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Real time fraud detection at
1+M scale on hadoop stack
Ishan Chhabra
Nitin Aggarwal
Rocketfuel Inc
• Rocketfuel & Advertising auction process
• Various kinds of frauds
• Problem statement
• Helios: Architecture
• Implementation in Hadoop Ecosystem
• Details about HDFS spout and datacube
• Key takeaways
Rocketfuel Inc
• AdTech firm that enables marketers using AI & Big Data
• Scores 120+ Billion Ad auctions in a day
• Handles 1-2 Million TPS at peak traffic
Auction Process
(4b) Notification(5) Record impression
Exchange - Rocketfuel discrepancy
(4b) Notification(5) Record impression
count(4b) != count(5)
Rocketfuel - Advertiser discrepancy
(5) Record impression
count(5) != count(6)
Common causes
• Fraud
– Bot networks and malware
– Hidden ad slots
• Human error
– AD JavaScript site or browser specific issues
– Bugs in Ad JavaScript
– 3rd-party JavaScript interactions in Ad or site
Need for real time
• Micro-patterns that change frequently
• Latency has big business impact; delays in reacting leads to
loss of money
• A lot of times discrepancies arise due to breakages and
sudden unexpected changes
Goal: Significantly reduce money loss from both ends by
reacting to these micropatterns in near real time
Data flow
Bidding Sites
Analytics Site
Data flow
Bids & Notifications
(batched and delayed)
(near real time)
Bidding SiteAnalytics Site
Problem statement
• 3 streams with various delays (2 from HDFS, 1 from Kafka)
• Join and aggregate
• Filter among 2^n feature combinations to identify the top
culprits (OLAP cube)
• Feedback into bidding
Lambda architecture
Storm & HBase on
YARN (Slider)
Serving Infra
(Bidders and Ad-
Near real-time pipeline
Batch pipeline
Helios: Abstraction for real time learning
• Real time processing of data streams from sources like Kafka
and HDFS, with efficient join
• Process joined event views to generate different analytics,
using HBase and MapReduce
• OLAP support
• Join with dimensional data; different use-cases
Storm Cluster
(Slider and YARN)
HBase Cluster
(Slider and YARN)
Serving Infra
(Bidders and Ad-servers)
Helios architecture
Step 1a: Ingesting events from Kafka
Storm Cluster
(Slider and YARN)
Serving Infra
(Bidders and Ad-servers)
Processing Kafka events in real-time
• Relies on logs streams written to Kafka by scribe
• Kafka Topic with 200+ partitions
• Data produced and written via scribe from more than 3K
• Using upstream Kafka spout to read data
– Spout granularity is at record-level
– Uses Zookeeper extensively for book-keeping
Processing Kafka events in real-time
• Topology Statistics:
– Running on YARN as an application, so easily scalable
•Container: Memory: 2700m
– Running with 25 workers (5 executors/worker)
– Supervisor JVM opts:
•-Xms512m -Xmx512m -XX:PermSize=64m -XX:MaxPermSize=64m
– Worker JVM opts:
•-Xmx1800m -Xms1800m
– Processing nearly 100K events per second
Step 1b: Ingesting events from HDFS
Storm Cluster
(Slider and YARN)
Serving Infra
(Bidders and Ad-servers)
Processing HDFS events in real-time
• Relies on logs streams written to HDFS by scribe
• WAN limitations introduce high compression needs
• DistCp, rather than Kafka
• Using in-house Storm spout to read streams from HDFS
Processing Bid-logs in real-time
Storm Topology Statistics:
• Running on YARN as an application via slider (easily scalable)
–Container: Memory: 2700m
• Currently running with 350 workers (~10 executors/worker).
• Supervisor JVM opts:
–-Xms512m -Xmx512m -XX:PermSize=64m -XX:MaxPermSize=64m
• Worker JVM opts:
–-Xmx1800m -Xms1800m
• Processing nearly 1.5-2.0 million events per second (~ 100+B
events per day)
HDFS Spout Architecture
• Master-slave architecture
• Spout granularity is at file-level, with record level offset
• Use Zookeeper extensively for book-keeping
–Curator and recipes make life lot easier.
