Showing posts with label Subbuteo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Subbuteo. Show all posts

Friday 5 March 2010

Football's Guilty Pleasures

MMMmmm.....goal nets!

Contrary to popular belief, it's not all work, work, work here at EFW Towers. In between our daily, routine work of exchanging calls with Tanita Tikaram's press officer and helping football fans around Europe get tickets for various games, we do have a bit of fun. This normally takes the form of a few irreverent emeithers between friends.

Messrs Clark, Simpson and I were reminiscing today about our footballing guilty pleasures across the Atlantic (Clark is based in NE Florida). The above picture of those nets were enough to get our collective juices flowing. If you don't like those you simply don't like football. You're not human if you can't fantasise about rifling a shot into the roof of that net. I think you'd get some pretty good billowing. A billowage factor of 87%?

According to Clark, Subbuteo (oh oh oh) is very big amongst Chicago Fire fans and is a popular tailgating pre-match activity. Sounds pretty pretty good to us.

As well as goal nets and our much publicised "unhealthy obsession" with floodlights on these pages, I was a huge fan of the red and white panelled ball favoured by Ipswich Town and Manchester United (they used a Mitre version) in the 80's. There's no secret in the fact Ipswich got to UEFA Cup Finals, FA Cup Finals you name it solely because of their usage of this great ball. They were so good with it that they used to give away penalties - willy nilly - just so keeper Paul Cooper could save them - just for cheap thrills.

So do you have a footballing guilty pleasure!? A particular boot, shirt, dug out, ball or goal net make you go weak at the knees and a bit gooey inside? Come on, don't be shy, it's confessions time.

Feel free to share your footballing guilty pleasure below