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Oracle 12c
New Features
New Background Processes - General
Acronym Process Name Description
BWnn Database Writer Process (20
Writes modified blocks from the database buffer cache to the data files. The
names of the 37th through 100th Database Writer Processes are BW36-BW99.
See DBWn for more information on these processes.
LGn Log Writer Slave On multiprocessor systems, LGWR creates slave processes to improve the
performance of writing to the redo log. LGWR slaves are not used when there is
a SYNC standby destination.
LREG Listener Registration Process LREG notifies the listeners about instances, services, handlers, and endpoint.
RM RAT Masking Slave Process This background process is used with Data Masking and Real Application
RPOP Instant Recovery Repopulation
Responsible for re-creating and/or repopulating data files from snapshot files
and backup files. It works with the instant recovery feature to ensure
immediate data file access. The local instance has immediate access to the
remote snapshot file's data, while repopulation of the recovered primary data
files happens concurrently. Any changes in the data are managed between the
instance's DBW processes and RPOP to ensure the latest copy of the data is
returned to the user.
Sann SG Allocator A small fraction of SGA is allocated during instance startup. The SAnn process
allocates the rest of SGA in small chunks. The process exits upon completion of
SGA allocation.
12c Supported Operating Systems
Operating System Minimum OS level Requirement
IBM AIX Power System
AIX 6.1 TL7 SP3 or later, 64-bit kernel
AIX 7.1 TL1 SP3 or later, 64-bit kernel
Redhat Linux
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7: 3.10.0-54.0.1.el7.x86_64 or later
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 with the Unbreakable Enterprise
Kernel: 3.8.13-33.el7uek.x86_64 or later
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6: 2.6.32-71.el6.x86_64 or later
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 with the Unbreakable Enterprise
Kernel: 2.6.32-100.28.5.el6.x86_64 or later
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Update 6: 2.6.18- or
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Update 6 with the Unbreakable
Enterprise Kernel: 2.6.32-100.0.19 or later
Oracle Linux
Oracle Linux 7 with the Unbreakable Enterprise kernel: 3.8.13-
33.el7uek.x86_64 or later
Oracle Linux 7 with the Red Hat Compatible kernel: 3.10.0-
54.0.1.el7.x86_64 or later
Oracle Linux 6 with the Unbreakable Enterprise kernel: 2.6.39-
200.24.1.el6uek.x86_64 or later
Oracle Linux 6 with the Red Hat Compatible kernel: 2.6.32-
71.el6.x86_64 or later
Oracle Linux 5 Update 6 with the Unbreakable Enterprise
kernel: 2.6.32-100.0.19 or later
Oracle Linux 5 Update 6 with the Red Hat compatible kernel:
2.6.18- or later
SUSE Distributions for
x86-64 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2: 3.0.13-0.27 or later
Operating System Minimum OS level Requirement
IBM: Linux on
System z
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.3: 2.6.32-279.el6.s390x or later
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.8: 2.6.18-308.el5 s390x or later
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2: 3.0.13-0.27-default s390x or later
Windows x64
Windows Server 2008 x64 - Standard, Enterprise, DataCenter, and Web
Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 - Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter, Web,
and Foundation editions
Windows 7 x64 - Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate editions
Windows 8 x64 and Windows 8.1 x64 - Pro and Enterprise editions
Windows Server 2012 x64 and Windows Server 2012 R2 x64 - Standard,
Datacenter, Essentials, and Foundation editions
SPARC (64-Bit)
Oracle Solaris 11 SRU 14.5 or later SRUs and updates
Oracle Solaris 10 Update 11 (Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 s10s_u11wos_24a)
or later updates
Solaris on x86-64
Oracle Solaris 11 SRU 14.5 or later SRUs and updates
Oracle Solaris 10 Update 11 (Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 s10x_u11wos_24a)
or later updates
HP-UX Itanium HP-UX 11i V3 patch Bundle Sep/ 2008 (B.11.31.0809.326a) or higher
12c Direct Upgrade Path

