Gemini Season Is Bringing a Big Dose of Good Luck. What to Expect Based on Your Sign

Jupiter is making big moves. Read our queer Gemini Season horoscope.
Image may contain Nature Night Outdoors Sky Astronomy Outer Space and Moon

Welcome to Gemini Season. I hope you’re ready to chat! Geminis only talk “too much” because they think too much. Truly, a Gemini’s brain does not shut up. At any given instant of the day, the inside of their mind looks like a five-ring circus of whirling hamster wheels whirling violently off the tracks. And while Geminis also laugh “too much,” the stuff they perceive to be truly hilarious is the objectively awful trauma they're carrying around. How else are they supposed to cope? Like, stoically? LOL, nah! Gemini often garner a reputation of being “a lot,” and yes, maybe even “too much” for signs who don't operate at their velocity, but the enlightened among us realize that this isn't their failing. The rest of us simply aren’t vibrating quite fast enough to keep up.

My own Moon placement falls in Gemini, and sometimes I can physically feel it influencing my behavior. At the time of writing, this horoscope is due in approximately 10 hours. This evening, I promised myself I would sit down and diligently type out the portents of destiny, but then it seemed much more important to have an hourlong phone conversation with my favorite Capricorn — you can’t waste a chance to talk to earth signs in their rare moments of sociability! After that, writing on my phone from the apartment complex pool seemed more appealing, and the antics of the loudly splashing children I would typically avoid felt appropriate for the chaotic seasonal vibe.

Now I’m kicking around in my headphones, submerged up to my neck, rocking out to an old Gemini season playlist that heavily features songs from the Mortal Kombat and Donkey Kong Country soundtracks. I can't remember exactly what I was supposed to be doing in the first place, but I'm not worried. At any other time I'd be stressed about looming obligations, but in this instant, life feels correct… wait, what were we talking about again? I hopped out for a dance break, which led to an interlude in which I read the "controversies" sections of three punk bands’ Wikipedia pages, then I had to rescue a moth from the pool, and here I am thinking about the performance of now-48-year-old Gemini Angelina Jolie as Kate “Acid Burn” Libby in the 1995 film Hackers. Have I gotten any further on the horoscope? No! My moon strikes again!

The biggest Big Thing on the agenda this season is the movement of enormous, expansive Jupiter from Taurus to Gemini, where it will remain for an entire year. Jupiter is a generous planet, and combined with the cheerfully anarchic influence of Gemini, it's set to blow all of our minds out to galaxy-brain level with an unpredictable influx of luck!

Below, Gemini kicks off the party, then we’ll proceed through each sign’s upcoming destiny. If you know more of your placements than your Sun Sign alone (Moon, Rising, Mars, etc.), check their entries as well to get a full picture of your Gemini Season horoscope.

Click here to jump to a sign: Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus.

What the stars are up to:
  • The Sun is in your sign.
  • Venus and Jupiter begin the season in Taurus, then move to your sign.
  • Your ruler Mercury begins the season in Taurus, where it forms sextiles with Saturn and Neptune, passes through conjunction with Uranus, and forms a trine with Lilith. Then, Mercury moves from Taurus to your sign.
  • The Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury create trines with Pluto.
  • The Sun, Venus, and Mercury form sextiles with the North Node and Chiron, and square off against Saturn, Lilith, and Neptune.
  • The Sun passes through conjunction with Venus and Mercury.
  • The New Moon in your sign passes through conjunction with the Sun.
What it means:

The party is fittingly in your sign this season! The Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and your ruler Mercury all join in throughout the month, and every other celestial influence just wishes it was there, too. These developments are all good for you, and also disruptive. You're not big into responsibility or common sense at the moment, but that’s just how you roll. You're moving at the speed of your own whims, aided by a constant stream of communication and a massive dose of good luck. Weirdly enough, this “no plan, only vibes” lifestyle is set to launch you directly into a future of healing. Listen to some old music you used to love; it will sound better to you now.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler the Moon travels through all of the signs, spending time in Scorpio and Sagittarius at the beginning and end of the season.
  • The Full Moon opposes the Sun in Sagittarius.
  • The Last Quarter Moon squares off against the Sun in Pisces.
  • The New Moon passes through conjunction with the Sun in Gemini.
  • The First Quarter Moon squares off against the Sun in Virgo.
  • In the last days of the season, Venus and Mercury move from Gemini to your sign.
What it means:

