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3.77 288.9 0.76
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Counting Rows
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3.77 288.9 0.76
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Hive HBase Druid
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© Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017
Big Data Processing Engines –
Which one do I use?
Ashish Narasimham, Solutions Engineer @ Cloudera
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Processing Engines Overview
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What’s Hive good at?
⬢ Jack of all trades
⬢ Key component of the real-time
⬢ Familiar interface for analysts – unified
⬢ Can perform joins, filtering,
⬢ Read structured (CSV) or semi-
structured (JSON) data
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HDP3: EDW analyst pipeline
BI systems
• Results return
from HDFS/cache
• Reduce load from
repetitive queries
• Allows more
queries to be run
in parallel
• Reduce resource
starvation in large
• Also:
Active/Passive HA
• More “tools” for
optimizer to use
• More ”tools” for
DBAs to
• Invisible tuning of
DB from users’
• ACID v2 is as fast
as regular tables
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What Are Apache HBase and Phoenix?
Flexible Schema
Millisecond Latency
SQL and NoSQL Interfaces
Store and Process Petabytes of Data
Scale out on Commodity Servers
Integrated with YARN
100% Open Source
YARN : Data Operating System
1 ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° N
(Permanent Data Storage)
Flexible Schema
Extreme Low Latency
Directly Integrated with Hadoop
SQL and NoSQL Interfaces
What Are Apache HBase and Phoenix?
Flexible Schema
Millisecond Latency
SQL and NoSQL Interfaces
Store and Process Petabytes of Data
Scale out on Commodity Servers
Integrated with YARN
100% Open Source
YARN : Data Operating System
1 ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° N
(Permanent Data Storage)
Flexible Schema
Extreme Low Latency
Directly Integrated with Hadoop
SQL and NoSQL Interfaces
Kinds of Apps Built with HBase
Write Heavy Low-Latency
Search /
Audit /
Log Archive AdvertisingData Cubes
Time Series
Sensor /
Key HBase Features
Page 14
High Availability
• Data is stored on multiple
nodes and HBase coordinates
• Data stays available if nodes
Strong Consistency
• HBase doesn’t sacrifice
consistency for scale.
• Improve quality by avoiding
difficult-to-detect bugs.
Deep Hadoop Integration
• Add deep insight to your apps
through seamless integration
with Hadoop tools like Hive
Multi Datacenter
• Replicate data between 2 or
more datacenters.
• Keeps data safe and available
through datacenter outages.
Data Storage – Relational vs. HBase
Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4
Row1 f - t5
a – t1
null null d – t4
Row2 null b – t1 null null
Row3 null null null e – t4
Row4 c – t3 null g – t5 null
Relational Data Base
f – t5
a – t1
C – t3
B – t1 g – t5 d – t4
e – t4
HBase Data is located by cell coordinates consisting of row key,
column family name, column qualifier and timestamp
Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4
© Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 16
Druid is for real-time, providing aggregations and fast
 Streaming ingestion capability
 Data Freshness – analyze events as they occur
 Fast response time (ideally < 1sec query time)
 Arbitrary slicing and dicing
 Multi-tenancy – 1000s of concurrent users
 Scalability and Availability
 Rich real-time visualization with Superset
Druid is a distributed, real-time, column-oriented datastore
designed to quickly ingest and index large amounts of data and
make it available for real-time query.
Who is Using Druid
Here’s how Druid usually fits into your architecture
data source
(Kafka, etc.) Real-
Jobs, batch
VisualizationQuery engineStorageData sources
Hive tables,
Hive tables
Hive/Druid via
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© Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 21
And one more honorable mention
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Complex ETL, ML
What is Apache Spark?
Classification Regression
• Support vector
• logistic regression
Collaborative Filtering
• K-means
• Stochastic Gradient
ML lib (Machine Learning)
• High-throughput, fault-
tolerant stream processing
of live data streams
Data Ingest Sources
• Kafka, Flume, Twitter,
ZeroMQ, Kinesis or TCP
Reuse Spark APIs
• Complex algorithms
expressed with high-level
functions like map, reduce,
join and window
Data Persistence
• Processed data can be
pushed out to file systems,
databases and live
Spark Streaming
Structured Data Processing
• Programming abstraction
called DataFrames
• Distributed SQL query
Infer Schema
• Automatically infer scheme
of a JSON dataset and
load it as a DataFrame.
