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Celebrating Data Superheroes
November 18 + 19, 2020
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 2
Connect the Data Lifecycle
● Globe Telecom
● Mobile TeleSystems (MTS)
● Reliance Industries Ltd.
● Severstal
● United Overseas Bank
Data Champions
● Bank Mandiri
● Commerzbank AG
● OVO (PT Visionet
● Southern California Edison
Data for Enterprise AI
● Bank of America
● Certilytics
● Experian BIS
● Gazprombank OAO
Data for Good
● Discovery Health
● Keck Medicine of USC
● Reliance Jio
● Rush University Medical Center
Data Security & Governance
● Carrefour Spain
● Merck KGaA, Darmstadt,
● Nord/LB
● PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk.
Enterprise Data Cloud
● DBS Bank
● PwC
● Service Management Group
● West Midlands Police
Industry Transformation
● ExxonMobil
● Manulife
● Telkomsel
● Vodafone Automotive
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 3
“The Data Impact Awards:
this is the ‘Academy Awards’
of data solutions.”
Bob Gourley, Founder Crucial Point and Publisher,;
2020 Data Impact Awards Judge
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 4
The annual Data Impact Awards program recognizes
organizations running the Cloudera platform for the
applications they’ve innovated and showcases the
impact their projects are having on their
organization, industry, and the world.
A new award category that recognizes one
customer who has consistently achieved
transformation across their business,
pursuing a diverse set of use cases and
creating a culture of data-driven
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 6
● Prepare its workforce and
platform for a data-driven,
digital future
● Agility to manage industry
reforms and derive insights
for strategic decision
● Enterprise Data
Architecture & Governance
● Data assets help manage
transition impact and
discover new business
● Increased customer
acquisition, engagement
and revenue growth
● Secure compliance
process accelerated
● Timely and seamless
industry reform transition
Data Impact Achievement Award
WINNER: United Overseas Bank
Digital transformation to achieve
increased revenues, higher
productivity, lower risk and
accelerated innovation
Analytical sandboxes
Organizations whose IT administration
provides the agility a business requires,
without putting the business at risk, and
embraces a pattern of technology adoption
that prioritizes speed
Read more
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 8
Data Champions
● COVID-19 disruptions to
business, customers, and
● 42x increase in loans
requiring restructuring
● Data-enabled
dashboards built on
● Data science powered by
Cloudera Data Science
Workbench (CDSW)
● Agile response using
real-time data delivery
● Avoided revenue losses
● Improved customer and
employee services
Developed dashboards in less than
48 hours to mitigate risks of COVID
Losses avoided
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 9
Data Champions
● Ever-changing regulatory
● Non-compliance can
result in billions in fines
● Search engine built with
Apache SOLR and
Apache HBASE, with NiFi
for data ingest
● Prepared for easy cloud
● Response time decreased
from 48 hours to 4-5
● Increased customer
● Scalable standard product
Automated time-consuming daily
tasks and improved customer
satisfaction with requests
processed much faster
To query billions of transactions
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 10
Data Champions
● As the volume of OVO’s
products increases,
marketing effectiveness
is critical to avoid
unnecessary waste of
● Built OVO’s “UnCover”
contextual offer engine
● Cloudera Data Science
Workbench implemented
on Cloudera Data
● 15% increase in revenue
● Improved marketing
effectiveness 7.9x
● Targeting one million
new policies
Using advanced, intelligent data
analytics and machine learning to
increase customer conversion
Increase in revenue
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 11
● Massive volume of usage
data required for
regulatory reporting,
energy forecasting, and
equipment maintenance
● Deployed Kudu for future
proof scalability
● Data quality and
reliability supported by
Hive and Impala
● Enables regulatory
● Allows downstream
users to benefit from
more timely and reliable
energy usage data
Data Champions
Optimizing data ingest processes
resulted in substantial improvements
in performance and data quality
Records consumed daily
Organizations that have built and deployed
systems for enterprise-scale machine
learning and have industrialized AI to
automate, secure, and standardize data-
driven decision making
Read more
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 13
Data for Enterprise AI
● Need to protect
consumer privacy
● Ensure ethical AI
practices while
maximizing value from
● Cloudera powers Bank of
America’s “Phoenix” data
science platform
● Provides data
governance across entire
● Data is integrated from
many sources, building
ML models to approve
credit for customers
● Reduced new project
implementation from 6-9
months to a few weeks
Enabling secure and governed data
lakes and analytics at scale for
50% lower cost
Monthly analytics jobs
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 14
Data for Enterprise AI
● Retrospective healthcare
data doesn’t allow for
timely intervention for
patients at high risk
● Deployed fast, scalable
and robust ML models
● Equipped for hybrid or
multi cloud
● Enables prospective
● Customer cost savings
● Eliminating waste in
● Improved patient
Predictive models support care
management programs
Annual employer savings
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 15
● Manual data
maintenance was time-
consuming and nearly
impossible given data