Stand way back, responsibility! Cancer is out to fuck some shit up! You're usually thought of as the caring, parental sign, but anyone seeking your advice this season should be warned: you’re enjoying a shockingly reckless era. Everything will come out in the wash eventually, right? Nobody really cares how you spend these early summer weeks, least of all you. You'll eventually return to your baseline of giving a goddamn when Venus and Mercury land in your sign, but nobody should expect sacrifice from you through the entire month prior.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler the Sun is in Gemini.
  • The Sun creates a trine with Pluto; forms sextiles with the North Node and Chiron; squares off against Saturn, Lilith, and Neptune; and passes through conjunction with Venus and Mercury.
What it means:

I’m going to get serious for a hot second in the middle of this jokey Gemini forecast: this season will be transformative for you. You have a choice ahead of you regarding your own self perception. Will you step backward to cling to an image you’ve already created, committing to the contours of a shape you already know? Or will you instead see a new possibility ahead and purposefully rearrange your soul into a fresh form? You are ultimately destined for life-altering change, no matter which path you choose.

What the stars are up to:
  • Lilith is in your sign.
  • Your sign ruler Mercury begins the season in Taurus, where it forms sextiles with Saturn and Neptune, passes through conjunction with Uranus, and forms a trine with Lilith.
  • Then, Mercury moves from Taurus to Gemini, where it creates a trine with Pluto, forms sextiles with the North Node and Chiron, and squares off against Saturn and Neptune.
  • The Sun passes through conjunction with Mercury.
  • The Sun, Venus, and Mercury square off against Lilith.
  • The First Quarter Moon in your sign squares off against the Sun.
What it means:

Oh, honey. This is a tough season for you. But fear not, shadow ruler Lilith’s tenure in your sign will soon come to an end! (Really, truly, please don’t fear; it would do us all a favor. With Lilith on board for the time being, any “fear” on your part is likely to result in aggressive, possibly destructive behavior, whether it’s actually warranted or not.)

You’re communicating better than ever, but you’re very persuasive and capable of convincing even yourself to embrace bad ideas. Consider reserving your charm for your own internal monologue for a few weeks. Fantasize about all of your worst imaginings very thoroughly, but wait until Cancer Season before you actually allow yourself to go out and make any of them happen.

What the stars are up to:
  • The South Node of the Moon’s orbit is in your sign.
  • Your sign ruler Venus begins the season in Taurus, where it passes through conjunction with Jupiter and forms a sextile with Neptune.
  • Then, Venus moves from Taurus to Gemini, where it creates a trine with Pluto, forms sextiles with the North Node and Chiron, and squares off against Saturn, Lilith, and Neptune.
  • The Sun passes through conjunction with Venus.
What it means:

I’m sitting here stumped by the challenge of briefly, broadly summarizing the arc suggested by your seasonal forecast. When I squint at it, it looks something like the first few episodes of Killing Eve, or maybe a sexy nun revenge action movie. You’re saddled with the South Node’s history of the past until 2025, and the weight may encourage you to act out when you encounter stimulating jolts of influence. Be careful to aim yourself properly whenever you make moves. Don’t react thoughtlessly in any random direction you happen to be facing when a surge of inspiration strikes.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler Pluto is retrograde in Aquarius.
  • The Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury create trines with Pluto.
  • The waxing gibbous Moon travels through your sign at the beginning and end of the season.
What it means:

I’m a Scorp myself, so I’m hitting a foggy barrier that protectively blocks my predictive energy here, but just take a look at our lineup above. The representatives of self, desire, fortune, and communication all team up in enthusiastic cooperation with Pluto, our way-out icy dwarf planet of doom and renewal… which is currently orbiting perspectively retrograde, drifting idly backwards in its new neighborhood of Aquarius, the zodiac’s strangest sign.

There’s a narrative there, I think — do you see it? Opportunities are reaching out to you, but you feel distrustful of their allure. This season, try to keep your shields down long enough to accept a few of the good things that are trying to get close to you.

