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Inside Solr 5 - Bangalore Solr/Lucene Meetup
October 13-15, 2015 • Austin, TX
Inside Apache Solr 5
Apache Solr +
Search is more than just a box.
Search makes data
Search can be smarter.
location search history query security context
Personal, contextual, relevant results: consumer-
like simplicity and power in the enterprise.
Product Offering
Support Level
Additional Support
Response Time
Number of Incidents
Pricing Model
Unlimited Incidents
Per Node
Dev Support (4 Contacts)
Operational Support
Regular Health Checks
Log Analysis / SiLK Support
Dashboards & Reporting
Enhanced Admin UI
Dev Support (4 Contacts)
Operational Support
Regular Health Checks
Unlimited Incidents
Per Node
Crawlers & Connectors
Log Analysis / SiLK Support
Enhanced Admin UI
Data Enrichment
Machine Learning
Advanced Relevancy Tuning
How-To Support
Knowledge Base
Fusion Support
Unlimited Incidents
Per Named Developer
• Get Started
• Dig in
• Go Big
• Get Finished
• Sneak peak
Inside Apache Solr 5
• Easy to start/stop
./bin/solr {start|stop}
• Create collections:
./bin/solr create -c <COLL_NAME>
• No more WAR! Web container (Jetty) is now an
implementation detail
• Scripts to support installing and running Solr as a
service on Linux.
Get Started
JSON’s great:
• Solr 5 “does the right thing” for JSON out of the box
Except when it isn’t:
• Most data isn’t JSON
• Solr handles CSV, XML, Rich Content out of the box
without having to install plugins
Your Content, Your Way
Your Content, Your Way
• Solr 5 will ship Tika 1.7, adding:
• OCR support
• PST and Matlab
• Better Date Handling
• More flexibility with spatial units
Dig In
• Stats and Pivot faceting now work
• Focused on accuracy of results
• First few steps in unification of all
facet types with stats and
Pivots and Stats
• Schema API: REST API for adding field types, and
dynamic fields
• Managing Request Handlers through API
• Implicit registration of replication, Real Time Get
and Administration Handlers
• Improved APIs for managing collections
API Goodness
Lucene 5 Highlights
• Stronger index safety guarantees
• Reduced memory usage in a number of areas
• No more FieldCache (replaced w/
• Multi-valued sorting and suggesters
• Better IO defaults when using SSDs
• More efficient handling of merging stored fields
Go Big
• Many scaling improvements focused on interactions with
• Split cluster state management reduces chattiness in
large multi-tenant implementations
• Improved performance for Overseer operations >40%
• Better timeout defaults based on real-world testing
• See my Lucene Revolution Keynote for more details:
Distributed IDF
• IDF = Inverse Document Frequency = A measure of the
relative importance of a word in a collection
• 4 implementations:
• LocalStatsCache: Local Stats
• ExactStatsCache: One time use aggregation
• ExactSharedStatsCache: Stats shared across requests
• LRUStatsCache: Stats shared in an LRU cache across
• Ease of getting started means
nothing if you can’t stay
running in production
• Jepsen tests simulate network
partitions, data loss, i.e. “The
Real World”
Get Finished
Stability Improvements
• Protection of ZK content
• ReplicationHandler now has an option to throttle the
speed of replication
• More control over terminating long running queries
• Finite default timeouts for select and update requests
• Facets and Analytics:
• Mix and match all facet types and stats (SOLR-6352,
SOLR-6353, SOLR-4212)
• Percentiles via t-digest (SOLR-6350)
• Replication performance (SOLR-6816)
• Finish off Config APIs (various)
• Data location aware ValueSource implementation for fast
changing distributed data
• First class support for more languages OOTB
Near Term Road Map
Release Notes:
• Solr:
• Lucene:
Shalin Shekhar Mangar
• Twitter:
What’s new in Solr 5.0 — Anshum Gupta
Lucidworks webinar “Inside Solr 5” - Grant Ingersoll
Inside Solr 5 - Bangalore Solr/Lucene Meetup

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Inside Solr 5 - Bangalore Solr/Lucene Meetup

  • 2. October 13-15, 2015 • Austin, TX
  • 5. Search is more than just a box.