● Implemented Cloudera
Data Science Workbench
● Built 6 apps to automate
maintenance and
improve data quality
● 4.7 million entity resolution
● Improved 2.8 million client
● Significantly improved data
coverage in key attributes
Improving the accuracy of
commercial data aggregation
with data science and machine
Data for Enterprise AI
Productivity gains
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 16
Data for Enterprise AI
● Expand the retail banking
business with a new
digital strategy
● Cloudera Data Science
Workbench implemented
● Built automated ML
models for client data
● Successful expansion of
the bank’s retail loan
● Analyze real-time feeds
from over 100 news
● Fuller picture of legal
entities and relationships
Using deep learning and natural
language processing to analyze
client data
Increase in retail loan portfolio
Organizations that have tackled
transformative business use cases by
connecting multiple parts of the data
lifecycle to collect, enrich, secure, report,
serve, and predict
Read more
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 18
● Traditional data warehouse
infrastructure very costly
● Needed to accommodate
speed and scale of
increasing data
● Cloudera Data Platform and
Kafka for streaming needs
● AI/ML services to automate
intelligent monitoring and
incident avoidance
● Enhanced loan services,
providing 24/7 access to
● Grew creditworthy
customer base by 51%
Raising experience standards and
helping customers live enhanced
mobile lifestyles
Connect the Data Lifecycle
WINNER: Globe Telecom
Loan business revenue in one year
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 19
● To build a data
infrastructure to offer
internal and external
customers data-driven
digital services at scale
● Kafka and Spark
streaming allow for real-
time data analytics and
near-instant offers
● Custom internal tools
and frameworks provide
reliable data pipelines for
data-driven products
● Ecosystem growth: 2x
conversion rates
● 25% customer retention
for fixed telco
● $10M+ external revenue
in Y2019
Connect the Data Lifecycle
Data-driven products have
created new revenue streams,
increased customer base, and
cost savings
Internal economic value of data platform
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 20
● Lacked single view of
● No enterprise-wide
● Business functions
worked in separate silos
● Created a centralized
data lake, providing end-
to-end data solutions and
a single source of truth
● ML models provide
insights in near real-time
instead of 5 days
● Business managers can
now make more
informed decisions
Enabled use cases including
predictive maintenance, connected
vehicles, fraud detection, and
Connect the Data Lifecycle
Savings driven by data storage
cost efficiencies
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 21
● Millions of data points
generated by industrial
Internet of Things at
production sites
● Established a 6 PB data
lake, the largest in
Russian industry
● Implemented AI in
production processes
● >50k kilometers of metal
strip have passed
through computer vision
● >5% increase of
efficiency of the mill
5000 due to ML-models
AI has greatly increased
production, reduced wear on
equipment, and saved time for
operators to focus on other
important tasks
Connect the Data Lifecycle
Tonnes annual increase of metal processing
Organizations that are driving business
innovation and agility by modernizing
their data architecture to unlock the
value from data anywhere - in the private
cloud or across hybrid and multiple
public clouds - Read more
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 23
Enterprise Data Cloud
● Becoming a data-driven
tech company with a
Data First strategy
● Enhance internal
technology to better
serve the needs of the
● A full platform redesign
to optimize ingestion and
compute frameworks
● Supporting nearly all of
the bank’s business units
● 25% productivity increase
● 100% reduction in
contention risk
● 72% run-time
Enhanced predictive analytics
resulting in raised customer
satisfaction scores
Increase in efficiency
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 24
Enterprise Data Cloud
● Connecting a global
network of firms in 150+
● Data security and
governance a priority
● Multi-cloud deployment
with one central platform
provides flexibility
● Platform allows for
automated, independent
scalability of compute
and storage
● Data security and
governance preserved
● Allows for faster
scalability and lower
analytics costs
Ability to scale up and down in
multiple public clouds leads to
reduced cost
Lower total cost of ownership
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 25
● Needed a cloud-agnostic
data warehouse to
handle exponential
volumes, support future
data growth and product
● Leveraging public cloud,
SMG migrated its
smg360 customer
experience platform to
Cloudera, with 99.9%
uptime and minimal
customer impact
● Ability to scale at a lower
● Provides new products,
insights, and analytics
● Creates a holistic view of
Lowering costs with the flexibility
to scale on demand and pay-per-
Enterprise Data Cloud
Overall reduction in TCO
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 26
Enterprise Data Cloud
● Mission: to radically
improve police force data
and analytics capability
● Use public cloud solution
to modernize inquiries
● Integrated complex data
sources into highly-scalable
search platform with CDH
● Data science and ML used
to automate data flow
● Drives data-driven
decisions for 6,000 users
and 1.5M inquiries
● Predictive insights
increase positive
intervention outcomes
WMP public cloud data platform
allows fast data insights and
positive community interventions
A first for policing in the U.K.
