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From Raw Data to 
Analytics with No 
Marcel Kornacker // Cloudera, Inc.! 
Lenni Kuff // Cloudera, Inc.
• Evolution of ETL in the context of analytics! 
• traditional systems! 
• Hadoop today! 
• Cloudera’s vision for ETL: no ETL! 
• with qualifications
Traditional ETL 
• Extract: physical extraction from source data store! 
• could be an RDBMS acting as an operational data store! 
• or log data materialized as json! 
• Transform:! 
• data cleansing and standardization! 
• conversion of naturally complex/nested data into a flat relational 
• Load: the targeted analytic DBMS converts the transformed data into 
its binary format (typically columnar)
Traditional ETL 
• Three aspects to the traditional ETL process:! 
1. semantic transformation such as data standardization/cleansing 
-> makes data more queryable, adds value! 
2. representational transformation: from source to target schema 
(from complex/nested to flat relational) 
-> “lateral” transformation that doesn’t change semantics, 
adds operational overhead! 
3. data movement: from source to staging area to target system 
-> adds yet more operational overhead
Traditional ETL 
• The goals of “analytics with no ETL”:! 
• simplify aspect 1! 
• eliminate aspects 2 and 3
ETL with Hadoop Today 
• A typical ETL workflow with Hadoop looks like this:! 
• raw source data initially lands in HDFS (examples: text/xml/json log files)! 
• that data is mapped into a table to make it queryable: 
LOCATION ‘/raw-log-data/‘;! 
• the target table is mapped to a different location: 
• the raw source data is converted to the target format: 
• the data is then available for batch reporting/analytics (via Impala, Hive, Pig, 
Spark) or interactive analytics (via Impala, Search)
ETL with Hadoop Today 
• Compared to traditional ETL, this has several advantages:! 
• Hadoop acts as a centralized location for all data: raw source data 
lives side by side with the transformed data! 
• data does not need to be moved between multiple platforms/clusters! 
• data in the raw source format is queryable as soon as it lands, 
although at reduced performance, compared to an optimized 
columnar data format! 
• all data transformations are expressed through the same platform 
and can reference any of the Hadoop-resident data sources (and 
ETL with Hadoop Today 
• However, even this still has drawbacks:! 
• new data needs to be loaded periodically into the target table, and 
doing that reliably and within SLAs can be a challenge! 
• you now have two tables: 
one with current but slow data 
another with lagging but fast data
A Vision for Analytics with No ETL 
• Goals:! 
• no explicit loading/conversion step to move raw data into a target 
• a single view of the data that is! 
• up-to-date! 
• (mostly) in an efficient columnar format
A Vision for Analytics with No ETL 
• Elements of an ETL-light analytic stack:! 
• support for complex/nested schemas 
-> avoid remapping of raw data into a flat relational schema! 
• background and incremental data conversion 
-> retain in-place single view of entire data set, with most data 
being in an efficient format! 
• bonus: schema inference and schema evolution 
-> start analyzing data as soon as it arrives, regardless of its 
Support for Complex Schemas in Impala 
• Standard relational: all columns have scalar values: 
• Complex types: structs, arrays, maps 
in essence, a nested relational schema! 
• Supported file formats: 
Parquet, json, XML, Avro! 
• Design principle for SQL extensions: maintain SQL’s way of dealing 
with multi-valued data
Support for Complex Schemas in Impala 
• Example: 
CREATE TABLE Customers ( 
cid BIGINT, 
address STRUCT { 
street STRING, 
zip INT 
orders ARRAY<STRUCT { 
oid BIGINT, 
total DECIMAL(9, 2), 
items ARRAY< STRUCT { 
iid BIGINT, qty INT, price DECIMAL(9, 2) }> 
Support for Complex Schemas in Impala 
• Total revenue with items that cost more than $10: 
SELECT SUM(i.price * i.qty) 
FROM Customers.orders.items i 
WHERE i.price > 10! 
• Customers and order totals in zip 94611: 
SELECT c.cid, 
FROM Customers c, c.orders o 
WHERE = 94611
Support for Complex Schemas in Impala 
• Customers that have placed more than 10 orders: 
SELECT c.cid 
FROM Customers c 
WHERE COUNT(c.orders) > 10 
(shorthand for: 
WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM c.orders) > 10)! 
• Number of orders and average item price per customer: 
SELECT c.cid, COUNT(c.orders), 
FROM Customers c
Background Format Conversion 
• Sample workflow:! 
• create table for data: 
• load data into table: 
LOAD DATA INPATH ‘/raw-log-data/file1’ INTO LogData 
• Pre-requisite for incremental conversion: 
multi-format tables and partitions! 