What the stars are up to:
  • The Full Moon in your sign opposes the Sun.
  • Your sign ruler Jupiter begins the season in Taurus, where it forms a sextile with Neptune.
  • Then, Jupiter moves from Taurus to Gemini, where it creates a trine with Pluto.
  • The waxing gibbous Moon returns to your sign at the end of the season.
What it means:

Yikes! The Full Moon in Sag falls within two days of Jupiter’s migration to your mischievous sibling sign Gemini. This is scary, for sure, but not in a dread-inspiring way! It’s more likely to inspire that signature Sagittarian smirk that inspires people in your vicinity to support your worst ideas. I’m pretty sure you can’t control it, and your friends are powerless in the beam of its sway. You’re simply living life as a Sagittarius! If you’ve gained enough experience at existence to harness some control of your outlandish charm, try your best to sweep its influence in a good direction this season.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler Saturn is in Pisces.
  • Mercury begins the season in Taurus, where it forms a sextile with Saturn. Then, Mercury moves to Gemini.
  • The Sun, Venus, and Mercury square off against Saturn.
What it means:

Bummer, y’all. You maintain an admirable state of consistency, but unfortunately the world continues to fluctuate nonsensically all around you. Nobody is vibing with your flawless systems of functionality this season. This is irritating because you are legitimately in the right, and they are all totally mistaken and stubbornly wrong! You suffer the worst frustrations of the zodiac because you constantly understand how the world could ideally work, if the rest of its inhabitants simply would make it work.

What the stars are up to:
  • Pluto is retrograde in your sign.
  • Your sign ruler Uranus is in Taurus.
  • Mercury begins the season in Taurus, where it passes through conjunction with Uranus. Then, Mercury moves from Taurus to Gemini.
  • The Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury create trines with Pluto.
What it means:

Your Gemini season is packed with profound insights, and each will bring you to a new level of clarity regarding your life path. Other signs might wish they could skip straight to the end of such a journey and acquire the dang knowledge already, but you understand the value of stopping to rest, and savoring each step along the way.

You’ll experience a noticeable improvement in your ability to articulate your thoughts when Mercury moves from Taurus to Gemini, but you’ll move through so many musings at such a rapid pace that your confidants may struggle to keep up. If you truly need to talk things through, consider seeking out a fellow Aquarian with whom you can properly share your secrets.

What the stars are up to:
  • Saturn and your ruler Neptune are in your sign.
  • Mercury begins the season in Taurus, where it forms sextiles with Saturn and Neptune. Then, Mercury moves from Taurus to Gemini.
  • The Sun, Venus, and Mercury square off against Saturn and Neptune.
  • The Last Quarter Moon in your sign squares off against the Sun.
What it means:

Your next four weeks start off strong, with a happy breakthrough in communication! But then, in June, life spirals out into a series of challenges. Both your work ethic and sense of intuition will be tested by misunderstandings, and the Last Quarter Moon in your sign will see you running short on patience. Just keep swimming forward through the choppy, turbulent waves! In another month’s time, you’ll reach a water season that feels much more comfortable for a fish.

What the stars are up to:
  • Chiron and the North Node of the Moon’s orbit are in your sign.
  • Your ruler Mars begins the season in your sign, then moves to Taurus.
  • The Sun, Venus, and Mercury form sextiles with the North Node and Chiron
What it means:

Everyone loves you right now… like, to a suspicious level. It’s kind of intense, and might feel unsettling if you stop to think about it for too long. So, don’t! Instead, simply assume that everyone is right to adore you and continue to strut confidently through the gauntlet of life. As usual, this tactic will get you exactly where you want and need to go.

What the stars are up to:
  • Uranus is in your sign.
  • Your ruler Venus begins the season in your sign, where it passes through conjunction with Jupiter and forms a sextile with Neptune.
  • Then, Venus moves from your sign to Gemini, where it creates a trine with Pluto, forms sextiles with the North Node and Chiron, and squares off against Saturn, Lilith, and Neptune.
  • Jupiter begins the season in your sign, where it forms a sextile with Neptune. Then, Jupiter moves from your sign to Gemini.
  • Mercury begins the season in your sign, where it forms sextiles with Saturn and Neptune, passes through conjunction with Uranus, and forms a trine with Lilith. Then, Mercury moves from your sign to Gemini.
  • Mars begins the season in Aries, then moves to your sign.
What it means:

You catch a much-deserved vacation in the third week of the season. You just have to make it through a rolling series of overwhelming personal revelations first! Then, you’re rewarded with a period of rest before motivating Mars slams into your space and energizes you to embark on a whole new stretch of life. (Ugh, change. Effort. Gross!) Oddball Uranus, however, remains in your sign until 2026. You aren’t beating the weirdo allegations for literal years to come.

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