Your Queer Weekly Horoscope: June 10-16

A bite-sized look at the ups and downs of the week ahead.
Weekly Horoscope a stylized illustration of a figure standing in a globe wireframe with all the astrological symbols...
Ariel Davis

Welcome to your Queer Weekly Horoscope, a bite-sized look at the coming days broken down by your zodiac sign.

Welcome to the latter half of Gemini Season! We’re only midway through Pride Month, but we’ve already reached the point of the party where the friend group — or the zodiac signs, in this case — have split up to pursue their own side quests. Everybody is canoodling with crushes, navigating disaster, and experiencing profound epiphanies! Or maybe some people have just stepped outside to rehydrate and avoid talking to anyone else for a while. We won’t reunite to compare notes and pile into a post-party cuddle puddle until Cancer season starts.

Venus, the Sun, and Mercury all get friendly with Chiron the healer this week, mending old wounds for some signs. Chatty Mercury snubs responsible Saturn, but becomes besties with the Sun on Friday. Neither Venus or Mercury is getting along with shadow ruler Lilith, and Venus has no time for Neptune’s idealism at the moment, either. Mars decides to start a fight with ponderous Pluto, which is currently retrograde and drifting so far on the periphery that nearly everybody else forgot it was there. The First Quarter Moon in Virgo throws shade at the Sun from its farthest point of orbit around the Earth.

We’ll get into the gossip with Gemini, then go through each sign until everyone’s omens have been examined. If you know more of your placements than your Sun Sign alone (Moon, Rising, Mars, etc.), check their entries as well to get a full picture of your weekly horoscope.

What the stars are up to:
  • The Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and your ruler Mercury are in your sign.
  • Venus forms a sextile with Chiron and squares off against Lilith and Neptune.
  • Mercury forms a sextile with Chiron and squares off against Saturn and Lilith.
  • The Sun forms a sextile with Chiron and passes through conjunction with Mercury.
What it means:

For you, this week is about honoring your hope to heal by initiating some tough conversations. You’re so focused on smoothing the sharp edges between your relationships that you ignore the summons of selfishness, idealism, and even ambition in order to go mend fences. Sounds like a noble sacrifice, but it won’t manifest itself like a great quest. Instead, some movement in your peripheral vision will suddenly feel much more fascinating than anything looming immediately ahead in your path, pulling your attention sideways. Those distractions are precisely the discussions you should pursue! You don’t always operate on everyone else’s logic, and a zig-zag trajectory will get you to your destination faster than a straight line.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler the Moon travels through Leo, Virgo, and Libra.
  • The Moon squares off against the Sun in First Quarter phase and reaches its farthest point of orbit around the Earth in Virgo.
  • Sneak preview of next week: in the final days of Gemini season, Venus and Mercury both move to your sign and pass through conjunction with each other.
What it means:

You’re floating way out in the farthest reaches of your soul again, preparing for the upcoming arrival of your own season by seeking the privacy of your own mind. Other people may make well-intentioned attempts at connecting with you; you’ll meet them with a lingering, thousand yard stare because something inside of you craves silence and security right now.

You’ll get over that mood pretty fast, though. Next week, in the final days of Gemini season, both elegant Venus and irrepressible Mercury move to your sign and join forces with each other to combine their powers. If you’ve been waiting to articulate a mysterious desire, don’t fret! Your wants and needs will all become clear to you before the arrival of the Summer Solstice.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler the Sun is in Gemini.
  • The Sun forms a sextile with Chiron and passes through conjunction with Mercury.
  • The waxing crescent Moon in your sign forms sextiles with Mercury, the Sun, and Venus, then squares off against Uranus.
What it means:

On the year’s first 110°+ day in Arizona, I saw some young’n’s laying out in the full light of afternoon. Gentle reader, I was aghast. Beloved sunbathers, I implore you to think about potential wrinkles! Fear the production of free radicals! Leo’s sign ruler the Sun is brilliant and beautiful, but its light is also actively working to break down the collagen in everyone’s skin and spark off instances of cancer. Please show our large solar body the respect it is due by shielding your face and body from its harsh glare.

Astrologically, the Sun encourages healing conversations this week. Say what you need to say, but consider sitting in the safety of shade while you express yourself.

What the stars are up to:
  • Lilith is in your sign.
  • Your sign ruler Mercury is in Gemini.
  • Mercury forms a sextile with Chiron and squares off against Saturn and Lilith.
  • The Sun passes through conjunction with Mercury.
  • Venus squares off against Lilith.
  • The First Quarter Moon in your sign creates trines with Mars and Uranus; squares off against Jupiter, Mercury, the Sun, and Venus; and opposes Saturn and Neptune.
What it means:

You experience some internal conflict when your natural urge to exorcise your life troubles proves incompatible with an irrational impulse to protect a select few of your pet problems. And sometimes problems walk around on two legs masquerading as people! Occasionally, you like these “problems” so much that you’ll tangle your guiding systems of logic into knots in order to justify your own delusional behavior in their presence.