• Highly influenced from Kafka Spout
HDFS Spout Architecture
Spout Workers
un-assigned locked checkpoint done
offset Offset-lock
HDFS Spout Architecture
• Assignment Manager (AM):
– Elected based on leader election algorithm
– Polls HDFS periodically to identify new files, based on
timestamp and partitioned paths
– Publish files to be processed as work tasks in zookeeper (ZK)
– Manage time and path offsets, for cleaning up done nodes
– Create periodic done-markers on HDFS
HDFS Spout Architecture
• Worker (W):
– Select work-tasks from the available ones in ZK, when done
with current work, with ephemeral node locking
– Perform file checkpointing using record-offset in ZK to save
– Create done node in ZK, after processing the file
HDFS Spout Architecture
Bookkeeping node hierarchy:
• Pluggable Backend: Current implementation use ZK
• Work Life Cycle
– unassigned - file added here by AM
– locked - created by worker on selecting work
– checkpoint - timely checkpointing here
– processed - created by worker on completion
• Offset Management
– offset - stores path, time offset of HDFS
– offset-lock - ephemeral lock for offset update
HDFS Spout Architecture
• Spout Failures
– Slaves - Work made available again by Master
– Master - One of the slaves become master via leader
election and give away the slave duties
• Spouts Contention for work assignment via ZK ephemeral
• Leverage partitioned data directories and done-markers
based model in the organization
Comparison with official HDFS spout
• Use HDFS for book-keeping
• Move or rename source files.
• All slave architecture, all spouts
contend for failed works
• No leverage for partitioned data
• Kerberos support
In-house Implementation
● Uses ZK for book-keeping.
● No changes to source files
● Master-Slave architecture with
leader election
● Leverage partitioned data, and
● No Kerberos support.
Step 2: Join via HBase
Storm Cluster
(Slider and YARN)
HBase Cluster
(Slider and YARN)
HBase for joining streams of data
• Use request-id as key, to join different streams
• Different Column Qualifiers for different event streams
• HBase Cluster configuration
–Running on YARN as service via slider
–Region-servers: 40 instances, with 4G memory each
–Optimized for writes, with large MemStore
–Tuned compactions, to avoid unnecessary merging of files,
as they expire quickly (low retention)
•Date based compactions in HBase 2.0 available.
• Write throughput: 1M+ TPS
Observations from running Storm at scale
• ZeroMQ more stable than Netty in version 0.9.x
– Many Netty Optimizations available in 0.10.x
• Local-shuffle mode helpful for large data volumes
• Need to tune heartbeats interval
– (task|worker|supervisor).heartbeat.frequency.secs
– Pacemaker: Available in 1.0
• Need to tune code sync interval
– Distributed Cache: Available in 1.0
Step 3: Scan joined view and populate OLAP
Start MR Job
OLAP with multi-dimensional data
• Developed Mapreduce backed workflow
– Cron triggered hourly jobs based on donemarkers
– Scan data from HBase using snapshots
– Semantics for hour boundaries
– Event metric reporting
OLAP with multi-dimensional data
• Modular API for processing records
– Pluggable architecture for different use-cases
– OLAP implemented as a first-class use-case
• Use datacube library (Urban Airship) for generating OLAP
– Configurable metric reporting.
OLAP with multi-dimensional data
Datacube for OLAP
• Library was developed at Urban Airship.
• About the API
– Need to define dimensions and rollups for the cube
– IO library for writing measures for cube
– Pluggable Databases: HBase, In-memory Map
– ID Service: Optimization for encoding values via ID substitution
– Support for bulk-loading and backfilling
OLAP with multi-dimensional data
New features (forked)
• Reverse lookups for scans
• New InputFormat for MR Jobs
• Prefix hashes (data and lookups) for load distribution.
• Optimized DB performance by using Async HBase library for efficient
MR Job statistics
• Use HBase Snapshots
• MR job runs every hour (Run time: 5-15mins)
• Hour is closed with delays of 30-60 minutes (on average), considering
log rotation and shipping(scribe) latencies.
Step 4: Scan OLAP cube for top feature vectors
Start MR Job
OLAP with multi-dimensional data
Serialize OLAP View
• Customizable MapReduce Job scans OLAP data (backed by HBase),
writes to HDFS.
