Showing posts with label FCK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FCK. Show all posts

Tuesday 16 March 2010

F.C. Copenhagen v Brondby

Danish Derby Day Delight for FCK

F.C. Copenhagen 2-0 Brøndby (13:03:10)

- click on photos to enlarge image -

After games in both Odense and Helsingborg, this was the main event of the weekend - derby day, Denmark style. This is undoubtedly the biggest match in Danish football and needed a big build up accordingly. So, the EFW Team travelled in by ferry from Sweden and then boarded the "Tuborg Express" from Helsingør before arriving to drink in the atmosphere in Copenhagen.

Apparently, there were a few scuffles as the Brøndby fans made their way to the stadium with a traditional march but we didn't see any trouble all day. Nowadays, this derby is billed as the "New Firm" but to my mind, despite lots of healthy banter, it didn't have any of the vitriol, racism and bigotry that often defines an "Old Firm" encounter in Glasgow.

We weren't searched at all upon entering The Parken. This was pretty good news as we'd smuggled in a few shots of "Fisk" to drink at half time. These were purely for medicinal purposes you understand as it was bloody freezing.

If I'm honest, the foyer of the ground felt like a cinema. There were large velvet curtains everywhere, sectioning off sponsors lounges and the whiff in the air was of....popcorn (popcorn!). Don't panic too much though, pints of beer were being poured aplenty and sausages were also available for us fat lads.

The Danish politi were out in force.

Thumbs up from Big Deaks as FCK order a beer tanker for EFW.

Menu 1 please guv.

These aren't the happiest of times for Brøndby supporters. Since their last championship in 2004/05 with Laudrup at the helm, the club have been struggling on and off the pitch. Constant changes of managers and directors haven't helped. Some fans think the good old "Brøndby passion" is gone and the "New Firm" has lost some of its magic. The Brøndby fans I talked to still dislike FCK though, one called them "a silly product of modern football".

Inside, the ground, most of the fans had made a great effort. The FCK ultras were in good number and voice in one corner of the stand behind one end and Brøndby had a good few thousand fans behind the other goal. Tifo displays, flags, flares and all the other things you associate with derby days were there. Great stuff.

Sadly, for large periods, the players couldn't match the passion shown in the stands. Indeed, the first shot we saw was at half time when Mr Fuller remembered our test tubes full of spirits. Down the hatch they went and back out we went for the second half with a warm glow. Two late goals ended up clinching a 2-0 victory and city bragging rights for FCK. I won't dwell on the match as you'd have all read about it by now. I will say, if you're a fan of offsides then forget this derby. There weren't any in the whole match.

The lads from the Western Outskirts.

The banner reads something like "Get Out - This is our Town"

Scarves o'clock in C2

Followed by the Greques.

Flag day.

Another Tifo.

After we'd watched the away fans set fire to parts of their section, we met up with some FCK and Brøndby fans across the road in a great little bar called Thyges Kro in Osterbrogade. The post match banter and bonding with our new Danish friends exceeded the excitement on the pitch. Football is more than 90 minutes as we all know and we're kings of the social side of the game here at EFW.

In the pub, FCK fan Ivar gained an EFW gold star by entertaining us long into the night with his many stories. His wife once stopped talking to him for two weeks for getting a FCK tattoo on his arm and he also received an additional two week ban for erecting a seven foot satellite dish on the side of the house to watch Danish football around the clock. He also dropped another bomb shell by telling us he'd played both Eric Bristow and Lars Ulrich of Metallica at darts. The Danny Baker of Denmark was good value I can tell you.

After 4 hours of talking nonsense, everyone was pretty Hammaby-ied. A guy called Marcus claimed to be the brother of the Burnley goalkeeper 'The Beast' before mooning to the pub. Another was best mates with Michael Schumacher. Around 1am, we decided to draw the curtain on our Scandinavian EFW. If you aren't too bothered about the standard of football but you want to meet genuinely warm and friendly people, then book a trip to Denmark. We'll be back. Skål!

Click on photo to enlarge the away fans.

Horrendous teddy bear in the corner - what the FCK!?

A bit of action.

Martin Vingaard opens the scoring with a free kick.

2-0 to FCK.

The Parken.

Away fans keeping warm afterwards.

Ivar and Danny. Cheers pal!

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Thursday 11 March 2010

FC Copenhagen v Brondby IF

The New Firm

You'd of heard of the "Old Firm" between Celtic and Rangers and even the "Old Farm" derby between Ipswich and Norwich but this weekend we're all over the "New Firm" derby here at EFW. The New Firm is a play on words relating to the Danish football rivalry between FC Copenhagen and Brondby IF. We're heading off to the Parken in Copenhagen this very Sunday at 18:00 to drink in the atmosphere of a derby day - Denners style.

