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1 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved
Apache Hive 3.0, A New Horizon
Alan Gates
Hortonworks Co-founder, Apache Hive PMC member
2 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved
Apache Hive – Data Warehousing for Big Data
• Comprehensive ANSI SQL
• Only open source Hadoop SQL with transactions, INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/MERGE
• BI queries with MPP performance at big data scales
• ETL jobs scale with your cluster
• Enables per-user dynamic row and column security
• Enables replication for HA and DR
• Compatible with every major BI tool
• Proven at 300+ PB scale
3 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved
Hive on Tez
Hadoop Cluster
Tez Container
Tez Container
Tez Container
Tez Container
Tez AM
Tez AM
HDFS and
S3 WASB Isilon
4 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved
Hive LLAP - MPP Performance at Hadoop Scale
Hadoop Cluster
LLAP Daemon
LLAP Daemon
LLAP Daemon
LLAP Daemon
Queries In-Memory Cache
(Shared Across All Users)
HDFS and
S3 WASB Isilon
5 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved
Hive3: EDW analyst pipeline
BI tools
• Results return
from HDFS/cache
• Reduce load from
repetitive queries
• Allows more
queries to be run
in parallel
• Reduce resource
starvation in large
• Active/Passive HA
• More “tools” for
optimizer to use
• More ”tools” for
DBAs to
• Invisible tuning of
DB from users’
• ACID v2 is as fast as
regular tables
• Hive 3 is optimized
• Support for
out of the box
6 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved
• Ran all 99 TPCDS queries
• Total query runtime have improved multifold in each release!
Benchmark journey
TPCDS 10TB scale on 10 node cluster
HDP 2.5
HDP 2.5
HDP 2.6
25x 3x 2x
HDP 3.0
2016 20182017
7 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved
New Features
8 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved
Transactional Read and Write
• Originally Hive supported write only by adding partitions or loading new files into
existing partitions
• Starting in version 0.13, Hive added transactions and INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
• Supports
• Slow changing dimensions
• Correcting mis-loaded data
• GDPR's right to be forgotten
• Not OLTP!
• Drawbacks:
• Transactional tables had to be stored in ORC and had to be bucketed
• Reading transactional tables was significantly slower than non-transactional
• No support for MERGE or UPSERT functionality
9 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved
• In 3.0 ACID storage has been reworked
• Performance penalty for ACID is now negligible even when compactor has not run
• With other optimizations ACID can result in speed up (more on this in the performance talk)
• Added MERGE support
• CDC can be regularly merged into a fact table with upsert functionality
• Removed restrictions:
• Tables no longer have to be bucketed
• Non-ORC based tables supported (INSERT & SELECT only)
• Still not OLTP!
10 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved
Materialized Views
1. Create materialized view using Hive tables
• Stored by Hive or Druid
2. User or dashboard sends queries to Hive
• Hive rewrites queries using available materialized views
• Execute rewritten query
Dashboards, BI tools
STORED AS 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.druid.DruidStorageHandler'
DBA, recommendation system
11 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved
Materialized view-based rewriting example
• Materialized view definition
SELECT <dims>,
lo_extendedprice * lo_discount AS d_price,
lo_revenue - lo_supplycost
customer, dates, lineorder, part, supplier
lo_orderdate = d_datekey
and lo_partkey = p_partkey
and lo_suppkey = s_suppkey
and lo_custkey = c_custkey;
• Query
SELECT sum(lo_extendedprice * lo_discount)
lineorder, dates
lo_orderdate = d_datekey
and d_year = 2013
and lo_discount between 1 and 3;
• Materialized view-based rewriting
SELECT SUM(d_price)
d_year = 2013
and lo_discount between 1 and 3;
d_year lo_discount <dims> d_price
2013 2 ... 7.55
2014 4 ... 432.60
2013 2 ... 34.45
2012 2 ... 2.05
… … ... …
mv contents
Query results
12 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved
Materialized view - Maintenance
• Partial table rewrites are supported
• Typical: Denormalize last month of data only
• Rewrite engine will produce union of latest and historical data
• Updates to base tables
• Invalidates views, but
• Can choose to allow stale views (max staleness) for performance
• Can partial match views and compute delta after updates
• Incremental updates
• Common classes of views allow for incremental updates
• Others need full refresh
13 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved
LLAP workload management
⬢ Effectively share LLAP cluster resources
– Resource allocation per user policy; separate ETL and BI, etc.