• currently: each table partition has a single file format! 
• instead: allow a mix of file formats (separated into format-specific 
Background Format Conversion 
• Conversion process! 
• atomic: the switch from the source to the target data files is atomic 
from the perspective of a running query (but any running query 
sees the full data set) ! 
• redundant: with option to retain original data! 
• incremental: Impala’s catalog service detects new data files that are 
not in the target format automatically
Schema Inference and Schema Evolution 
• Schema inference from data files is useful to reduce the barrier to 
analyzing complex source data! 
• as an example, log data often has hundreds of fields! 
• the time required to create the DDL manually is substantial! 
• Example: schema inference from structured data files! 
• available today: 
CREATE TABLE LogData LIKE PARQUET ‘/log-data.pq’! 
• future formats: XML, json, Avro
Schema Inference and Schema Evolution 
• Schema evolution:! 
• a necessary follow-on to schema inference: every schema evolves over time; 
explicit maintenance is as time-consuming as the initial creation! 
• algorithmic schema evolution requires sticking to generally safe schema 
modifications: adding new fields! 
• adding new top-level columns! 
• adding fields within structs! 
• Example workflow: 
• scans data to determine new columns/fields to add! 
• synchronous: if there is an error, the ‘load’ is aborted and the user notified
• Hadoop offers a number of advantages over traditional multi-platform ETL 
• availability of all data sets on a single platform! 
• data becomes accessible through SQL as soon as it lands! 
• However, this can be improved further:! 
• a richer analytic SQL that is extended to handle nested data! 
• an automated background conversion process that preserves an up-to-date 
view of all data while providing BI-typical performance! 
• simple automation of initial schema creation and subsequent maintenance 
that makes dealing with large, complex schemas less labor-intensive
Thank you
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From Raw Data to Analytics with No ETL

  • 1. From Raw Data to Analytics with No ETL Marcel Kornacker // Cloudera, Inc.! Lenni Kuff // Cloudera, Inc.
  • 2. ‹‹#›› Outline • Evolution of ETL in the context of analytics! • traditional systems! • Hadoop today! • Cloudera’s vision for ETL: no ETL! • with qualifications
  • 3. ‹‹#›› Traditional ETL • Extract: physical extraction from source data store! • could be an RDBMS acting as an operational data store! • or log data materialized as json! • Transform:! • data cleansing and standardization! • conversion of naturally complex/nested data into a flat relational schema! • Load: the targeted analytic DBMS converts the transformed data into its binary format (typically columnar)
  • 4. ‹‹#›› Traditional ETL • Three aspects to the traditional ETL process:! 1. semantic transformation such as data standardization/cleansing -> makes data more queryable, adds value! 2. representational transformation: from source to target schema (from complex/nested to flat relational) -> “lateral” transformation that doesn’t change semantics, adds operational overhead! 3. data movement: from source to staging area to target system -> adds yet more operational overhead
  • 5. ‹‹#›› Traditional ETL • The goals of “analytics with no ETL”:! • simplify aspect 1! • eliminate aspects 2 and 3
  • 6. ‹‹#›› ETL with Hadoop Today • A typical ETL workflow with Hadoop looks like this:! • raw source data initially lands in HDFS (examples: text/xml/json log files)! • that data is mapped into a table to make it queryable: CREATE TABLE RawLogData (…) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS LOCATION ‘/raw-log-data/‘;! • the target table is mapped to a different location: CREATE TABLE LogData (…) STORED AS PARQUET LOCATION ‘/log-data/‘; • the raw source data is converted to the target format: INSERT INTO LogData SELECT * FROM RawLogData; • the data is then available for batch reporting/analytics (via Impala, Hive, Pig, Spark) or interactive analytics (via Impala, Search)
  • 7. ‹‹#›› ETL with Hadoop Today • Compared to traditional ETL, this has several advantages:! • Hadoop acts as a centralized location for all data: raw source data lives side by side with the transformed data! • data does not need to be moved between multiple platforms/clusters! • data in the raw source format is queryable as soon as it lands, although at reduced performance, compared to an optimized columnar data format! • all data transformations are expressed through the same platform and can reference any of the Hadoop-resident data sources (and more)
  • 8. ‹‹#›› ETL with Hadoop Today • However, even this still has drawbacks:! • new data needs to be loaded periodically into the target table, and doing that reliably and within SLAs can be a challenge! • you now have two tables: one with current but slow data another with lagging but fast data