Organizations that have centralized
management, security, and governance of
their data and metadata policies, ensuring
consistent data lineage, and control
Read more
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 28
Data Security & Governance
● Unifying a myriad of data
sets, from a wide range
of sources in a safe and
secure way
● Developed its own
product built on
Cloudera, UATU360, for
an all-in-one data lake
● Serving both technical
and business users
● Easy to meet all
compliance challenges
by knowing exactly who
has access to what data,
Enabling secure, self-service
access to data for business users,
expanding digital transformation
across the organization
Data access
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 29
Data Security & Governance
● Need to meet GxP
● Must maintain GxP-
qualified governance
across all analytics
● Implemented a data
encryption zone in HDFS
for confidential data
● Access control powered
by Cloudera data
● Prevents unauthorized data
● Decreased operational costs
● Increased business agility
and accelerated time to
Established a data governance
framework with their data lake to
discover, analyze, store, mine and
govern relevant data
Secure data lake
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 30
Data Security & Governance
● Connecting disparate
systems in the cloud
● Meeting regulations
without limiting data
● Advanced Data Analytics
Platform ingests data
with NiFi
● Creates a centralized
metadata store
management system
● Complete view of data
● Achieves regulatory
compliance (GDPR)
● Exceeds customer
Enables self-serve analytics and
data exploration for every business
More use cases unlocked
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 31
● To understand customer
behaviours and offer
better service
● Provide digital lending
products to boost
financial inclusion
● Eliminate fraud and
improve data security
● Secure consolidation of
multiple data streams in
a single platform
● CDSW to build machine
learning model fraud
● Fraud detection in real-
time vs 2-8 weeks
● Improved productivity
through automation
● New product offers make
for better customer
● Retained data security
certifications in 2020
Reduced loan disbursements from
two weeks to two minutes;
improved cost-efficiency by 33%
Data Security & Governance
Time to disburse loans
Organizations that move their business to the
next level and disrupt their industry by
identifying new technologies, applying new
skills, and operationalizing processes
Read more
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 33
● Improve analytics across
15 yrs of historical data
● Consolidate over 10M
sensor data from
disparate refineries
● Built an enterprise data
lake to provide global
access to analytics
● Enhanced corrosion
prediction = less cost
● Enables new use cases
to improve energy
efficiency and reduce
Business model redesign brings
data together to improve efficiency
and reduce waste
Industry Transformation
In estimated annual benefits
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 34
● Communication with
clients error prone
● Meeting customers’
digital expectations
● Marketing automation
platform for customer
profile analysis
● Product offerings via
Apache Kafka & data lake
● Reduction of manual
errors and processes
● Improved client
● Saved 7 mo. / campaign
Improved client engagement and
sales opportunities via a more
qualified pipeline for the business
Industry Transformation
In savings year to date
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 35
● Needed a centralized
platform to store
customer data
● Must keep records longer
to improve analytics
● Built a single digital service
platform, ingesting data
from 200+ sources
● Utilized CDSW to predict
customer likelihood to
purchase or churn
● 80% reduction in costs
for storage
● Provides advanced
customer analytics,
personalization and real-
time support
Ingesting 25TB of data daily to
provide advanced customer
analytics in real-time
Industry Transformation
Growth in digital service revenue
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 36
● Needed new platform to
collect and process
130TB of data
● Massive increase in
connected vehicle data
● Aggressive SLAs
● Renovated architecture
with Cloudera
● Apache Kafka and Spark
enable real-time
streaming and analytics
at scale
● Able to provide insurer
data within seconds
● Allows customized policy
holder offerings
● Flexibility to comply with
business needs for event-
based insurance
Real-time vehicle and driver data
enables insurers to offer new
services and customize offers
based on real-time data
Industry Transformation
Messages shared weekly
Organizations that have tackled some of
the most challenging issues affecting
society and the planet, making what was