  • 7. Search can be smarter. location search history query security context Personal, contextual, relevant results: consumer- like simplicity and power in the enterprise.
  • 8. Product Offering Environment Features Support Level Additional Support Availability Response Time Number of Incidents Pricing Model Solr Enterprise 24x7 SLA-Backed Unlimited Incidents Per Node Dev Support (4 Contacts) Operational Support Regular Health Checks Security Log Analysis / SiLK Support Dashboards & Reporting Enhanced Admin UI Fusion Dev Support (4 Contacts) Operational Support Regular Health Checks 24x7 SLA-Backed Unlimited Incidents Per Node Security Crawlers & Connectors Log Analysis / SiLK Support Enhanced Admin UI Data Enrichment Machine Learning Recommendations Advanced Relevancy Tuning Developer Support How-To Support Knowledge Base Fusion Support 9x5 SLA-Backed Unlimited Incidents Per Named Developer ProductionDevelopment
  • 9. • Get Started • Dig in • Go Big • Get Finished • Sneak peak Inside Apache Solr 5
  • 10. • Easy to start/stop ./bin/solr {start|stop} • Create collections: ./bin/solr create -c <COLL_NAME> • No more WAR! Web container (Jetty) is now an implementation detail • Scripts to support installing and running Solr as a service on Linux. Get Started
  • 11. JSON’s great: • Solr 5 “does the right thing” for JSON out of the box Except when it isn’t: • Most data isn’t JSON • Solr handles CSV, XML, Rich Content out of the box without having to install plugins Your Content, Your Way
  • 12. Your Content, Your Way • Solr 5 will ship Tika 1.7, adding: • OCR support • PST and Matlab • Better Date Handling • More flexibility with spatial units
  • 14. • Stats and Pivot faceting now work together • Focused on accuracy of results • First few steps in unification of all facet types with stats and aggregations • got-stats-in-my-facets/ Pivots and Stats
  • 15. • Schema API: REST API for adding field types, and dynamic fields • Managing Request Handlers through API • Implicit registration of replication, Real Time Get and Administration Handlers • Improved APIs for managing collections API Goodness
  • 16. Lucene 5 Highlights • Stronger index safety guarantees • Reduced memory usage in a number of areas • No more FieldCache (replaced w/ UninvertingReader) • Multi-valued sorting and suggesters • Better IO defaults when using SSDs • More efficient handling of merging stored fields
  • 17. Go Big • Many scaling improvements focused on interactions with Zookeeper: • Split cluster state management reduces chattiness in large multi-tenant implementations • Improved performance for Overseer operations >40% • Better timeout defaults based on real-world testing • See my Lucene Revolution Keynote for more details:
  • 18. Distributed IDF • IDF = Inverse Document Frequency = A measure of the relative importance of a word in a collection • 4 implementations: • LocalStatsCache: Local Stats • ExactStatsCache: One time use aggregation • ExactSharedStatsCache: Stats shared across requests • LRUStatsCache: Stats shared in an LRU cache across requests
  • 19. • Ease of getting started means nothing if you can’t stay running in production • Jepsen tests simulate network partitions, data loss, i.e. “The Real World” • LucidWorks/jepsen/tree/solr- jepsen • Get Finished
  • 20. Stability Improvements • Protection of ZK content • ReplicationHandler now has an option to throttle the speed of replication • More control over terminating long running queries • Finite default timeouts for select and update requests
  • 22. • Facets and Analytics: • Mix and match all facet types and stats (SOLR-6352, SOLR-6353, SOLR-4212) • Percentiles via t-digest (SOLR-6350) • Replication performance (SOLR-6816) • Finish off Config APIs (various) • Data location aware ValueSource implementation for fast changing distributed data • First class support for more languages OOTB Near Term Road Map
  • 23. Resources Release Notes: • Solr: • Lucene: ReleaseNote50 Lucidworks: Shalin Shekhar Mangar • • Twitter:
  • 24. Credits What’s new in Solr 5.0 — Anshum Gupta • Lucidworks webinar “Inside Solr 5” - Grant Ingersoll • apache-solr-5