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This document contains a summary of an Oracle DBA presentation on DBA commands and concepts that every developer should know. The presentation covered topics such as parallel queries, row chaining, explain plans, flashback queries, pending statistics, bulk processing, virtual private databases, extended data types, identity columns, and online table redefinition. It provided examples and demonstrations of many of these commands and concepts.

new features12cotn
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Flashback operations allow recovering data from earlier points in time using undo and redo information. The Flash Recovery Area (FRA) stores files needed for flashback and recovery operations. Configuring the FRA involves specifying its size and location using parameters like DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE and DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST. Flashback features like Flashback Query, Flashback Versions Query, and Flashback Database use information in the FRA to access earlier states of data.

Oracle database 12c new features
Oracle database 12c new featuresOracle database 12c new features
Oracle database 12c new features

New Features for Database Administrator of Oracle 12c Database. Here are some of excellent Oracle 12c new features with examples for learning purpose. SQL,Backup and recovery, Database management, Oracle RAC, Oracle ASM included.

oracle 12c new featureoracle database 12c new featuresoracle 12c
• STANDARD (Default) = 4000 bytes (Pre-12c)
• 12c – EXTENDED = 32767 bytes
• Parameter “max_string_size” values STANDARD, EXTENDED
• Parameter changes need database bounce and will update objects, may invalidate them
• Parameter changes are irreversible, once changed to value EXTENDED
• Parameter can also be changed at PDB level
• Steps for parameter changes –
o Shutdown the database/PDB
o Change the parameter and open database in upgrade mode
o Execute @?/rdbms/admin/utl32k.sql
o Restart database in normal mode
In-Database Analytics:
On going SQL Evolution
4 5
• Introduction of
Window functions
• Enhanced Window
functions (percentile,etc)
• Rollup, grouping sets,
• Statistical functions
• SQL model clause
• Partition Outer Join
• SQL Pivot
• Recursive WITH
• ListAgg, Nth value
• Pattern matching
• Top N clause
• Identity Columns
• Column Defaults
 FETCH returns top ‘N’ records
 Can specify rows or percentage,
 Can include OFFSET to skip specified number of rows
 Respects ORDER BY clause
 Internally uses ANALYTIC functions
Limiting Rows from SQL Query
 Use Identity Columns instead of specifying a Sequence and using
triggers / processes to retrieve the next value from the sequence
• ALWAYS [Default] – Uses the sequence generator
• BY DEFAULT – Can explicitly assign a specified value
• BY DEFAULT ON NULL – Can explicitly assign,
but uses sequence if evaluates to NULL
Identity Column

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This document summarizes new features in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 running on Oracle Database Exadata Express Cloud Service. Key features include longer identifier names up to 128 bytes, native support for JSON, improved functions for data conversion errors and LISTAGG, online conversion of non-partitioned tables to partitioned tables, read-only partitions, and approximate query processing. The presentation provides demonstrations of several new features.

oraclenew features12.2
Oracle Database 12c - New Features for Developers and DBAs
Oracle Database 12c  - New Features for Developers and DBAsOracle Database 12c  - New Features for Developers and DBAs
Oracle Database 12c - New Features for Developers and DBAs

This document summarizes a presentation about new features in Oracle Database 12c for developers and DBAs. It introduces JSON support, data redaction, SQL query row limits and offsets, invisible columns, extended data types, session level sequences, and more. Demo sections are included to illustrate several of the new features.

The Top 12 Features new to Oracle 12c
The Top 12 Features new to Oracle 12cThe Top 12 Features new to Oracle 12c
The Top 12 Features new to Oracle 12c

The document discusses the top 12 new features of Oracle 12c, including improved column defaults that allow identity columns, increased size limits for VARCHAR columns up to 32K, improved queries for top-N results using ROW LIMIT clauses, and adaptive execution plans that allow the optimizer to choose alternative execution plans based on statistics gathered during the first execution. Temporary undo segments are also introduced to avoid generating redo for temporary table operations.