impossible yesterday possible today and
transforming the future
Read more
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 38
● The rapid spread of
COVID-19 had hospitals
and healthcare providers
● Discovery Health Patient-
X pipeline built on CDSW
● Powers an ML algorithm
with 900+ features to
identify at-risk members
● Targeted member
preserves resources
● Prioritization of care
saves lives
● 60% reduction in
mortality rate for high
risk members
Using ML models to identify at-risk
members based on historic
admission patterns
Data for Good
Reduction in mortality rate
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 39
● Needed an evidence-
based way to evaluate
physician performance
● Required to review
massive volume of
● Physician Quality
analytics solution on
● Identifies reporting
● Improve quality and
clinical outcomes
● Ensures patients in need
have access to
● Converting data to
information in days
instead of weeks
With a data management platform,
Keck tracks provider performance,
improves care, and reduces cost
Data for Good
Potential savings & penalties avoided
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 40
● Contract tracing was a
huge challenge for the
Indian Government to
curb the spread of
● Jio Big Data Lake can
handle high volume and
high velocity of data
● Uses strength and
flexibility of open-source
● Automates contact
tracing efforts
● Identifies hotspots of
● Gauges lockdown
Tracking the movement of citizens
across India to control the spread
of COVID-19
Data for Good
Users tracked for contact tracing
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 41
● Manual scripting caused
lack of data visibility on
the front-lines of evolving
COVID crisis in Chicago
● Avoid misdiagnosis with
faster access to data
● A data ingest pipeline built
with Cloudera DataFlow
● Nifi flows developed to
automate ingest of COVID
data in real-time
● Data processing time
reduced to 15 minutes
● Case accuracy avoids
resource shortages
● Providers make fast,
accurate diagnoses
In response to the COVID crisis,
Rush built a data pipeline to give
clinicians fast access to real-time
patient data and prediction models
Data for Good
To build a brand new data pipeline
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 42
Connect the Data Lifecycle
● Mike Barlow
● Nick Heudecker
● Sanjeev Mohan
● Danny Mu
● Shiv Putcha
Data Champions
● Bob Gourley
● Doug Henschen
● Roy Illsley
● Daniel Newman
● John Santaferraro
● Jen Stirrup
Data for Enterprise AI
● Andrew Brust
● Jessie Cai Danqing
● Jessica Davis
● Bertrand Gare
● David Schubmehl
Data for Good
● Philip Carnelley
● Philip Howard
● Cornelia Lévy-Bencheton
● Yves Mulkers
● Brian Wood
Data Security & Governance
● Paige Bartley
● Michael Hülskötter
● Tony Lock
● Patrick Moorhead
● Alex Woodie
Enterprise Data Cloud
● Jim Curtis
● David Menninger
● John Pardey
● Agatha Poon
● Adam M. Ronthal
Industry Transformation
● Tony Baer
● Doug Larney
● Chris Marshall
● Nick McQuire
● Holger Muller
● Carl Olofson
© 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 43
To learn more about the awards program, visit the
DIA webpage. You can also check out the entire Hall
of Fame of all-time DIA winners here.
For information on how to participate next year,
reach out to your Cloudera account team or email

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2020 Cloudera Data Impact Awards Finalists

  • 2. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 2 2020 FINALISTS Connect the Data Lifecycle ● Globe Telecom ● Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) ● Reliance Industries Ltd. ● Severstal ● United Overseas Bank Data Champions ● Bank Mandiri ● Commerzbank AG ● OVO (PT Visionet Internasional) ● Southern California Edison Data for Enterprise AI ● Bank of America ● Certilytics ● Experian BIS ● Gazprombank OAO Data for Good ● Discovery Health ● Keck Medicine of USC ● Reliance Jio ● Rush University Medical Center Data Security & Governance ● Carrefour Spain ● Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany ● Nord/LB ● PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk. Enterprise Data Cloud ● DBS Bank ● PwC ● Service Management Group ● West Midlands Police Industry Transformation ● ExxonMobil ● Manulife ● Telkomsel ● Vodafone Automotive
  • 3. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 3 “The Data Impact Awards: this is the ‘Academy Awards’ of data solutions.” Bob Gourley, Founder Crucial Point and Publisher,; 2020 Data Impact Awards Judge
  • 4. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 4 The annual Data Impact Awards program recognizes organizations running the Cloudera platform for the applications they’ve innovated and showcases the impact their projects are having on their organization, industry, and the world.