⬢ Resources based guardrails
– Protect against long running queries, high memory usage
⬢ Improved, query-aware scheduling
– Scheduler is aware of query characteristics, types, etc.
– Fragments easy to pre-empt compared to containers
– Queries get guaranteed fractions of the cluster, but can use
empty space
16 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved
Plus More
• Constraints (primary/foreign keys, not null) and default values supported
• Surrogate keys – default values, unique, not monotonically increasing
• Replication of data and metadata between Hive instances
• SQL Standard Information Schema now supported
• In Hive 3 much work has been done to optimize Hive for object stores
• Hive uses its ACID system to determine which files to read rather than trust the storage
• Moves eliminated where ever possible
• More aggressive caching of file metadata and data to reduce file system operations
• Apache Parquet and text files now supported in LLAP
• Query cache to return results from repeated queries in under 100ms (requires ACID)
• Metastore cache for faster query compilation and planning, especially in the cloud
17 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved
18 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved
EDW ingestion pipeline
Hive ingest
ACID tables
Real-time analytics
• Druid answers in near real-time
• JDBC sources
• Kafka sources
Easy to use
• Query any data via LLAP
• No need to de-ACID tables
• No bucketing required
• Calcite talks SQL
• Materialization just works
• Cache just worksJDBC sources
MySQL, Postgres, Oracle
19 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved
LLAP DaemonsExecutors
Executors LLAP Daemons
1. Driver submits query to HiveServer
2. Compile query and return ”splits” to Driver
3. Execute query on LLAP
c) hive.executeQuery(“SELECT * FROM t”).sort(“A”).show()
20 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved
LLAP DaemonsExecutors
HWC (Arrow)
Executors LLAP Daemons
4. Executor Tasks run for each split
5. Tasks reads Arrow data from LLAP
6. HWC returns ArrowColumnVectors to Spark
c) hive.executeQuery(“SELECT * FROM t”).sort(“A”).show()
21 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved
Druid capabilities
• Streaming ingestion capability
• Data Freshness – analyze events as they occur
• Fast response time (ideally < 1sec query time)
• Arbitrary slicing and dicing
• Multi-tenancy – 1000s of concurrent users
• Scalability and Availability
• Rich real-time visualization with Superset
Apache Druid is a distributed, real-time, column-oriented
datastore designed to quickly ingest and index large amounts
of data and make it available for real-time query.
22 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved
Hive and Druid, Better Together
Technology Strengths Issues
Hive SQL 2011, JDBC/ODBC
Fast scans
Not optimized for slice and dice and drill down (OLAP
cubing) operations
Druid Dimensional aggregates support OLAP cubes
Timeseries queries
Realtime ingestion of streaming data
Lacks SQL interface
No joins
Problem: You don't want two systems to manage and load data into
Solution: For data that fits best in Druid, load it in Druid and access it with Hive
• Hive supports push down of queries to Druid, optimizer knows what to push and what to run in Hive
• Enables SQL and JDBC/ODBC access to data in Druid
• Enables join of historical and realtime data
• Enables Hive support of slice & dice, drill down for OLAP cubing
• Can also create materialized views in Hive and store them in Druid
23 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved.
Hortonworks confidential and proprietary information
SOLUTIONS: Heuristic recommendation engine
Fully self-serviced query and storage optimization
24 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved

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What's New in Apache Hive 3.0?

