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Fine Tuning and Enhancing Performance of Apache Spark Jobs
Fine Tuning and Enhancing
Performance of Apache Spark Jobs
Blake Becerra, Kira Lindke, Kaushik Tadikonda
Our Setup
▪ Data Validation Tool for ETL
▪ Millions of comparisons and aggregations
▪ One of the larger datasets initially took 4+ hours, unstable
▪ Challenge: improve reliability and performance
▪ Months of research and tuning, same application takes 35 minutes
Configuring Cluster
▪ Test changes with
▪ spark.driver.cores
▪ spark.driver.memory
▪ executor-memory
▪ executor-cores
▪ spark.cores.max
▪ reserve cores (~1 core per node) for
▪ num_executors = total_cores /
▪ num_partitions
▪ Too much memory per executor can
result in excessive GC delays
▪ Too little memory can lose benefits
from running multiple tasks in a single
▪ Look at stats (network, CPU, memory,
etc. and tweak to improve
▪ Can severely downgrade
▪ Extreme imbalance of work in the cluster
▪ Tasks within a stage (like a join) take uneven
amounts of time to finish
▪ How to check
▪ Spark UI shows job waiting only on some of the
▪ Look for large variances in memory usage within a
job (primarily works if it is at the beginning of the job
and doing data ingestion – otherwise can be
▪ Executor missing heartbeat
▪ Check partition sizes of RDD while debugging to
Example – skew in ingestion of data
Uneven partitions Even partitions
Handling skew cont’d
▪ Blind repartition is the most
naïve approach but effective
▪ Great for "narrow transformations"
▪ Good for increasing the number of partitions
▪ Use coalesce not repartition to decrease
▪ Choosing a better approach for
joins specifically coming later
Handling skew - ingestion
▪ Use spark options to do partitioned reads with JDBC
▪ partitionColumn
▪ lower/upperBound - used to determine stride
▪ numPartitions – maximum number of partitions
▪ partitionColumn
▪ Ideally is not skewed (such as primary key)
▪ Stride can have skew
▪ Possible trick – mod function
▪ Example of working with slow jdbc databases:
▪ Initial query took ~40 minutes
▪ Took it down to 10 minutes
lowerBound: 0
upperBound: 1000
numPartitions: 10
=> Stride is equal to 100 and partitions correspond to following queries:
SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE partitionModColumn < 100
SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE partitionModColumn >= 100 AND
partitionModColumn < 200
SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE partitionModColumn >= 900
Also works with: partitioned data ingestion
Example – reading from object storage, files, etc.
▪ Reads in with same skew
▪ Read in then repartition to get even distribution
▪ Reuse a DataFrame with
▪ Unpersist when done
▪ Without cache, DataFrame is built
from scratch each time
▪ Don't over persist
▪ Worse memory performance
▪ Possible slowdown
▪ GC pressure
Other Performance
▪ Try seq.par.foreach instead of
just seq.foreach
▪ Increases parallelization
▪ Race conditions and non-deterministic results
▪ Use accumulators or synchronization to protect
▪ Avoid UDFs if possible
▪ Deserialize every row to object
▪ Apply lambda
▪ Then reserialize it
▪ More garbage generated
Join Optimization
▪ Different join strategies
▪ Data preprocessing - clever
▪ Avoiding unnecessary scans
▪ Locality - use of same partitioner
▪ Salting - skewed join keys
Fine Tuning and Enhancing Performance of Apache Spark Jobs
Filter Trick
Included in Spark 3.0
Salting – Reduce Skew
Things to remember
▪ Follow good partitioning strategies
▪ Too few partitions – less parallelism
▪ Too many partitions – scheduling issues
▪ Improve scan efficiency
▪ Try to use same partitioner
between DataFrames for join
▪ Skipped stages are good
▪ Caching prevents repeated
exchanges where data is re-used
Fair Scheduling
▪ Round Robin fashion
▪ Multiple jobs can run
simultaneously if submitted by
threads inside an application
▪ Better resource utilization
▪ Harder to debug and makes
performance tuning more
Fair Scheduling and
▪ Enabled by setting
spark.scheduler.mode to FAIR
▪ Allows jobs to be grouped into