So, who to support? To give us a better idea, we dialled up two chaps in Copenhagen who are best of mates six days a week but when Sunday comes - for 90 minutes anyway - they'll be putting their friendship firmly to one side to roar on their heroes in the "Slaget om København" (Battle of Copenhagen):

Hi lads, can you introduce yourselves and the teams you support and why.

RS: My name is Rasmus Skude. I am an IT Manager and I have been working in the IT industry since 1999. I play football myself and have done so for as long as I remember. I have also played tennis on the highest level in DK when I was younger.

I have supported Brondby since the mid 80's where I saw them the first time. The reason is that I like the fact that is a "real" club and everything is not all about business like FCK and they have always playes positive football with focus on attacking and have the ball as much as possible. I like the way they try to use the young players from their own ranks to ensure that about half the players on the first team have played in Brondby's youth teams which is one of the goals.

LM: My name is Lars Meincke and I'm nearly 38. I was born and raised on Østerbro the area where Parken is placed. Until recently I've seen my self as the typical inner city person. In the early summer of 1992, I was given a free ticket to go see the new Copenhagen team (FCK) as they where playing their first ever home game. I had at that point only been interested international games but I was captivated with the atmosphere of the stadion. Since then I've been season ticket holder but nowadays I go a few times a year with my 2 sons.

For several years, I worked for the company that sponsored FCK and have several shirts at home with Kinnarps on! Since the difference between the two clubs in the last 10 years have become more defined, I've stuck with my team.

An FCK welcome

Is the FCK v Brondby match the biggest in Danish football?

RS: By far the biggest match in Scandinavia!!

LM: Without any doubt!

What is derby day like?

RS: Normally tv starts broadcasting several hours (4-6) before the game with highlights, comments from players and experts etc. I always watch these games either live in the stadium or on tv with my friends.

LM: You'll typically have the game at 7 o'clock and all through the day Brøndby fans will be in the inner city area and have all the FCK fans in the Park the surrounds the stadion. An hour before game start people will move into the stadion.

What is the away allocation given to each team at the respective grounds?

RS: Not sure but I guess only a few thousand.

LM: In Parken there will 8.000 Brøndby fans

A Brondby welcome

Can we expect a raucous atmosphere and tifo displays?

RS: Yes for sure.

LM: The tifos always work better at Brøndby stadion but there will be some

Is it a "friendly" derby or should we expect to see a "Slaget om København" (Battle of Copenhagen)?

RS: It is always the "Battle of Copenhagen"

LM: ALWAYS the Battle of Copenhagen.

Is there an ultra culture in Danish football?

RS: Yes for at least 3 clubs. FCK, Brondby and AGF.

LM: Yes and you can find the them at far end of the park where they occasionally fight each other after the game!

FCK were only formed in their current guise in 1992 but they have a longer history than that no?

RS: I will leave that up to Lars to explain.

LM: FCK were formed after a merger of B1903 and KB - two of Denmarks oldest clubs.

FCK fans warming up before the match

How is victory in The New Firm match celebrated? Does each team's fans have a particular area to gather in or fountain to jump in - like in Spain?

RS: Some supporters go to specific pubs but most of us "normal" supporters do not do anything special unless our club wins the championship or similar. We do not have a pub culture like you have in UK.

Who has won the most trophies between the two of you?

LM: Brøndby but they are also an older club.

Does it depend on which part of Copenhagen you derive from as to whom you choose to support?

RS: No. Each club has fans all over Denmark. I believe Brondby have more fans outside the Copenhagen area than FCK but I think it is about the same in total.

LM: Yes. Inner city is FCK and the suburbs are Brøndby.

Brondby - more fans outside the Copenhagen area than FCK!?

We like a beer here at European Football Weekends and we've heard it costs an arm and leg in Copenhagen! How much is it and is it worth it?

RS: It really depends where you go. If you go to a bar in the center of Copenhagen you probably pay around 50 DKR for a pint but in smaller places no in the centre the prices are sometimes 20-25 DKR.

Which players should we be looking out for on each team?

RS: On Brondby you should look out for Michael Krohn-Dehli (Danish international) and Alexander Farnerud. They also have some young promissing talents like Jens Stryger Larsen
On FCK I think Atiba Hutchinson.

The New Firm

Can we have a score prediction please lads?



And finally, can you sum up your clubs in a Tweet of less than 140 characters?

RS: Great club with a proud history.

Brondby fans march to the stadium.

Thanks lads! The EFW team will be at the big match this Sunday.

Who do we support!?

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