• Different Jobs can use this easily accessible data from HDFS for
processing, and upload computed feedback stats to sources like MySQL
MR Job Statistics
• MR job runs every hour (Runtime: 2-5mins)
DevOps Automation
• Monitoring Service
• Topology submission service
Key Takeaways
• Hadoop ecosystem offers a productive stack for high velocity
real time learning problems
• YARN allows one to easily experiment with and tweak vertical
to horizontal scalability ratios
Reach us at

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Real time fraud detection at 1+M scale on hadoop stack

  • 1. Real time fraud detection at 1+M scale on hadoop stack Ishan Chhabra Nitin Aggarwal Rocketfuel Inc
  • 2. Agenda • Rocketfuel & Advertising auction process • Various kinds of frauds • Problem statement • Helios: Architecture • Implementation in Hadoop Ecosystem • Details about HDFS spout and datacube • Key takeaways
  • 3. Rocketfuel Inc • AdTech firm that enables marketers using AI & Big Data • Scores 120+ Billion Ad auctions in a day • Handles 1-2 Million TPS at peak traffic
  • 5. Exchange - Rocketfuel discrepancy (4b) Notification(5) Record impression count(4b) != count(5)
  • 6. Rocketfuel - Advertiser discrepancy (5) Record impression count(5) != count(6)
  • 7. Common causes • Fraud – Bot networks and malware – Hidden ad slots • Human error – AD JavaScript site or browser specific issues – Bugs in Ad JavaScript – 3rd-party JavaScript interactions in Ad or site
  • 8. Need for real time • Micro-patterns that change frequently • Latency has big business impact; delays in reacting leads to loss of money • A lot of times discrepancies arise due to breakages and sudden unexpected changes
  • 9. Goal: Significantly reduce money loss from both ends by reacting to these micropatterns in near real time
  • 11. Data flow Bids & Notifications (batched and delayed) Impressions (near real time) Bidding SiteAnalytics Site
  • 12. Problem statement • 3 streams with various delays (2 from HDFS, 1 from Kafka) • Join and aggregate • Filter among 2^n feature combinations to identify the top culprits (OLAP cube) • Feedback into bidding
  • 13. Lambda architecture Logs Storm & HBase on YARN (Slider) Serving Infra (Bidders and Ad- servers) Near real-time pipeline Batch pipeline
  • 14. Helios: Abstraction for real time learning • Real time processing of data streams from sources like Kafka and HDFS, with efficient join • Process joined event views to generate different analytics, using HBase and MapReduce • OLAP support • Join with dimensional data; different use-cases
  • 15. Logs Storm Cluster (Slider and YARN) HBase Cluster (Slider and YARN) Serving Infra (Bidders and Ad-servers) Helios architecture OLAP Metrics
  • 16. Step 1a: Ingesting events from Kafka Logs Storm Cluster (Slider and YARN) Serving Infra (Bidders and Ad-servers)
  • 17. Processing Kafka events in real-time • Relies on logs streams written to Kafka by scribe • Kafka Topic with 200+ partitions • Data produced and written via scribe from more than 3K nodes • Using upstream Kafka spout to read data – Spout granularity is at record-level – Uses Zookeeper extensively for book-keeping
  • 18. Processing Kafka events in real-time • Topology Statistics: – Running on YARN as an application, so easily scalable •Container: Memory: 2700m – Running with 25 workers (5 executors/worker) – Supervisor JVM opts: •-Xms512m -Xmx512m -XX:PermSize=64m -XX:MaxPermSize=64m – Worker JVM opts: •-Xmx1800m -Xms1800m – Processing nearly 100K events per second
  • 19. Step 1b: Ingesting events from HDFS Logs Storm Cluster (Slider and YARN) Serving Infra (Bidders and Ad-servers)
  • 20. Processing HDFS events in real-time • Relies on logs streams written to HDFS by scribe • WAN limitations introduce high compression needs • DistCp, rather than Kafka • Using in-house Storm spout to read streams from HDFS
  • 21. Processing Bid-logs in real-time Storm Topology Statistics: • Running on YARN as an application via slider (easily scalable) –Container: Memory: 2700m • Currently running with 350 workers (~10 executors/worker). • Supervisor JVM opts: –-Xms512m -Xmx512m -XX:PermSize=64m -XX:MaxPermSize=64m • Worker JVM opts: –-Xmx1800m -Xms1800m • Processing nearly 1.5-2.0 million events per second (~ 100+B events per day)
  • 22. HDFS Spout Architecture • Master-slave architecture • Spout granularity is at file-level, with record level offset bookkeeping. • Use Zookeeper extensively for book-keeping –Curator and recipes make life lot easier. • Highly influenced from Kafka Spout
  • 23. HDFS Spout Architecture Spout Leader Spout Workers un-assigned locked checkpoint done offset Offset-lock