pools with prioritization
▪ Jobs created from threads
without a pool defined always
go to the “default” pool
▪ Pools, weight and minShare
are specified in
▪ Default for most types
▪ Can work with any class
▪ More flexible
▪ Slower
▪ Default for shuffling RDDs with simple
▪ Significantly faster and more compact
▪ Set your SparkConf to
use "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSe
▪ Register classes in order to take full
Kryo SerializerJava Serializer
▪ JVM flag –XX:UseCompressedOops
allows usage of 4-byte pointers
instead of 8-byte
▪ Does not work as heap size grows
beyond 32 GB
▪ Need 48 GB heap without compressed
pointers to hold same number of
objects as 32 GB
Garbage Collection
▪ Contention when allocating
more objects
▪ Full GC occurring before tasks
▪ Too many RDDs cached
▪ Frequent garbage collection
▪ Long time spent in GC
▪ Missed heartbeats
Garbage Collection Tuning
Enable GC Logging
ParallelGC (default)
Heap space is divided into Young and Old
▪ Minor GC occurs frequently:
▪ Increase Eden and Survivor space
▪ Major GC occurs frequently:
▪ Increase young space if too many objects are being promoted
▪ Increase old space
▪ Decrease spark.memory.fraction
▪ Full GC occurs before task finishes:
▪ Try clearing young space by frequent GC triggers
▪ Increase memory
▪ Breaks heap into thousands of regions
▪ Recommended if heap sizes are
large (> 8GB) and GC times are long
▪ Lower latency traded with higher
CPU usage for GC bookkeeping
For large scale applications, these properties help preventing full
▪ -XX:ParallelGCThreads = n
▪ -XX:ConcGCThreads = [n, 2n]
▪ -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent = 35
▪ Performance tuning is iterative
▪ Tuning is case by case
▪ Take advantage of the Spark UI, logs, and available monitoring
▪ Focus on the major slowdowns, not on one particular trick
▪ You can't be perfect
Thank you for your time!

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Fine Tuning and Enhancing Performance of Apache Spark Jobs

  • 2. Fine Tuning and Enhancing Performance of Apache Spark Jobs Blake Becerra, Kira Lindke, Kaushik Tadikonda
  • 3. Our Setup ▪ Data Validation Tool for ETL ▪ Millions of comparisons and aggregations ▪ One of the larger datasets initially took 4+ hours, unstable ▪ Challenge: improve reliability and performance ▪ Months of research and tuning, same application takes 35 minutes
  • 4. Configuring Cluster ▪ Test changes with ▪ spark.driver.cores ▪ spark.driver.memory ▪ executor-memory ▪ executor-cores ▪ spark.cores.max ▪ reserve cores (~1 core per node) for daemons ▪ num_executors = total_cores / num_cores ▪ num_partitions ▪ Too much memory per executor can result in excessive GC delays ▪ Too little memory can lose benefits from running multiple tasks in a single JVM ▪ Look at stats (network, CPU, memory, etc. and tweak to improve performance)
  • 5. Skew ▪ Can severely downgrade performance ▪ Extreme imbalance of work in the cluster ▪ Tasks within a stage (like a join) take uneven amounts of time to finish ▪ How to check ▪ Spark UI shows job waiting only on some of the tasks ▪ Look for large variances in memory usage within a job (primarily works if it is at the beginning of the job and doing data ingestion – otherwise can be misleading) ▪ Executor missing heartbeat ▪ Check partition sizes of RDD while debugging to confirm
  • 7. Example – skew in ingestion of data Uneven partitions Even partitions
  • 8. Handling skew cont’d ▪ Blind repartition is the most naïve approach but effective ▪ Great for "narrow transformations" ▪ Good for increasing the number of partitions ▪ Use coalesce not repartition to decrease partitions ▪ Choosing a better approach for joins specifically coming later
  • 9. Handling skew - ingestion ▪ Use spark options to do partitioned reads with JDBC ▪ partitionColumn ▪ lower/upperBound - used to determine stride ▪ numPartitions – maximum number of partitions ▪ partitionColumn ▪ Ideally is not skewed (such as primary key) ▪ Stride can have skew ▪ Possible trick – mod function ▪ Example of working with slow jdbc databases: ▪ Initial query took ~40 minutes ▪ Took it down to 10 minutes
