Ross Gittins | The Sydney Morning Herald

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Ross Gittins is the Economics Editor of The Sydney Morning Herald.

Cost-of-living crisis? Why only some of us are feeling the pinch

Cost-of-living crisis? Why only some of us are feeling the pinch

A fascinating study into how our standards of living have changed since before COVID helps to explain why some Australians are feeling no pain.

  • by Ross Gittins


Construction industry a honeypot that capital and labour fight over

Construction industry a honeypot that capital and labour fight over

Don’t fall for the “rogue union” bogeyman theory. There’s much more going on than there seems.

  • by Ross Gittins
Unthinking privatisation leaves much mess to be cleaned up

Unthinking privatisation leaves much mess to be cleaned up

Private road toll companies have rights, but they don’t have the right to impose on the people of NSW and their government an unfair and unsustainable arrangement lasting forever.

  • by Ross Gittins
Take heart! Australia is still better and fairer than most

Take heart! Australia is still better and fairer than most

It’s been tempting to think that the goal of every generation being better off than their parents has been lost. It’s not true. Not yet anyway.

  • by Ross Gittins
OECD’s message to our inflation warriors: calm down, she’ll be right

OECD’s message to our inflation warriors: calm down, she’ll be right

International public servants in Paris have reminded us that Australia’s real wages are too low. So why is the RBA so worried about continued high inflation?

  • by Ross Gittins
Forget smaller government, let’s shoot for better government

Forget smaller government, let’s shoot for better government

Randomised controlled trials aren’t just for medicine and pharmaceuticals – they can also help put our taxes to better use in properly evaluated government programs.

  • by Ross Gittins
There are no ‘safe’ seats any more, and here’s why that’s good news

There are no ‘safe’ seats any more, and here’s why that’s good news

More power for crossbenchers at the federal level could be a good way to break the big-party logjam. It couldn’t be worse than what we’ve got.

  • by Ross Gittins
Yes, we need tax reform, but it offers no easy answers
Income tax

Yes, we need tax reform, but it offers no easy answers

Surely if we could end the crazy business of bracket creep, we’d pay less tax? Well, yes – but no.

  • by Ross Gittins
If you care about your offspring, you should support ‘nature positive’

If you care about your offspring, you should support ‘nature positive’

So much has been lost, and with such serious consequences, a consensus has emerged that we must now commit to nature repair.

  • by Ross Gittins
Despite what we’re led to believe, tax cuts are no free lunch
Income tax

Despite what we’re led to believe, tax cuts are no free lunch

Politicians like to peddle illusions when it comes to tax and tax cuts. Meanwhile, we play our role by deluding ourselves.

  • by Ross Gittins
Why interest rate speculators should get back in their box

Why interest rate speculators should get back in their box

The future of interest rates needs more brainpower and a lot less idle speculation.

  • by Ross Gittins