oracle 12coracle12c
 Default values are utilized when inserting a record if column
not specified in the insert statement
 With ON NULL will use default even if specified in the insert statement
 If you specify a value explicitly it will not use default
 Avoids the need for trigger logic
Default | Default On Null
name VARCHAR2(20),
 Invisible columns are user specified hidden columns
• SELECT *  Won’t display invisible columns
• INSERT INTO x VALUES Won’t insert values in invisible columns
• Must explicitly specify invisible columns to include them
 New “colinvisible” setting at SQL prompt to show invisible columns
Invisible Column
 Multiple indexes may exists on same set of columns with same order
 Restrictions are –
 Indexes must be of different type (b-tree, bitmap etc.)
 Only one index can be visible. Others must be INVISIBLE
Multiple Indexes on same column
 Pre 12c, undo & redo of undo for GTT was generated
 In 12c, undo can also be stored in TEMP tablespace
 So, reduction in undo and redo
 Restrictions are –
 Compatibility must be 12.0 or higher
 Enable TEMP_UNDO_ENABLE parameter
 Can be set at session level if set before any transaction
Temporary Undo

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This document discusses several new features in Oracle Database 12c for 11g DBAs. It covers improvements to administration and manageability such as online data file move, temporary undo, listener registration, and limiting PGA. New enhancements to tools and utilities are also presented, like Database Express 12c, enhanced patching, Data Pump NOLOGGING import, and improved features in RMAN. The document provides an overview of many updated features and directs readers to Oracle documentation for more details.

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At the end of the year 2020, Oracle released 21c on its Cloud infrastructure. The on-premises version will follow later this year. As with every new Oracle version, the Data Pump utility gets new features or enhancements for existing features. This presentation gives an overview of the enhancements of Data Pump and Transportable Tablespaces. The following list is an excerpt of the points I will talk about - Simultaneous use of EXCLUDE and INCLUDE - Parallelized import of metadata during a TTS import operation - Checksum support for dump files - Direct access to Oracle Cloud Object Store for exports and imports

 Pre-12c
 Put Tablespace in READ-ONLY/OFFLINE mode
 Move Datafile
 Rename datafile at database level
 Put Tablespace in READ-WRITE mode
 In 12c, Datafile movement is online operation
Active Datafile/Partition movement
ALTER DATABASE MOVE DATAFILE '/u01/users01.dbf' TO '/u02/users02.dbf';
ALTER DATABASE MOVE DATAFILE '/u01/users01.dbf' TO '/u02/users02.dbf' REUSE;
ALTER DATABASE MOVE DATAFILE '/u01/users01.dbf' TO '/u02/users02.dbf' KEEP;
 Enable to archive rows within a table by marking them as archive
 Rows will remain in table but not visible to application
 Pseudo column ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE will be attached to table, this holds value 0 for visible and 1 for hidden
 API DBMS_ILM.ARCHIVESTATENAME can be used to update values, which returns 1 for non-zero value (ILM –
Information Life Cycle)
 Constraint integrity will be maintained. Internal packages (like dbms_stats) consider all values
 Parameter “row archival visibility” can be set at session level -
 ACTIVE – Rows are not visible to application
 ALL – Rows are visible to application
 CTAS operation will disable row archiving for new target table
Row Archiving
Soc. Sec. #
redaction of
sensitive data
Data Redaction
• Mask Application Data Dynamically
Call Center
Redaction - Methods
•Masking is done based on criteria
Method Original Data Redacted Data
FULL 10000 0
PARTIAL 443-22-3422 XXX-XX-3422
RANDOM 123456 431652

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Flashback technologies in Oracle allow users to view and recover data from the past. Flashback query allows querying past data by specifying a timestamp. Flashback table recovers an entire table to a time in the past without rolling back transactions. Flashback database recovers the entire database to a past time point using undo data and requires enabling flashback mode and setting up a flash recovery area.

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Oracle Basics and Architecture

Oracle Architecture document discusses: 1. The cost of an Oracle Enterprise Edition license is $47,500 per processor. 2. It provides an overview of key Oracle components like the instance, database, listener and cost based optimizer. 3. It demonstrates how to start an Oracle instance, check active processes, mount and open a database, and query it locally and remotely after starting the listener.