  • 10. Example lowerBound: 0 upperBound: 1000 numPartitions: 10 => Stride is equal to 100 and partitions correspond to following queries: SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE partitionModColumn < 100 SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE partitionModColumn >= 100 AND partitionModColumn < 200 ... SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE partitionModColumn >= 900
  • 11. Also works with: partitioned data ingestion Example – reading from object storage, files, etc. ▪ Reads in with same skew ▪ Read in then repartition to get even distribution
  • 12. Cache/Persist ▪ Reuse a DataFrame with transformations ▪ Unpersist when done ▪ Without cache, DataFrame is built from scratch each time ▪ Don't over persist ▪ Worse memory performance ▪ Possible slowdown ▪ GC pressure
  • 13. Other Performance Improvements ▪ Try seq.par.foreach instead of just seq.foreach ▪ Increases parallelization ▪ Race conditions and non-deterministic results ▪ Use accumulators or synchronization to protect ▪ Avoid UDFs if possible ▪ Deserialize every row to object ▪ Apply lambda ▪ Then reserialize it ▪ More garbage generated
  • 14. Join Optimization ▪ Different join strategies ▪ Data preprocessing - clever filtering ▪ Avoiding unnecessary scans ▪ Locality - use of same partitioner ▪ Salting - skewed join keys
  • 18. Things to remember ▪ Follow good partitioning strategies ▪ Too few partitions – less parallelism ▪ Too many partitions – scheduling issues ▪ Improve scan efficiency ▪ Try to use same partitioner between DataFrames for join ▪ Skipped stages are good ▪ Caching prevents repeated exchanges where data is re-used
  • 19. Fair Scheduling ▪ Round Robin fashion ▪ Multiple jobs can run simultaneously if submitted by threads inside an application ▪ Better resource utilization ▪ Harder to debug and makes performance tuning more difficult
  • 20. Fair Scheduling and Pools ▪ Enabled by setting spark.scheduler.mode to FAIR ▪ Allows jobs to be grouped into pools with prioritization options ▪ Jobs created from threads without a pool defined always go to the “default” pool ▪ Pools, weight and minShare are specified in fairscheduler.xml
  • 22. Serialization ▪ Default for most types ▪ Can work with any class ▪ More flexible ▪ Slower ▪ Default for shuffling RDDs with simple types ▪ Significantly faster and more compact ▪ Set your SparkConf to use "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSe rializer" ▪ Register classes in order to take full advantage Kryo SerializerJava Serializer
  • 23. CompressedOOPs ▪ JVM flag –XX:UseCompressedOops allows usage of 4-byte pointers instead of 8-byte ▪ Does not work as heap size grows beyond 32 GB ▪ Need 48 GB heap without compressed pointers to hold same number of objects as 32 GB
  • 24. Garbage Collection Tuning ▪ Contention when allocating more objects ▪ Full GC occurring before tasks finish ▪ Too many RDDs cached ▪ Frequent garbage collection ▪ Long time spent in GC ▪ Missed heartbeats
  • 27. ParallelGC (default) Heap space is divided into Young and Old ▪ Minor GC occurs frequently: ▪ Increase Eden and Survivor space ▪ Major GC occurs frequently: ▪ Increase young space if too many objects are being promoted ▪ Increase old space ▪ Decrease spark.memory.fraction ▪ Full GC occurs before task finishes: ▪ Try clearing young space by frequent GC triggers ▪ Increase memory
  • 28. G1GC ▪ Breaks heap into thousands of regions ▪ Recommended if heap sizes are large (> 8GB) and GC times are long ▪ Lower latency traded with higher CPU usage for GC bookkeeping For large scale applications, these properties help preventing full collections: ▪ -XX:ParallelGCThreads = n ▪ -XX:ConcGCThreads = [n, 2n] ▪ -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent = 35
  • 30. Takeaways ▪ Performance tuning is iterative ▪ Tuning is case by case ▪ Take advantage of the Spark UI, logs, and available monitoring ▪ Focus on the major slowdowns, not on one particular trick ▪ You can't be perfect
  • 31. Thank you for your time! Questions