During the First Quarter Moon, expect to become extraordinarily weird and aggressively defensive about it. Sounds unfortunate, but honestly, it’s the most appropriate attitude for the last full week of Gemini season. Never let it be said that y’all failed to understand the assignment!

What the stars are up to:
  • The South Node is in your sign.
  • Your sign ruler Venus is in Gemini.
  • Venus forms a sextile with Chiron and squares off against Lilith and Neptune.
  • The waxing gibbous Moon in your sign creates trines with Pluto, Jupiter, the Sun, and Mercury.
What it means:

All the time you’ve spent ruminating on the past is finally paying off. You are seeking healing, avoiding the temptations of indulgence and fantasy. When the Moon travels through your sign, it’s time to embrace some serious change in your life. Generosity, self-acceptance, and honest communication will come to your aid to secure the outcomes you want.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler Pluto is retrograde in Aquarius.
  • Mars squares off against Pluto.
What it means:

You currently lack the motivation to assertively pursue your slowly unfolding, never-ending mission of metamorphosis, but that’s okay. Transformation always keeps on happening to and around you, regardless of your energy level. You can participate in the ever-turning wheel of time by simply waking up each day and continuing to exist.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler Jupiter is in Gemini.
What it means:

You’re joined in solidarity with your sibling sign Gemini as they fulfill the remainder of their hosting duties for the Sun. This week, that means focusing on healing — yes, even at the expense of your usual shenanigans. Don’t worry, it won’t be as painful of a sacrifice as you might expect! Shenanigans come naturally to Sagittarius, and mischief will faithfully stand ready to resume action the instant you’re ready to resign your foray into responsibility and resume your usual predilection for behaving like a silly goose.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler Saturn is in Pisces.
  • Mercury squares off against Saturn.
What it means:

I’m absolutely riveted by the forthright Capricorn-to-Capricorn meditation on vulnerability and internal motivation in Them’s profile of Now Award cover star Reneé Rapp, which you can read below. Her honesty about waking up in a cold sweat of anxiety at the remembrance of certain unguarded utterances, and her subsequent commitment to stand by her statements in defiance of calls to appease the public — oof! The specificity is iconic, and uncomfortably relatable.

This week, Mercury is mad at your sign ruler Saturn. Thus, everything you say will probably come out sounding provocative, even though it’s imminently reasonable and fair. In the words of Rapp herself, “Whenever people are like, ‘Oh my God, you’re so unfiltered,’ I’m like, ‘I’m just talking.’” Yap away, dear Capricorns.

Reneé Rapp in blue tights lying against a white backdrop.
The pop star goes deep on queerness, anxiety, and her unfiltered reputation.
What the stars are up to:
  • Pluto is retrograde in your sign.
  • Your sign ruler Uranus is in Taurus.
  • Mars squares off against Pluto.
What it means:

You’re in an odd headspace that sits off-kilter to most of the zodiac, but honestly that’s kind of your thing. It would be weirder if you weren’t! Big changes in your life loom a long way off and you don’t feel particularly pressed to pursue them at the moment, but it never hurts to spend some time daydreaming in preparation for the eventual morning when your motivation catches up to your imagination and compels you to act.

What the stars are up to:
  • Saturn and your ruler Neptune are in your sign.
  • Mercury squares off against Saturn.
  • Venus squares off against Neptune.
What it means:

You’re in for contention when the rulers of communication and desire beef with the representatives of organization and intuition in your sign. Wisdom? You’ve got it! Does anybody else want to hear it? Absolutely not, LOL. Just keep your own counsel at present. The tide will shift once the Summer Solstice carries the Sun from Gemini to Cancer.

What the stars are up to:
  • The North Node and Chiron are in your sign.
  • Venus, the Sun, and Mercury form sextiles with Chiron.
  • Mars squares off against Pluto.
What it means:

Everybody loves Chiron, the zodiac’s favorite centaur of injury and healing! This week, your dial is firmly tuned toward recovery as the rulers of desire, self-understanding, and communication get together to throw a surprise party for their pal Chiron the healer. You’ll need to stick in your current location for a while to let them finish celebrating together. Hold off on flouncing to the next stop on your agenda until you’ve allowed them all some leisurely time to hang out and collectively soothe your old battle scars.

What the stars are up to:
  • Mars and Uranus are in your sign.
  • Your sign ruler Venus is in Gemini.
  • Venus forms a sextile with Chiron and squares off against Lilith and Neptune.
  • Mars squares off against Pluto.
What it means:

You want to heal, but that requires a willingness to make yourself vulnerable, and that doesn’t sound especially appealing to you. Change is scary and you’re pretty comfy where you’re at already, so you may find yourself tempted to stubbornly dig in and refuse to budge. If that’s truly what’s best for you, great! Sit down on the ground and don’t move an inch until you’re good and ready! But while you’re there, consider examining your driving impulses and make certain that your resistance to progress stems from a place of genuine self-benefit, rather than fear.

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