  • 9. ‹‹#›› A Vision for Analytics with No ETL • Goals:! • no explicit loading/conversion step to move raw data into a target table! • a single view of the data that is! • up-to-date! • (mostly) in an efficient columnar format
  • 10. ‹‹#›› A Vision for Analytics with No ETL • Elements of an ETL-light analytic stack:! • support for complex/nested schemas -> avoid remapping of raw data into a flat relational schema! • background and incremental data conversion -> retain in-place single view of entire data set, with most data being in an efficient format! • bonus: schema inference and schema evolution -> start analyzing data as soon as it arrives, regardless of its complexity
  • 11. ‹‹#›› Support for Complex Schemas in Impala • Standard relational: all columns have scalar values: CHAR(n), DECIMAL(p, s), INT, DOUBLE, TIMESTAMP, etc.! • Complex types: structs, arrays, maps in essence, a nested relational schema! • Supported file formats: Parquet, json, XML, Avro! • Design principle for SQL extensions: maintain SQL’s way of dealing with multi-valued data
  • 12. ‹‹#›› Support for Complex Schemas in Impala • Example: CREATE TABLE Customers ( cid BIGINT, address STRUCT { street STRING, zip INT }, orders ARRAY<STRUCT { oid BIGINT, total DECIMAL(9, 2), items ARRAY< STRUCT { iid BIGINT, qty INT, price DECIMAL(9, 2) }> }> )
  • 13. ‹‹#›› Support for Complex Schemas in Impala • Total revenue with items that cost more than $10: SELECT SUM(i.price * i.qty) FROM Customers.orders.items i WHERE i.price > 10! • Customers and order totals in zip 94611: SELECT c.cid, FROM Customers c, c.orders o WHERE = 94611
  • 14. ‹‹#›› Support for Complex Schemas in Impala • Customers that have placed more than 10 orders: SELECT c.cid FROM Customers c WHERE COUNT(c.orders) > 10 (shorthand for: WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM c.orders) > 10)! • Number of orders and average item price per customer: SELECT c.cid, COUNT(c.orders), AVG(c.orders.items.price) FROM Customers c
  • 15. ‹‹#›› Background Format Conversion • Sample workflow:! • create table for data: CREATE TABLE LogData (…) WITH CONVERSION TO PARQUET;! • load data into table: LOAD DATA INPATH ‘/raw-log-data/file1’ INTO LogData SOURCE FORMAT SEQUENCEFILE; • Pre-requisite for incremental conversion: multi-format tables and partitions! • currently: each table partition has a single file format! • instead: allow a mix of file formats (separated into format-specific subdirectories)
  • 16. ‹‹#›› Background Format Conversion • Conversion process! • atomic: the switch from the source to the target data files is atomic from the perspective of a running query (but any running query sees the full data set) ! • redundant: with option to retain original data! • incremental: Impala’s catalog service detects new data files that are not in the target format automatically
  • 17. ‹‹#›› Schema Inference and Schema Evolution • Schema inference from data files is useful to reduce the barrier to analyzing complex source data! • as an example, log data often has hundreds of fields! • the time required to create the DDL manually is substantial! • Example: schema inference from structured data files! • available today: CREATE TABLE LogData LIKE PARQUET ‘/log-data.pq’! • future formats: XML, json, Avro
  • 18. ‹‹#›› Schema Inference and Schema Evolution • Schema evolution:! • a necessary follow-on to schema inference: every schema evolves over time; explicit maintenance is as time-consuming as the initial creation! • algorithmic schema evolution requires sticking to generally safe schema modifications: adding new fields! • adding new top-level columns! • adding fields within structs! • Example workflow: LOAD DATA INPATH ‘/path’ INTO LogData SOURCE FORMAT JSON WITH SCHEMA EXPANSION;! • scans data to determine new columns/fields to add! • synchronous: if there is an error, the ‘load’ is aborted and the user notified
  • 19. ‹‹#›› Conclusion • Hadoop offers a number of advantages over traditional multi-platform ETL solutions:! • availability of all data sets on a single platform! • data becomes accessible through SQL as soon as it lands! • However, this can be improved further:! • a richer analytic SQL that is extended to handle nested data! • an automated background conversion process that preserves an up-to-date view of all data while providing BI-typical performance! • simple automation of initial schema creation and subsequent maintenance that makes dealing with large, complex schemas less labor-intensive
  • 21. ‹‹#›› This an example segue slide on a blue background. This could also be a quote slide. This is an optional subtitle or space for attribution
  • 22. ‹‹#›› This an example segue slide on a blue background. This could also be a quote slide. This is an optional subtitle or space for attribution
  • 23. ‹‹#›› This an example segue slide on a blue background. This could also be a quote slide. This is an optional subtitle or space for attribution