Spark SQL
Resource Management
Spark Core Engine
Benefits of Apache Spark
• Performance
– Deliver high performance large scale data processing and analysis by
leveraging in memory computing
• Ease of Use
– Easy to use APIs for operating on large datasets
– Operators for transforming data
– DataFrames provides support for manipulating structured and semi-
structured data
• Efficiency
– Enhanced developer productivity through prepackaged libraries that can be
combined in the same application
• SQL queries
• Streaming data
• Machine learning
• Graph processing
Resource Management
Spark Core Engine
* Tech Preview
LLAP DaemonsExecutors
Executors LLAP Daemons
Isolate Spark and Hive Catalogs/Tables
Leverage connector for Spark <-> Hive
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Which one should I choose?
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Use Case Analysis - Each engine has its niche
HBase Hive Druid Spark
Ultra-low latency
Random access
ACID, real-time
database, EDW
OLAP, concurrent
Complex ETL
Unified SQL
interface, JDBC
ML model
Updates Reporting, batch Time-series SparkSQL
Deletes Joins, large
aggregates, ad-
© Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 28
Which use cases make sense?
⬢ HBase – operational data store, lots of changing data
– Financial transaction data
– Frequent customer updates
⬢ Druid – analytics across dataset, sums and other aggregations
– Analyzing number of cars being produced by region
– Number of flights departing from a certain airport
⬢ Hive – large queries across tons of data
– Fact-dimension join across billions of rows, e.g. joining loyalty data to a day’s retail
transactions for insights into spending
⬢ Spark – predictive modeling, complex ETL (ELT) jobs
– Building a predictive maintenance model for infrastructure that a transportation company
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Complex ETL, ML
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Performance Analysis
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Performance Analysis - Setup
⬢ Caching disabled
⬢ Query types
– Simple count
– Select with a where
– Join
– Update
– An aggregation (e.g. Sum)
8 cores
8 nodes
200MM rows
15.00 15.00 15.00
0.34 0.71
0.00 0.00
Select with filter Count(*) Aggregation with
Select with join and
Update with filter
Comparing Hive, HBase and Druid
HBase/Phoenix Hive Druid
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Data Load Times
Engine Load Time
Hive <1 hr
HBase 4+ hrs
Druid 2 hrs
⬢ Issues with HBase – sequential, serial
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Space Considerations
⬢ You may get better storage from HBase with different compression
Engine Size on Disk with Replication
Hive – ORC w/ Zlib 28.4GB
HBase – Snappy compression 89.5GB
Druid 31.5GB
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© Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 36
Unified SQL
Hive as the Single Interface
Hive Query Delegation by Calcite
filter time
group by
order by
Calcite rewrites to
Druid query fragment
Complex joins,
etc would be
computed here
BI on Hadoop : Different tools for different use cases
 File / RAW storage
 Unknown questions
 Latency is not a issue
 Non structured / Data Mining /
Data Science
 Structured Data
 Data cleansed / Enriched
 Questions are known but not answers
 Concepts and data regularly updated
 Streaming / low latency
 Pre-aggregation to answer specific
 Known Questions and answers
 Operational dashboards
Cold Warm
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© Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 41
What conclusions can we draw?
⬢ The use case dictates the tool. This is seen in the numbers
– Druid is extremely fast for aggregations
– HBase is great with lookups and OLTP-style updates on fast-moving data
– Hive is used a lot for analytics on large quantities of data, where the query isn’t known
– Spark has great libraries for ML and is customizable for complex ETL
⬢ Use case sprawl – watch for this (no one engine does it all)
⬢ Unified SQL – the tools complement each other in the larger enterprise
© Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 42
Further Reading
⬢ Use case discussion on the engines
⬢ Performance analysis

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Big data processing engines, Atlanta Meetup 4/30

  • 1. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 1 3.77 288.9 0.76
  • 2. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 2 Counting Rows
  • 3. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 3 3.77 288.9 0.76
  • 4. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 4 3.77 288.9 0.76 Hive HBase Druid
  • 5. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 5 Ad-hoc analytics Random look-ups Aggregations drill-downs
  • 6. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017 Big Data Processing Engines – Which one do I use? Ashish Narasimham, Solutions Engineer @ Cloudera
  • 7. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 7 Processing Engines Overview
  • 8. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 8 Ad-hoc analytics Random look-ups Aggregations drill-downs
  • 9. What’s Hive good at? ⬢ Jack of all trades ⬢ Key component of the real-time database ⬢ Familiar interface for analysts – unified SQL ⬢ Can perform joins, filtering, aggregations ⬢ Read structured (CSV) or semi- structured (JSON) data HiveInterface HBase/Phoenix Druid JDBC Files
  • 10. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 10 HDP3: EDW analyst pipeline Tableau BI systems Materialized view Surrogate key Constraints Query Result Cache Workload management ACID v2 & ACID on default • Results return from HDFS/cache directly • Reduce load from repetitive queries • Allows more queries to be run in parallel • Reduce resource starvation in large clusters • Also: Active/Passive HA • More “tools” for optimizer to use • More ”tools” for DBAs to tune/optimize • Invisible tuning of DB from users’ perspective • ACID v2 is as fast as regular tables