  • 24. HDFS Spout Architecture • Assignment Manager (AM): – Elected based on leader election algorithm – Polls HDFS periodically to identify new files, based on timestamp and partitioned paths – Publish files to be processed as work tasks in zookeeper (ZK) – Manage time and path offsets, for cleaning up done nodes – Create periodic done-markers on HDFS
  • 25. HDFS Spout Architecture • Worker (W): – Select work-tasks from the available ones in ZK, when done with current work, with ephemeral node locking – Perform file checkpointing using record-offset in ZK to save work – Create done node in ZK, after processing the file
  • 26. HDFS Spout Architecture Bookkeeping node hierarchy: • Pluggable Backend: Current implementation use ZK • Work Life Cycle – unassigned - file added here by AM – locked - created by worker on selecting work – checkpoint - timely checkpointing here – processed - created by worker on completion • Offset Management – offset - stores path, time offset of HDFS – offset-lock - ephemeral lock for offset update
  • 27. HDFS Spout Architecture • Spout Failures – Slaves - Work made available again by Master – Master - One of the slaves become master via leader election and give away the slave duties • Spouts Contention for work assignment via ZK ephemeral nodes • Leverage partitioned data directories and done-markers based model in the organization
  • 28. Comparison with official HDFS spout Storm-1199 • Use HDFS for book-keeping • Move or rename source files. • All slave architecture, all spouts contend for failed works • No leverage for partitioned data • Kerberos support In-house Implementation ● Uses ZK for book-keeping. ● No changes to source files ● Master-Slave architecture with leader election ● Leverage partitioned data, and done-markers. ● No Kerberos support.
  • 29. Step 2: Join via HBase Logs Storm Cluster (Slider and YARN) HBase Cluster (Slider and YARN) Donemarkers
  • 30. HBase for joining streams of data • Use request-id as key, to join different streams • Different Column Qualifiers for different event streams • HBase Cluster configuration –Running on YARN as service via slider –Region-servers: 40 instances, with 4G memory each –Optimized for writes, with large MemStore –Tuned compactions, to avoid unnecessary merging of files, as they expire quickly (low retention) •Date based compactions in HBase 2.0 available. • Write throughput: 1M+ TPS
  • 31. Observations from running Storm at scale • ZeroMQ more stable than Netty in version 0.9.x – Many Netty Optimizations available in 0.10.x • Local-shuffle mode helpful for large data volumes • Need to tune heartbeats interval – (task|worker|supervisor).heartbeat.frequency.secs – Pacemaker: Available in 1.0 • Need to tune code sync interval – Distributed Cache: Available in 1.0
  • 32. Step 3: Scan joined view and populate OLAP OLAP Metrics Donemarkers Event Streams Start MR Job
  • 33. OLAP with multi-dimensional data • Developed Mapreduce backed workflow – Cron triggered hourly jobs based on donemarkers – Scan data from HBase using snapshots – Semantics for hour boundaries – Event metric reporting
  • 34. OLAP with multi-dimensional data • Modular API for processing records – Pluggable architecture for different use-cases – OLAP implemented as a first-class use-case • Use datacube library (Urban Airship) for generating OLAP data. – Configurable metric reporting.
  • 35. OLAP with multi-dimensional data Datacube for OLAP • Library was developed at Urban Airship. • About the API – Need to define dimensions and rollups for the cube – IO library for writing measures for cube – Pluggable Databases: HBase, In-memory Map – ID Service: Optimization for encoding values via ID substitution – Support for bulk-loading and backfilling
  • 36. OLAP with multi-dimensional data New features (forked) • Reverse lookups for scans • New InputFormat for MR Jobs • Prefix hashes (data and lookups) for load distribution. • Optimized DB performance by using Async HBase library for efficient reads/writes MR Job statistics • Use HBase Snapshots • MR job runs every hour (Run time: 5-15mins) • Hour is closed with delays of 30-60 minutes (on average), considering log rotation and shipping(scribe) latencies.
  • 37. Step 4: Scan OLAP cube for top feature vectors OLAP Metrics Donemarkers Start MR Job Feature Vectors
  • 38. OLAP with multi-dimensional data Serialize OLAP View • Customizable MapReduce Job scans OLAP data (backed by HBase), writes to HDFS. • Different Jobs can use this easily accessible data from HDFS for processing, and upload computed feedback stats to sources like MySQL MR Job Statistics • MR job runs every hour (Runtime: 2-5mins)
  • 39. DevOps Automation • Monitoring Service • Topology submission service
  • 40. Key Takeaways • Hadoop ecosystem offers a productive stack for high velocity real time learning problems • YARN allows one to easily experiment with and tweak vertical to horizontal scalability ratios
  • 41. THANKS! ANY QUESTIONS? Reach us at