  • 1. 1 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved Apache Hive 3.0, A New Horizon Alan Gates Hortonworks Co-founder, Apache Hive PMC member @alanfgates
  • 2. 2 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved Apache Hive – Data Warehousing for Big Data • Comprehensive ANSI SQL • Only open source Hadoop SQL with transactions, INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/MERGE • BI queries with MPP performance at big data scales • ETL jobs scale with your cluster • Enables per-user dynamic row and column security • Enables replication for HA and DR • Compatible with every major BI tool • Proven at 300+ PB scale
  • 3. 3 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved Hive on Tez Deep Storage Hadoop Cluster Tez Container Query Executors Tez Container Query Executors Tez Container Query Executors Tez Container Query Executors Tez AM Tez AM HiveServer2 (Query Endpoint) ODBC / JDBC SQL Queries HDFS and Compatible S3 WASB Isilon
  • 4. 4 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved Hive LLAP - MPP Performance at Hadoop Scale Deep Storage Hadoop Cluster LLAP Daemon Query Executors LLAP Daemon Query Executors LLAP Daemon Query Executors LLAP Daemon Query Executors Query Coordinators Coord- inator Coord- inator Coord- inator HiveServer2 (Query Endpoint) ODBC / JDBC SQL Queries In-Memory Cache (Shared Across All Users) HDFS and Compatible S3 WASB Isilon
  • 5. 5 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved Hive3: EDW analyst pipeline BI tools Materialized view Surrogate key Constraints Query Result Cache Workload management • Results return from HDFS/cache directly • Reduce load from repetitive queries • Allows more queries to be run in parallel • Reduce resource starvation in large clusters • Active/Passive HA • More “tools” for optimizer to use • More ”tools” for DBAs to tune/optimize • Invisible tuning of DB from users’ perspective • ACID v2 is as fast as regular tables • Hive 3 is optimized for S3/WASB/GCP • Support for JDBC/Kafka/Druid out of the box ACID v2 Cloud Storage Connectors
  • 6. 6 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved • Ran all 99 TPCDS queries • Total query runtime have improved multifold in each release! Benchmark journey TPCDS 10TB scale on 10 node cluster HDP 2.5 Hive1 HDP 2.5 LLAP HDP 2.6 LLAP 25x 3x 2x HDP 3.0 LLAP 2016 20182017 ACID tables
  • 7. 7 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved New Features
  • 8. 8 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved Transactional Read and Write • Originally Hive supported write only by adding partitions or loading new files into existing partitions • Starting in version 0.13, Hive added transactions and INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE • Supports • Slow changing dimensions • Correcting mis-loaded data • GDPR's right to be forgotten • Not OLTP! • Drawbacks: • Transactional tables had to be stored in ORC and had to be bucketed • Reading transactional tables was significantly slower than non-transactional • No support for MERGE or UPSERT functionality
  • 9. 9 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved ACID v2 • In 3.0 ACID storage has been reworked • Performance penalty for ACID is now negligible even when compactor has not run • With other optimizations ACID can result in speed up (more on this in the performance talk) • Added MERGE support • CDC can be regularly merged into a fact table with upsert functionality • Removed restrictions: • Tables no longer have to be bucketed • Non-ORC based tables supported (INSERT & SELECT only) • Still not OLTP!
  • 10. 10 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved Materialized Views 1. Create materialized view using Hive tables • Stored by Hive or Druid 2. User or dashboard sends queries to Hive • Hive rewrites queries using available materialized views • Execute rewritten query Dashboards, BI tools CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW `ssb_mv` STORED AS 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.druid.DruidStorageHandler' ENABLE REWRITE AS <query>; DBA, recommendation system ① ② Data Queries
  • 11. 11 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved Materialized view-based rewriting example • Materialized view definition CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW mv AS SELECT <dims>, lo_revenue, lo_extendedprice * lo_discount AS d_price, lo_revenue - lo_supplycost FROM customer, dates, lineorder, part, supplier WHERE lo_orderdate = d_datekey and lo_partkey = p_partkey and lo_suppkey = s_suppkey and lo_custkey = c_custkey; • Query SELECT sum(lo_extendedprice * lo_discount) FROM lineorder, dates WHERE lo_orderdate = d_datekey and d_year = 2013 and lo_discount between 1 and 3; • Materialized view-based rewriting SELECT SUM(d_price) FROM mv WHERE d_year = 2013 and lo_discount between 1 and 3; supplier part dates customerlineorder d_year lo_discount <dims> d_price 2013 2 ... 7.55 2014 4 ... 432.60 2013 2 ... 34.45 2012 2 ... 2.05 … … ... … mv contents sum 42.0 … Query results