  • 11. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 11 Ad-hoc, analytics Look-ups, updates Aggregations, drill-downs
  • 12. What Are Apache HBase and Phoenix? Flexible Schema Millisecond Latency SQL and NoSQL Interfaces Store and Process Petabytes of Data Scale out on Commodity Servers Integrated with YARN 100% Open Source YARN : Data Operating System HBase RegionServer 1 ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° N HDFS (Permanent Data Storage) HBase RegionServer HBase RegionServer Flexible Schema Extreme Low Latency Directly Integrated with Hadoop SQL and NoSQL Interfaces What Are Apache HBase and Phoenix? Flexible Schema Millisecond Latency SQL and NoSQL Interfaces Store and Process Petabytes of Data Scale out on Commodity Servers Integrated with YARN 100% Open Source YARN : Data Operating System HBase RegionServer 1 ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° N HDFS (Permanent Data Storage) HBase RegionServer HBase RegionServer Flexible Schema Extreme Low Latency Directly Integrated with Hadoop SQL and NoSQL Interfaces
  • 13. Kinds of Apps Built with HBase Write Heavy Low-Latency Search / Indexing Messaging Audit / Log Archive AdvertisingData Cubes Time Series Sensor / Device
  • 14. Key HBase Features Page 14 High Availability • Data is stored on multiple nodes and HBase coordinates failover. • Data stays available if nodes fail. Strong Consistency • HBase doesn’t sacrifice consistency for scale. • Improve quality by avoiding difficult-to-detect bugs. Deep Hadoop Integration • Add deep insight to your apps through seamless integration with Hadoop tools like Hive Multi Datacenter • Replicate data between 2 or more datacenters. • Keeps data safe and available through datacenter outages.
  • 15. Data Storage – Relational vs. HBase Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Row1 f - t5 a – t1 null null d – t4 Row2 null b – t1 null null Row3 null null null e – t4 Row4 c – t3 null g – t5 null Relational Data Base f – t5 a – t1 C – t3 B – t1 g – t5 d – t4 e – t4 HBase Data is located by cell coordinates consisting of row key, column family name, column qualifier and timestamp Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 HFile
  • 16. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 16 Ad-hoc analytics Random look-ups Aggregations drill-downs
  • 17. Druid is for real-time, providing aggregations and fast access  Streaming ingestion capability  Data Freshness – analyze events as they occur  Fast response time (ideally < 1sec query time)  Arbitrary slicing and dicing  Multi-tenancy – 1000s of concurrent users  Scalability and Availability  Rich real-time visualization with Superset Superset Druid is a distributed, real-time, column-oriented datastore designed to quickly ingest and index large amounts of data and make it available for real-time query.
  • 18. Who is Using Druid
  • 19. Druid cubing Here’s how Druid usually fits into your architecture Streaming data source (Kafka, etc.) Real- time ingest Druid Jobs, batch processes, scheduled tasks HDFS Hive Superset VisualizationQuery engineStorageData sources Druid-backed Hive tables, predicate pushdown HDFS-backed Hive tables Tableau, Qlik, Excel Query Hive/Druid via ODBC Batch ingest
  • 20. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 20 Ad-hoc analytics Random look-ups Aggregations drill-downs
  • 21. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 21 And one more honorable mention
  • 22. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 22 Ad-hoc analytics Random look-ups Aggregations drill-downs Complex ETL, ML
  • 23. What is Apache Spark? Classification Regression • Support vector • logistic regression Collaborative Filtering Clustering • K-means Optimization • Stochastic Gradient Descent ML lib (Machine Learning) Scalable • High-throughput, fault- tolerant stream processing of live data streams (micro-batches) Data Ingest Sources • Kafka, Flume, Twitter, ZeroMQ, Kinesis or TCP sockets Reuse Spark APIs • Complex algorithms expressed with high-level functions like map, reduce, join and window Data Persistence • Processed data can be pushed out to file systems, databases and live dashboards Spark Streaming Structured Data Processing • Programming abstraction called DataFrames • Distributed SQL query engine Infer Schema • Automatically infer scheme of a JSON dataset and load it as a DataFrame. Spark SQL Resource Management Storage Applications Spark Core Engine Scala Java Python libraries MLlib (Machine learning) Spark SQL* Spark Streaming*
  • 24. Benefits of Apache Spark • Performance – Deliver high performance large scale data processing and analysis by leveraging in memory computing • Ease of Use – Easy to use APIs for operating on large datasets – Operators for transforming data – DataFrames provides support for manipulating structured and semi- structured data • Efficiency – Enhanced developer productivity through prepackaged libraries that can be combined in the same application • SQL queries • Streaming data • Machine learning • Graph processing Resource Management Storage Applications Spark Core Engine Scala Java Python libraries MLlib (Machine learning) Spark SQL* Spark Streaming* * Tech Preview
  • 25. Driver MetaStore HiveServer+Tez LLAP DaemonsExecutors Spark Meta Hive Meta Executors LLAP Daemons Isolate Spark and Hive Catalogs/Tables Leverage connector for Spark <-> Hive HWC HWC
  • 26. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 26 Which one should I choose?