  • 5. DATA IMPACT ACHIEVEMENT AWARD A new award category that recognizes one customer who has consistently achieved transformation across their business, pursuing a diverse set of use cases and creating a culture of data-driven innovation
  • 6. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 6 ● Prepare its workforce and platform for a data-driven, digital future ● Agility to manage industry reforms and derive insights for strategic decision making CHALLENGE SOLUTION OUTCOMES ● Enterprise Data Architecture & Governance platform ● Data assets help manage transition impact and discover new business opportunities ● Increased customer acquisition, engagement and revenue growth ● Secure compliance process accelerated ● Timely and seamless industry reform transition Data Impact Achievement Award WINNER: United Overseas Bank Digital transformation to achieve increased revenues, higher productivity, lower risk and accelerated innovation Analytical sandboxes
  • 7. DATA CHAMPIONS Organizations whose IT administration provides the agility a business requires, without putting the business at risk, and embraces a pattern of technology adoption that prioritizes speed Read more
  • 8. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 8 Data Champions FINALIST: BANK MANDIRI ● COVID-19 disruptions to business, customers, and employees ● 42x increase in loans requiring restructuring CHALLENGE SOLUTION OUTCOMES ● Data-enabled dashboards built on Cloudera ● Data science powered by Cloudera Data Science Workbench (CDSW) ● Agile response using real-time data delivery ● Avoided revenue losses ● Improved customer and employee services Developed dashboards in less than 48 hours to mitigate risks of COVID pandemic Losses avoided
  • 9. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 9 Data Champions FINALIST: COMMERZBANK AG ● Ever-changing regulatory requirements ● Non-compliance can result in billions in fines CHALLENGE SOLUTION OUTCOMES ● Search engine built with Apache SOLR and Apache HBASE, with NiFi for data ingest ● Prepared for easy cloud migration ● Response time decreased from 48 hours to 4-5 seconds ● Increased customer satisfaction ● Scalable standard product Automated time-consuming daily tasks and improved customer satisfaction with requests processed much faster To query billions of transactions
  • 10. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 10 Data Champions WINNER: OVO (PT VISIONET INTERNASIONAL) ● As the volume of OVO’s products increases, marketing effectiveness is critical to avoid unnecessary waste of resources CHALLENGE SOLUTION OUTCOMES ● Built OVO’s “UnCover” contextual offer engine ● Cloudera Data Science Workbench implemented on Cloudera Data Platform ● 15% increase in revenue ● Improved marketing effectiveness 7.9x ● Targeting one million new policies Using advanced, intelligent data analytics and machine learning to increase customer conversion rates Increase in revenue
  • 11. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 11 ● Massive volume of usage data required for regulatory reporting, energy forecasting, and equipment maintenance CHALLENGE SOLUTION OUTCOMES ● Deployed Kudu for future proof scalability ● Data quality and reliability supported by Hive and Impala ● Enables regulatory compliance ● Allows downstream users to benefit from more timely and reliable energy usage data Data Champions FINALIST: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Optimizing data ingest processes resulted in substantial improvements in performance and data quality Records consumed daily
  • 12. DATA FOR ENTERPRISE AI Organizations that have built and deployed systems for enterprise-scale machine learning and have industrialized AI to automate, secure, and standardize data- driven decision making Read more
  • 13. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 13 Data for Enterprise AI FINALIST: BANK OF AMERICA ● Need to protect consumer privacy ● Ensure ethical AI practices while maximizing value from data CHALLENGE SOLUTION OUTCOMES ● Cloudera powers Bank of America’s “Phoenix” data science platform ● Provides data governance across entire ecosystem ● Data is integrated from many sources, building ML models to approve credit for customers ● Reduced new project implementation from 6-9 months to a few weeks Enabling secure and governed data lakes and analytics at scale for 50% lower cost Monthly analytics jobs
  • 14. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 14 Data for Enterprise AI FINALIST: CERTILYTICS ● Retrospective healthcare data doesn’t allow for timely intervention for patients at high risk CHALLENGE SOLUTION OUTCOMES ● Deployed fast, scalable and robust ML models ● Equipped for hybrid or multi cloud ● Enables prospective reporting ● Customer cost savings ● Eliminating waste in healthcare ● Improved patient outcomes Predictive models support care management programs Annual employer savings
  • 15. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 15 ● Manual data maintenance was time- consuming and nearly impossible given data volume CHALLENGE SOLUTION OUTCOMES ● Implemented Cloudera Data Science Workbench ● Built 6 apps to automate maintenance and improve data quality ● 4.7 million entity resolution improvements ● Improved 2.8 million client experiences ● Significantly improved data coverage in key attributes Improving the accuracy of commercial data aggregation with data science and machine learning Data for Enterprise AI WINNER: EXPERIAN BIS Productivity gains
