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It’s time to straighten up our building sites with a strong regulator

It’s time to straighten up our building sites with a strong regulator

Stronger fines, wider powers and a bipartisan mandate could produce a construction industry regulator with transformative possibilities.

  • by The Age's View


Chance for a CFMEU clean-out – but the devil will be in the detail

Chance for a CFMEU clean-out – but the devil will be in the detail

The cronies, the corrupt, the violent and all underworld figures need to be banished from the construction union and a new generation of decent people must take their place.

  • The Age's View
Today’s ‘zero tolerance’ follows years of wilful blindness towards the CFMEU
Trade unions

Today’s ‘zero tolerance’ follows years of wilful blindness towards the CFMEU

Politicians and unionists have had plenty of notice of the CFMEU’s rotten culture. Their inaction and indulgence is behind the current turmoil.

  • The Age's View
Gunman’s attack on Trump takes direct aim at US democracy
Donald Trump

Gunman’s attack on Trump takes direct aim at US democracy

The failed assassination attempt shows the urgent need for American politics to return to civility and respect.

  • The Age's View
Rational approach needed on youth crime

Rational approach needed on youth crime

Kneejerk, emotional responses must not dictate their policy on youth crime.

  • The Age's View
Airport Rail is the wrong project to leave in limbo

Airport Rail is the wrong project to leave in limbo

Melbourne Airport may have pushed for a gold-plated station, but the Allan government’s commitment to the project must also be questioned.

  • The Age's View
Vape enforcement vacuum makes mockery of government’s ‘tough’ policy

Vape enforcement vacuum makes mockery of government’s ‘tough’ policy

Retailers have little incentive to stop selling vapes in violation of the law.

  • The Age's View
Payman saga highlights outdated policy Labor needs to ditch

Payman saga highlights outdated policy Labor needs to ditch

Party rebels have stopped Coalition governments making mistakes. Labor MPs lack the same opportunity.

  • The Age's View
Funding squeeze will be critical blow to state’s ailing health system

Funding squeeze will be critical blow to state’s ailing health system

Dire consequences are inevitable when the healthcare system is undermined and neglected by politicians tasked with spending public money.

  • The Age's View
Rail loop’s unprecedented building boom requires careful planning

Rail loop’s unprecedented building boom requires careful planning

The Victorian government needs to provide assurance its seizure of development decision-making along the massive project is guided by broader thinking.

  • The Age's View
Dutton’s nuclear ambition cannot be founded on policy dishonesty

Dutton’s nuclear ambition cannot be founded on policy dishonesty

A proposal as significant as inserting nuclear power into our landscape behoves some commitment to hard work and honest answers.

  • The Age's View