  • 27. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 27 Use Case Analysis - Each engine has its niche HBase Hive Druid Spark Ultra-low latency Random access (key-based lookup) ACID, real-time database, EDW Low-latency OLAP, concurrent queries Complex ETL Large-volume OLTP Unified SQL interface, JDBC Aggregations, drilldowns ML model training Updates Reporting, batch Time-series SparkSQL Deletes Joins, large aggregates, ad- hoc Real-time ingestion Spark Streaming
  • 28. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 28 Which use cases make sense? ⬢ HBase – operational data store, lots of changing data – Financial transaction data – Frequent customer updates – CDC ⬢ Druid – analytics across dataset, sums and other aggregations – Analyzing number of cars being produced by region – Number of flights departing from a certain airport ⬢ Hive – large queries across tons of data – Fact-dimension join across billions of rows, e.g. joining loyalty data to a day’s retail transactions for insights into spending ⬢ Spark – predictive modeling, complex ETL (ELT) jobs – Building a predictive maintenance model for infrastructure that a transportation company owns
  • 29. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 29 Ad-hoc analytics Random look-ups Aggregations drill-downs Complex ETL, ML
  • 30. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 30 Performance Analysis
  • 31. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 31 Performance Analysis - Setup ⬢ Caching disabled ⬢ Query types – Simple count – Select with a where – Join – Update – An aggregation (e.g. Sum) 8 cores 16GB RAM 8 nodes 30GB, 200MM rows
  • 32. 1.35 15.00 15.00 15.00 1.52 8.71 4.72 8.66 9.16 9.75 0.34 0.71 1.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 Select with filter Count(*) Aggregation with filter Select with join and filter Update with filter Comparing Hive, HBase and Druid HBase/Phoenix Hive Druid
  • 33. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 33 Data Load Times Engine Load Time Hive <1 hr HBase 4+ hrs Druid 2 hrs ⬢ Issues with HBase – sequential, serial
  • 34. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 34 Space Considerations ⬢ You may get better storage from HBase with different compression Engine Size on Disk with Replication Hive – ORC w/ Zlib 28.4GB HBase – Snappy compression 89.5GB Druid 31.5GB
  • 35. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 35 Ad-hoc analytics Random look-ups Aggregations drill-downs
  • 36. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 36 Unified SQL
  • 37. Hive as the Single Interface HiveInterface HBase/Phoenix Druid JDBC Files
  • 38. Hive Query Delegation by Calcite filter time group by order by Calcite rewrites to Druid query fragment Complex joins, etc would be computed here
  • 39. BI on Hadoop : Different tools for different use cases  File / RAW storage  Unknown questions  Latency is not a issue  Non structured / Data Mining / Data Science  Structured Data  Data cleansed / Enriched  Questions are known but not answers  Concepts and data regularly updated  Streaming / low latency  Pre-aggregation to answer specific questions  Known Questions and answers  Operational dashboards LLAP Druid Cold Warm Hot
  • 40. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 40 Ad-hoc analytics Random look-ups Aggregations drill-downs
  • 41. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 41 What conclusions can we draw? ⬢ The use case dictates the tool. This is seen in the numbers – Druid is extremely fast for aggregations – HBase is great with lookups and OLTP-style updates on fast-moving data – Hive is used a lot for analytics on large quantities of data, where the query isn’t known beforehand – Spark has great libraries for ML and is customizable for complex ETL ⬢ Use case sprawl – watch for this (no one engine does it all) ⬢ Unified SQL – the tools complement each other in the larger enterprise architecture
  • 42. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011- 2017. All rights reserved | 42 Further Reading ⬢ Use case discussion on the engines – ⬢ Performance analysis – technical-series-p.html – technical-series-p-1.html