, Neil
  • Dale, Cynthia
  • Dallin, Howard
  • Dalp�, Jean-Marc
  • Dancing Sky Theatre
  • Danckert, Paula
  • Danis, Daniel
  • Danis, Louison
  • D�Aquila, Diane
  • Dark, Randall Paris
  • Dauphinais, Marcel
  • Davies, Dorothy
  • Davies, Geraint Wyn
  • Davies, Robertson
  • Davis, William Bruce
  • Deagon, Arthur
  • Dean, Charlotte
  • De-ba-jeh-mu-jig Theatre
  • DeFelice, James
  • de la Cheneli�re, Evelyne
  • Delisle, Jeanne-Mance
  • Demchuk, David
  • Demers, Edgard
  • Denis, Jean-Luc
  • Denison, Merrill
  • Dennis, Charles
  • Dennison, Richard
  • Denoncourt, Serge
  • Deschamps, Yvon
  • Desgagn�s, Yves
  • Designing
  • Desprez, Ross
  • Desrochers, Pascale
  • De Tourdonnet, Vincent
  • de Vasconcelos, Paula
  • Deverell, Rex
  • Devine, Aidan
  • Devorski, John
  • Dewhurst, Colleen
  • Dey, Claudia
  • Deyglun, Henry
  • D�ziel-Hup�, Gaby
  • Digby, Keith
  • Dinning, John C.
  • Dinsmore, Bruce
  • Dixon, Sean
  • Dobbin, D. Michael
  • Doc
  • Documents of Interest - A Stratford Tempest, April 1974
  • Documents of Interest - A Stratford Tempest, December 6, 1980
  • Documents of Interest : Charles Dickens describes Montreal theatre
  • Documents of Interest: Fanny Kemble writes of her tour to Canada
  • Documents of Interest - Theatre in Victoria, c. 1850
  • Doing Leonard Cohen
  • Dominion Drama Festival
  • Domville, Philippa
  • Donaldson, Peter
  • Donald, Terry
  • Donat, Peter
  • Donkin, Eric
  • Dooley, Brian
  • Doolittle, Joyce
  • Dora Mavor Moore Awards
  • Dorscht, Brian
  • Dorval, Anne
  • Douglas, James B.
  • Dowling, Joe
  • Downstage Performance Society
  • Doyle, Collin
  • Drabinsky, Garth
  • Dragone, Franco
  • Drainie, John (Robert Roy)
  • Drainville, Martin
  • Drapeau, Sylvie
  • Drayton Entertainment Company
  • Droege, Stephan
  • Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing
  • Dub�, Jasmine
  • Dub�, Marcel
  • Dubois, Ren�-Daniel
  • Duceppe, Jean
  • Duceppe, Monique
  • Ducharme, R�jean
  • Dufresne, Guy
  • duMaurier World Stage Festival
  • Dumont, Michel
  • Dunn, Katrina
  • Dunsmore, Rosemary
  • Duo pour voix obstin�es
  • Dup�r�, Ren�
  • Dupuis, Gilbert
  • Dupuis, Roy
  • Durand, Luc
  • Durand, Yves Sioui
  • Dussault, Louisette
  • Dutil, Muriel
  • Dyba, Kenneth
  • Dykstra, Ted