  • 12. 12 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved Materialized view - Maintenance • Partial table rewrites are supported • Typical: Denormalize last month of data only • Rewrite engine will produce union of latest and historical data • Updates to base tables • Invalidates views, but • Can choose to allow stale views (max staleness) for performance • Can partial match views and compute delta after updates • Incremental updates • Common classes of views allow for incremental updates • Others need full refresh
  • 13. 13 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved LLAP workload management ⬢ Effectively share LLAP cluster resources – Resource allocation per user policy; separate ETL and BI, etc. ⬢ Resources based guardrails – Protect against long running queries, high memory usage ⬢ Improved, query-aware scheduling – Scheduler is aware of query characteristics, types, etc. – Fragments easy to pre-empt compared to containers – Queries get guaranteed fractions of the cluster, but can use empty space
  • 14. 16 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved Plus More • Constraints (primary/foreign keys, not null) and default values supported • Surrogate keys – default values, unique, not monotonically increasing • Replication of data and metadata between Hive instances • SQL Standard Information Schema now supported • In Hive 3 much work has been done to optimize Hive for object stores • Hive uses its ACID system to determine which files to read rather than trust the storage • Moves eliminated where ever possible • More aggressive caching of file metadata and data to reduce file system operations • Apache Parquet and text files now supported in LLAP • Query cache to return results from repeated queries in under 100ms (requires ACID) • Metastore cache for faster query compilation and planning, especially in the cloud
  • 15. 17 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved Connectors
  • 16. 18 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved EDW ingestion pipeline LLAP interface Kafka-Druid- Hive ingest Kafka-hive streaming ingest Druid ACID tables Real-time analytics • Druid answers in near real-time • JDBC sources • Kafka sources Easy to use • Query any data via LLAP • No need to de-ACID tables • No bucketing required • Calcite talks SQL • Materialization just works • Cache just worksJDBC sources MySQL, Postgres, Oracle
  • 17. 19 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved Driver MetaStore HiveServer+Tez LLAP DaemonsExecutors Spark Meta Hive Meta HWC (JDBC) Executors LLAP Daemons 1 2 3 1. Driver submits query to HiveServer 2. Compile query and return ”splits” to Driver 3. Execute query on LLAP c) hive.executeQuery(“SELECT * FROM t”).sort(“A”).show() ACID Tables
  • 18. 20 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved Driver MetaStore HiveServer+Tez LLAP DaemonsExecutors Spark Meta Hive Meta HWC (Arrow) Executors LLAP Daemons 4 5 4. Executor Tasks run for each split 5. Tasks reads Arrow data from LLAP 6. HWC returns ArrowColumnVectors to Spark 6 c) hive.executeQuery(“SELECT * FROM t”).sort(“A”).show() ACID Tables
  • 19. 21 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved Druid capabilities • Streaming ingestion capability • Data Freshness – analyze events as they occur • Fast response time (ideally < 1sec query time) • Arbitrary slicing and dicing • Multi-tenancy – 1000s of concurrent users • Scalability and Availability • Rich real-time visualization with Superset Apache Druid is a distributed, real-time, column-oriented datastore designed to quickly ingest and index large amounts of data and make it available for real-time query.
  • 20. 22 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved Hive and Druid, Better Together Technology Strengths Issues Hive SQL 2011, JDBC/ODBC Fast scans ACID Not optimized for slice and dice and drill down (OLAP cubing) operations Druid Dimensional aggregates support OLAP cubes Timeseries queries Realtime ingestion of streaming data Lacks SQL interface No joins Problem: You don't want two systems to manage and load data into Solution: For data that fits best in Druid, load it in Druid and access it with Hive • Hive supports push down of queries to Druid, optimizer knows what to push and what to run in Hive • Enables SQL and JDBC/ODBC access to data in Druid • Enables join of historical and realtime data • Enables Hive support of slice & dice, drill down for OLAP cubing • Can also create materialized views in Hive and store them in Druid
  • 21. 23 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved. Hortonworks confidential and proprietary information SOLUTIONS: Heuristic recommendation engine Fully self-serviced query and storage optimization
  • 22. 24 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011–2018. All rights reserved Questions?