Redaction – Partial Fixed character Redactions
Shortcut Description
Redacts the first 5 numbers of Social Security numbers when the column is a
VARCHAR2 data type. For example, the number 987-65-4320 becomes XXX-XX-4320.
Redacts the last 4 numbers of Social Security numbers when the column is a
VARCHAR2 data type. For example, the number 987-65-4320 becomes 987-65-XXXX.
Redacts the entire Social Security number when the column is a VARCHAR2 data type.
For example, the number 987-65-4320 becomes XXX-XX-XXXX.
Redacts the first 5 numbers of Social Security numbers when the column is a NUMBER
data type. For example, the number 987654320 becomes XXXXX4320.
Redacts the last 4 numbers of Social Security numbers when the column is a NUMBER
data type. For example, the number 987654320 becomes 98765XXXX.
Redacts the entire Social Security number when the column is a NUMBER data type.
For example, the number 987654320 becomes XXXXXXXXX.
Redacts a 5-digit postal code when the column is a VARCHAR2 data type. For example,
95476 becomes XXXXX.
Redacts a 5-digit postal code when the column is a NUMBER data type. For example,
95476 becomes XXXXX.
DBMS_REDACT.REDACT_DATE_MILLENNIUM Redacts dates that are in the DD-MON-YY format to 01-JAN-00 (January 1, 2000).
DBMS_REDACT.REDACT_DATE_EPOCH Redacts all dates to 01-JAN-70.
Redacts a 16-digit credit card number, leaving the last 4 digits displayed. For example,
5105 1051 0510 5100 becomes ****-****-****-5100.
 Tracking “hotness” of object with three kind of temperatures
 Hot – Object actively participating in read and write operations
 Warm – Object is only for queries i.e. for Read Only
 Cold – Object is not participating in any kind of activity
 Initialization parameter, HEAT_MAP can be modified at session or system level with value ON/OFF
 HEAT MAP can be enabled at Object, Segment, Tablespace, Extent or Block level
 HEAT MAP only works in non-CDB environment. ADO and HEAT MAP not supported in CDB Database
 ADO (Automatic Data Optimization) allows to create policies for data compression and movement
 ADO policies are not limited to Heap map data; custom conditions (PL/SQL) extends flexibility of ADO
 Compress partitions using Advance Row Compression after no modifications after 20 Days
ADO Examples
 Compress blocks in the table after no row is in given block has been modified for 3 Days
 Moves partitions to a different tablespace when current tablespace runs low on space. The “tier to”
keyword indicates that data will be moved to new tablespace when current tablespace becomes too full
 Compress partitions using HCC after no modifications after 30 Days
Note – HCC requires use of Exadata Storage or Sun ZFS Storage appliance.
Global Data Services
• Current Setup is having –
 Active Standby configured
 Golden Gate configured
 Other third party replication tool
 Extended RAC
• Current Challenges
 No seamless way to efficiently use all databases
 No automated load balancing and fault tolerance
• Solution – Global Data Services
 Looks like a virtual multi-instance database to database clients
 GDS Attributes
o Global Service Placement – Allows the preferred and available databases for that service to be specified
o Replication Lag – Clients can be routed to replicas not lagging behind tolerance limit specified
o Region Affinity – Allows customers to set preferences to specific region (e.g. Asia, Europe) to connect

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1) The document describes the process of performing a homogeneous system copy in SAP using an online/offline database backup. 2) The key steps are preparing the target system, restoring the backup to the target, creating a control file script on the source, modifying and running it on the target, and recovering the database on the target. 3) The recovery process differs depending on whether the source was using archive logging and whether archives are available to make the target current.