  • 16. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 16 Data for Enterprise AI FINALIST: GAZPROMBANK OAO ● Expand the retail banking business with a new digital strategy CHALLENGE SOLUTION OUTCOMES ● Cloudera Data Science Workbench implemented ● Built automated ML models for client data analysis ● Successful expansion of the bank’s retail loan portfolio ● Analyze real-time feeds from over 100 news sources ● Fuller picture of legal entities and relationships Using deep learning and natural language processing to analyze client data Increase in retail loan portfolio
  • 17. CONNECT THE DATA LIFECYCLE Organizations that have tackled transformative business use cases by connecting multiple parts of the data lifecycle to collect, enrich, secure, report, serve, and predict Read more
  • 18. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 18 ● Traditional data warehouse infrastructure very costly ● Needed to accommodate speed and scale of increasing data CHALLENGE SOLUTION OUTCOMES ● Cloudera Data Platform and Kafka for streaming needs ● AI/ML services to automate intelligent monitoring and incident avoidance ● Enhanced loan services, providing 24/7 access to customers ● Grew creditworthy customer base by 51% Raising experience standards and helping customers live enhanced mobile lifestyles Connect the Data Lifecycle WINNER: Globe Telecom Loan business revenue in one year
  • 19. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 19 ● To build a data infrastructure to offer internal and external customers data-driven digital services at scale CHALLENGE SOLUTION OUTCOMES ● Kafka and Spark streaming allow for real- time data analytics and near-instant offers ● Custom internal tools and frameworks provide reliable data pipelines for data-driven products ● Ecosystem growth: 2x conversion rates ● 25% customer retention for fixed telco ● $10M+ external revenue in Y2019 Connect the Data Lifecycle FINALIST: MOBILE TELESYSTEMS (MTS) Data-driven products have created new revenue streams, increased customer base, and cost savings Internal economic value of data platform
  • 20. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 20 ● Lacked single view of data ● No enterprise-wide modelling ● Business functions worked in separate silos CHALLENGE SOLUTION OUTCOMES ● Created a centralized data lake, providing end- to-end data solutions and a single source of truth ● ML models provide insights in near real-time instead of 5 days ● Business managers can now make more informed decisions Enabled use cases including predictive maintenance, connected vehicles, fraud detection, and compliance Connect the Data Lifecycle FINALIST: RELIANCE INDUSTRIES LTD. Savings driven by data storage cost efficiencies
  • 21. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 21 ● Millions of data points generated by industrial Internet of Things at production sites CHALLENGE SOLUTION OUTCOMES ● Established a 6 PB data lake, the largest in Russian industry ● Implemented AI in production processes ● >50k kilometers of metal strip have passed through computer vision systems ● >5% increase of efficiency of the mill 5000 due to ML-models AI has greatly increased production, reduced wear on equipment, and saved time for operators to focus on other important tasks Connect the Data Lifecycle FINALIST: SEVERSTAL Tonnes annual increase of metal processing
  • 22. ENTERPRISE DATA CLOUD Organizations that are driving business innovation and agility by modernizing their data architecture to unlock the value from data anywhere - in the private cloud or across hybrid and multiple public clouds - Read more
  • 23. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 23 Enterprise Data Cloud FINALIST: DBS BANK ● Becoming a data-driven tech company with a Data First strategy ● Enhance internal technology to better serve the needs of the business CHALLENGE SOLUTION OUTCOMES ● A full platform redesign to optimize ingestion and compute frameworks ● Supporting nearly all of the bank’s business units ● 25% productivity increase ● 100% reduction in contention risk ● 72% run-time improvements Enhanced predictive analytics resulting in raised customer satisfaction scores Increase in efficiency
  • 24. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 24 Enterprise Data Cloud FINALIST: PWC ● Connecting a global network of firms in 150+ countries ● Data security and governance a priority CHALLENGE SOLUTION OUTCOMES ● Multi-cloud deployment with one central platform provides flexibility ● Platform allows for automated, independent scalability of compute and storage ● Data security and governance preserved ● Allows for faster scalability and lower analytics costs Ability to scale up and down in multiple public clouds leads to reduced cost Lower total cost of ownership
  • 25. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 25 ● Needed a cloud-agnostic data warehouse to handle exponential volumes, support future data growth and product roadmap CHALLENGE SOLUTION OUTCOMES ● Leveraging public cloud, SMG migrated its smg360 customer experience platform to Cloudera, with 99.9% uptime and minimal customer impact ● Ability to scale at a lower cost ● Provides new products, insights, and analytics ● Creates a holistic view of customers Lowering costs with the flexibility to scale on demand and pay-per- consumption Enterprise Data Cloud FINALIST: SERVICE MANAGEMENT GROUP Overall reduction in TCO
  • 26. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 26 Enterprise Data Cloud WINNER: WEST MIDLANDS POLICE ● Mission: to radically improve police force data and analytics capability ● Use public cloud solution to modernize inquiries CHALLENGE SOLUTION OUTCOMES ● Integrated complex data sources into highly-scalable search platform with CDH ● Data science and ML used to automate data flow ● Drives data-driven decisions for 6,000 users and 1.5M inquiries ● Predictive insights increase positive intervention outcomes WMP public cloud data platform allows fast data insights and positive community interventions A first for policing in the U.K.
