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Oozie High Availability (HA)
Robert Kanter
High Availability
• A system without non-planned downtime when
partial failures occur
• Typically achieved by having redundancies and removing
single-points of failure
• Our Goals
• Don’t change the API or usage patterns
• User doesn’t even have to know its HA
The HA Solution
Architectural Overview
The HA Solution: Database
• Oozie stores all state in a database
• (submitted jobs, workflow definitions, etc)
• Instead of a failover model, we want to run many
Oozie servers against the same database
• Active-Active HA
• Also provides horizontal scalability
• ZooKeeper for coordination
The HA Solution: Database
The HA Solution: Access
• Users and client programs need a single address to
connect (Web UI, REST/Java API, JobTracker callbacks,
• Load Balancer, Virtual IP, or DNS round-robin can be
used to provide a single entry point to the Oozie
• Technically also needs to be HA
The HA Solution: Access
The HA Solution: Log Streaming
• Oozie’s log files are not in the database
• Each Oozie Server only has access to its own logs
• Jobs are not assigned to a specific Oozie server
• What if Oozie Server A wants to get logs for a job
processed by Oozie Server B?
• Oozie Server A can ask Oozie Server B for its logs
• Caveat: If an Oozie Server goes down, any logs from it will
be unavailable until it is brought back up
The HA Solution: Log Streaming
How to Enable HA
Configuration and Security
How to Enable HA
• Setup Load balancer, ZooKeeper ensemble, HA database,
and multiple identically configured Oozie servers
• Enable Oozie HA services:
How to Enable HA
• Point Oozie to ZooKeeper Ensemble:
• Point environment variable for callbacks to load
export OOZIE_BASE_URL="http://loadbalancer:11000/oozie"
How to Enable HA: Security
• Extra step to configure Kerberos with Load Balancer:
• Note: this currently prevents clients from talking
directly to any Oozie server
How to Enable HA: Security
• Enable Kerberos connection to ZooKeeper and ACLs:
• ACLs prevent malicious users or programs from
interfering with Oozie’s znodes
Using Oozie with HA
Using Oozie with HA
• New Oozie CLI/REST API command to list all servers
$ oozie admin -oozie http://loadbalancer:11000/oozie -servers
hostA : http://hostA:11000/oozie
hostB : http://hostB:11000/oozie
hostC : http://hostC:11000/oozie
• Log messages now include which server wrote them
2013-09-29 16:46:20,182 WARN
SERVER[hostA] USER[root] GROUP[-] TOKEN[] APP[demo-wf]
JOB[0000000-130925230553293-oozie-oozi-W] ACTION[0000000-
130925230553293-oozie-oozi-W@streaming-node] [***0000000-
To Do
What’s left
To Do
• HA support for SLAs and HCatalog integration
• Sharelib Purging with HA
• Log Streaming HA
• With Kerberos, Oozie servers can’t talk to each other
• Breaks log streaming, sharelibupdate
• Other misc improvements

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Oozie meetup - HA

  • 1. 1 Oozie High Availability (HA) Robert Kanter
  • 2. 2 High Availability • A system without non-planned downtime when partial failures occur • Typically achieved by having redundancies and removing single-points of failure • Our Goals • Don’t change the API or usage patterns • User doesn’t even have to know its HA
  • 4. 4 The HA Solution: Database • Oozie stores all state in a database • (submitted jobs, workflow definitions, etc) • Instead of a failover model, we want to run many Oozie servers against the same database • Active-Active HA • Also provides horizontal scalability • ZooKeeper for coordination
  • 6. 6 The HA Solution: Access • Users and client programs need a single address to connect (Web UI, REST/Java API, JobTracker callbacks, etc) • Load Balancer, Virtual IP, or DNS round-robin can be used to provide a single entry point to the Oozie servers • Technically also needs to be HA
  • 8. 8 The HA Solution: Log Streaming • Oozie’s log files are not in the database • Each Oozie Server only has access to its own logs • Jobs are not assigned to a specific Oozie server • What if Oozie Server A wants to get logs for a job processed by Oozie Server B? • Oozie Server A can ask Oozie Server B for its logs • Caveat: If an Oozie Server goes down, any logs from it will be unavailable until it is brought back up
  • 9. 9 The HA Solution: Log Streaming
  • 10. 10 How to Enable HA Configuration and Security
  • 11. 11 How to Enable HA • Setup Load balancer, ZooKeeper ensemble, HA database, and multiple identically configured Oozie servers • Enable Oozie HA services: <property> <name></name> <value> org.apache.oozie.service.ZKLocksService, org.apache.oozie.service.ZKXLogStreamingService, org.apache.oozie.service.ZKJobsConcurrencyService </value> </property>
  • 12. 12 How to Enable HA • Point Oozie to ZooKeeper Ensemble: <property> <name>oozie.zookeeper.connection.string</name> <value>ZK_HOST1:2181,ZK_HOST2:2181</value> </property> • Point environment variable for callbacks to load balancer: export OOZIE_BASE_URL="http://loadbalancer:11000/oozie"
  • 13. 13 How to Enable HA: Security • Extra step to configure Kerberos with Load Balancer: <property> <name> oozie.authentication.kerberos.principal </name> <value>HTTP/loadbalancer@REALM</value> </property> • Note: this currently prevents clients from talking directly to any Oozie server
  • 14. 14 How to Enable HA: Security • Enable Kerberos connection to ZooKeeper and ACLs: <property> <name></name> <value>true</value> </property> • ACLs prevent malicious users or programs from interfering with Oozie’s znodes
  • 16. 16 Using Oozie with HA • New Oozie CLI/REST API command to list all servers $ oozie admin -oozie http://loadbalancer:11000/oozie -servers hostA : http://hostA:11000/oozie hostB : http://hostB:11000/oozie hostC : http://hostC:11000/oozie • Log messages now include which server wrote them 2013-09-29 16:46:20,182 WARN SERVER[hostA] USER[root] GROUP[-] TOKEN[] APP[demo-wf] JOB[0000000-130925230553293-oozie-oozi-W] ACTION[0000000- 130925230553293-oozie-oozi-W@streaming-node] [***0000000- 130925230553293-oozie-oozi-W@streaming-node***]Action status=RUNNING
  • 18. 18 To Do • HA support for SLAs and HCatalog integration • Sharelib Purging with HA • Log Streaming HA • With Kerberos, Oozie servers can’t talk to each other • Breaks log streaming, sharelibupdate • Other misc improvements
  • 19. 19