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This document outlines the steps to upgrade an Oracle database from version 10g to 11g on a SAP system. The key steps are: 1. Install Oracle 11g software in a new ORACLE_HOME directory with sufficient disk space. 2. Copy configuration files like listener.ora, sqlnet.ora, and tnsnames.ora from the old Oracle home. 3. Back up the Oracle 10g database and archive logs. 4. Run the Oracle Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA) to perform the database upgrade while the database is running in the old Oracle home. 5. Perform additional post-upgrade steps like installing required patches if the DBUA was started

Global Data Services – ADG example
• Reporting client routed to ‘best’ database
o Based on location, response time, data, acceptable data lag
o Reports will automatically run on least loaded server
• Reporting client failover
o If preferred database not available, will route to another
database in same region or a remote database
• Global service migration
o Automatically migrates services based on failover/switchover - if
primary database is down, start Call Center service on the new
Active Data Guard
Reporting Service
Call Center Service
Global Data Services
Primary Active Standby
Data Guard
Order History ViewOrder Capture
Critical E-Commerce App accessing
Active Data Guard Standby
What happens when
Active Standby is down?
Primary Active Standby
Data Guard
Order History ViewOrder Capture
Use Case : Active Data Guard without GDS
Global Data Services
When Active Standby is down …
GDS fails over History Service to
primary, redirects connection
through FAN/FCF
Primary Active Standby
Data Guard
Global Data Services
Order History
Use Case : Active Data Guard with GDS (ALL HA)
 PGA Size Restriction – PGA_AGGREGATE_LIMIT
 Partitioning
 Add, Drop, Truncate, Split, Merge multiple partitions at a time
 Partitions can be moved online. If fails, can be cleaned up using API, DBMS_PART.CLEANUP_ONLINE_OP
 Pre-upgrade Script – Replaces the legacy utlu[121]s.sql
 Parallel upgrade (Default 4, Maximum 8)
 $ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin/perl –n 4 –catupgrade.sql
 Restore/Recover database over network
 Concurrent execution of set operations like UNION and UNION ALL. New hint for this called

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Steps for upgrading the database to 10g release 2

The document provides steps for upgrading an Oracle database to version 10g Release 2. It details: 1) Running scripts that check the current database configuration and requirements for upgrade. 2) Making any necessary adjustments to parameters, tablespaces, redo logs. 3) Creating scripts to recreate database links if needing to downgrade. 4) Addressing issues with data types like timestamps with timezones and national character sets.

 Datapump
 Transport view as table – VIEW_AS_TABLES=MYVIEW:MYTABLE
 Dynamic Sampling – introduced new value, 11
 PL/SQL interface to inventory/patch level
 Gather concurrent statistics
12c Optimizer
 Table statistics are gathered online for
 Create table as Select (CTAS)
 Insert /*+ append */ into (IIS)
 Statistics getting generated on insert when table is empty
 Post insert, if operation is rolled back, statistics update as NULL
 Execution plan is reflecting “OPTIMIZER STATISTICS GATHERING”
 Though subsequent inserts are not updating statistics, execution plan still reflects “statistics
gathering” information
 Histograms & index statistics gathered using new “GATHER AUTO” option without re-
gathering base column statistics
Online Statistics
• Introduced to have better statistics on dependent columns
• Two Types of extended statistics
o Column Group Statistics – when multiple column from same table are used in where clause predicates
o Expression Statistics – when column is used as part of complex expression in where clause predicate
• Automatically maintained when stats are gathered on the table
• Candidates for columns groups can be manually or automatically determined
Extended Statistics
Start column usage capture
Run Application Workload
Check column usage - SELECT
USAGE (user, ‘Table’) from dual;
Create extended stats – SELECT
ED_STATS (user, ‘Table’) from

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Oracle Database 12c includes many new tuning features for developers and DBAs. Some key features include: - Multitenant architecture allows multiple pluggable databases to consolidate workloads on a single database instance for improved utilization and administration. - In-memory column store enables real-time analytics on frequently accessed data held entirely in memory for faster performance. - New SQL syntax like FETCH FIRST for row limiting and offsetting provides more readable and intuitive replacements for previous techniques. - Adaptive query optimization allows queries to utilize different execution plans like switching between nested loops and hash joins based on runtime statistics for improved performance.