  • 27. DATA SECURITY & GOVERNANCE Organizations that have centralized management, security, and governance of their data and metadata policies, ensuring consistent data lineage, and control Read more
  • 28. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 28 Data Security & Governance FINALIST: CARREFOUR SPAIN ● Unifying a myriad of data sets, from a wide range of sources in a safe and secure way CHALLENGE SOLUTION OUTCOMES ● Developed its own product built on Cloudera, UATU360, for an all-in-one data lake ● Serving both technical and business users ● Easy to meet all compliance challenges by knowing exactly who has access to what data, when Enabling secure, self-service access to data for business users, expanding digital transformation across the organization Data access
  • 29. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 29 Data Security & Governance WINNER: MERCK KGAA, DARMSTADT, GERMANY ● Need to meet GxP regulation ● Must maintain GxP- qualified governance across all analytics CHALLENGE SOLUTION OUTCOMES ● Implemented a data encryption zone in HDFS for confidential data ● Access control powered by Cloudera data platform ● Prevents unauthorized data access ● Decreased operational costs ● Increased business agility and accelerated time to insights Established a data governance framework with their data lake to discover, analyze, store, mine and govern relevant data Secure data lake
  • 30. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 30 Data Security & Governance FINALIST: NORD/LB ● Connecting disparate systems in the cloud ● Meeting regulations without limiting data access CHALLENGE SOLUTION OUTCOMES ● Advanced Data Analytics Platform ingests data with NiFi ● Creates a centralized metadata store management system ● Complete view of data lineage ● Achieves regulatory compliance (GDPR) ● Exceeds customer expectations Enables self-serve analytics and data exploration for every business department More use cases unlocked
  • 31. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 31 ● To understand customer behaviours and offer better service ● Provide digital lending products to boost financial inclusion ● Eliminate fraud and improve data security CHALLENGE SOLUTION OUTCOMES ● Secure consolidation of multiple data streams in a single platform ● CDSW to build machine learning model fraud detection ● Fraud detection in real- time vs 2-8 weeks ● Improved productivity through automation ● New product offers make for better customer experiences ● Retained data security certifications in 2020 Reduced loan disbursements from two weeks to two minutes; improved cost-efficiency by 33% Data Security & Governance FINALIST: PT BANK RAKYAT INDONESIA TBK. Time to disburse loans
  • 32. INDUSTRY TRANSFORMATION Organizations that move their business to the next level and disrupt their industry by identifying new technologies, applying new skills, and operationalizing processes Read more
  • 33. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 33 ● Improve analytics across 15 yrs of historical data ● Consolidate over 10M sensor data from disparate refineries CHALLENGE SOLUTION OUTCOMES ● Built an enterprise data lake to provide global access to analytics ● Enhanced corrosion prediction = less cost ● Enables new use cases to improve energy efficiency and reduce waste Business model redesign brings data together to improve efficiency and reduce waste Industry Transformation FINALIST: EXXONMOBIL In estimated annual benefits
  • 34. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 34 ● Communication with clients error prone ● Meeting customers’ digital expectations CHALLENGE SOLUTION OUTCOMES ● Marketing automation platform for customer profile analysis ● Product offerings via Apache Kafka & data lake ● Reduction of manual errors and processes ● Improved client satisfaction ● Saved 7 mo. / campaign Improved client engagement and sales opportunities via a more qualified pipeline for the business Industry Transformation FINALIST: MANULIFE In savings year to date
  • 35. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 35 ● Needed a centralized platform to store customer data ● Must keep records longer to improve analytics CHALLENGE SOLUTION OUTCOMES ● Built a single digital service platform, ingesting data from 200+ sources ● Utilized CDSW to predict customer likelihood to purchase or churn ● 80% reduction in costs for storage ● Provides advanced customer analytics, personalization and real- time support Ingesting 25TB of data daily to provide advanced customer analytics in real-time Industry Transformation WINNER: TELKOMSEL Growth in digital service revenue
  • 36. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 36 ● Needed new platform to collect and process 130TB of data ● Massive increase in connected vehicle data ● Aggressive SLAs CHALLENGE SOLUTION OUTCOMES ● Renovated architecture with Cloudera ● Apache Kafka and Spark enable real-time streaming and analytics at scale ● Able to provide insurer data within seconds ● Allows customized policy holder offerings ● Flexibility to comply with business needs for event- based insurance Real-time vehicle and driver data enables insurers to offer new services and customize offers based on real-time data Industry Transformation FINALIST: VODAFONE AUTOMOTIVE Messages shared weekly
  • 37. DATA FOR GOOD Organizations that have tackled some of the most challenging issues affecting society and the planet, making what was impossible yesterday possible today and transforming the future Read more
  • 38. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 38 ● The rapid spread of COVID-19 had hospitals and healthcare providers overwhelmed CHALLENGE SOLUTION OUTCOMES ● Discovery Health Patient- X pipeline built on CDSW ● Powers an ML algorithm with 900+ features to identify at-risk members ● Targeted member communications preserves resources ● Prioritization of care saves lives ● 60% reduction in mortality rate for high risk members Using ML models to identify at-risk members based on historic admission patterns Data for Good FINALIST: DISCOVERY HEALTH Reduction in mortality rate
  • 39. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 39 ● Needed an evidence- based way to evaluate physician performance ● Required to review massive volume of records CHALLENGE SOLUTION OUTCOMES ● Physician Quality analytics solution on CDH ● Identifies reporting deficiencies ● Improve quality and clinical outcomes ● Ensures patients in need have access to treatments ● Converting data to information in days instead of weeks With a data management platform, Keck tracks provider performance, improves care, and reduces cost Data for Good FINALIST: KECK MEDICINE OF USC Potential savings & penalties avoided
  • 40. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 40 ● Contract tracing was a huge challenge for the Indian Government to curb the spread of COVID-19 CHALLENGE SOLUTION OUTCOMES ● Jio Big Data Lake can handle high volume and high velocity of data ● Uses strength and flexibility of open-source ● Automates contact tracing efforts ● Identifies hotspots of infection ● Gauges lockdown effectiveness Tracking the movement of citizens across India to control the spread of COVID-19 Data for Good FINALIST: RELIANCE JIO Users tracked for contact tracing
  • 41. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 41 ● Manual scripting caused lack of data visibility on the front-lines of evolving COVID crisis in Chicago ● Avoid misdiagnosis with faster access to data CHALLENGE SOLUTION OUTCOMES ● A data ingest pipeline built with Cloudera DataFlow ● Nifi flows developed to automate ingest of COVID data in real-time ● Data processing time reduced to 15 minutes ● Case accuracy avoids resource shortages ● Providers make fast, accurate diagnoses In response to the COVID crisis, Rush built a data pipeline to give clinicians fast access to real-time patient data and prediction models Data for Good WINNER: RUSH UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER To build a brand new data pipeline
  • 42. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 42 2020 JUDGES Connect the Data Lifecycle ● Mike Barlow ● Nick Heudecker ● Sanjeev Mohan ● Danny Mu ● Shiv Putcha Data Champions ● Bob Gourley ● Doug Henschen ● Roy Illsley ● Daniel Newman ● John Santaferraro ● Jen Stirrup Data for Enterprise AI ● Andrew Brust ● Jessie Cai Danqing ● Jessica Davis ● Bertrand Gare ● David Schubmehl Data for Good ● Philip Carnelley ● Philip Howard ● Cornelia Lévy-Bencheton ● Yves Mulkers ● Brian Wood Data Security & Governance ● Paige Bartley ● Michael Hülskötter ● Tony Lock ● Patrick Moorhead ● Alex Woodie Enterprise Data Cloud ● Jim Curtis ● David Menninger ● John Pardey ● Agatha Poon ● Adam M. Ronthal Industry Transformation ● Tony Baer ● Doug Larney ● Chris Marshall ● Nick McQuire ● Holger Muller ● Carl Olofson
  • 43. © 2020 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 43 To learn more about the awards program, visit the DIA webpage. You can also check out the entire Hall of Fame of all-time DIA winners here. For information on how to participate next year, reach out to your Cloudera account team or email