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Less04 Instance

This document provides an overview of managing the Oracle database instance. It covers starting and stopping the Oracle database and components using Oracle Enterprise Manager and SQL*Plus. It describes accessing databases with SQL*Plus and modifying initialization parameters. It also discusses the stages of database startup, shutdown options, viewing the alert log, and accessing dynamic performance views.

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Aioug vizag oracle12c_new_featuresAioug vizag oracle12c_new_features
Aioug vizag oracle12c_new_features

The document summarizes new features in Oracle Database 12c from Oracle 11g that would help a DBA currently using 11g. It lists and briefly describes features such as the READ privilege, temporary undo, online data file move, DDL logging, and many others. The objectives are to make the DBA aware of useful 12c features when working with a 12c database and to discuss each feature at a high level within 90 seconds.

aioug vizag chapter database 12c
Optimizer Evolution
Optimizer evolved to
be cost based
Optimizer proactively
adapts to become
Reactive tuning
with the use of
advisors and auto
As environment changes
Potential for plan changes
Databases become
more real-time, ad-
hoc environments
Reactive tuning not enough
Rules were not enough
Databases became more
feature rich
In the beginning there
were rules
Adaptive Query Optimization
Adaptive Query
Adaptive Plans Adaptive Statistics
Join Methods Parallel distribution
Discover at
compile time
Discover at run
AQO – Adaptive Plans (Join Methods)
Table scan
Order _items
Index Scan
Table scan
Rows coming out of order_items table are
buffered up to a point If row count is less than
the threshold use nested Loops otherwise switch
to hash join
Statistics collector disabled after decision is made
and becomes a pass through operation
Table scan
Order _items
Index Scan
Table scan
Adaptive plans are enabled by default & Controlled by parameter, OPTIMIZER_ADAPTIVE_REPORTING_ONLY (Def - false)
Hybrid Hash Join
•New Adaptive Parallel Data Distribution method – HYBRID-HASH
o Statistics collectors inserted in front of PX process on left hand side of the join
o If actual number of rows < 2xDOP then switch from HASH to broadcast (Round-robin)
o Decision will be taken only during run-time
•Enabled by default
AQO – Parallel Data Distribution
User connects to
the database
Background process is
When user issues a
parallel SQL statement the
background process
becomes the Query
Parallel servers communicate among themselves & the QC
using messages that are passed via memory buffers in the
shared pool
How the data is distributed among the processes is
based on the operation being done & number of rows
QC gets parallel
servers from global
pool and distributes
the work to them
Parallel servers - individual
sessions that perform work
in parallel

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DBA Commands and Concepts That Every Developer Should Know - Part 2

This document provides a summary of several database administration (DBA) commands and concepts relevant for developers. It discusses topics such as count(1) vs count(*), gathering system statistics, setting the DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT parameter, analyzing tables, explaining plans, monitoring SQL performance, full table scans, pending statistics, restoring statistics history, parallel DML, Flashback Query, DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO, and privileges for reading tables. The document is intended to help developers better understand and work with database configurations and operations.

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DBA Commands and Concepts That Every Developer Should Know - Part 2
DBA Commands and Concepts That Every Developer Should Know - Part 2DBA Commands and Concepts That Every Developer Should Know - Part 2
DBA Commands and Concepts That Every Developer Should Know - Part 2

This document provides a summary of several database administration (DBA) commands and concepts relevant for developers. It discusses topics such as count(1) vs count(*), gathering system statistics, setting the DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT parameter, analyzing tables, explaining plans, monitoring SQL performance, full table scans, pending statistics, restoring statistics history, parallel DML, Flashback Query, DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO, schema management, adding columns with defaults, object and system privileges. The document is intended to help developers better understand and work with database concepts.

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Oracle grid control setup and usage challenges version5

This presentation will concentrate on the technical aspects and concepts of the Oracle GRID technologies and its usage for monitoring Oracle Databases and Application Servers. Topics such as installation, configuration, and usage will be discussed. The presentation will include demonstration materials, technical challenges, open discussions and breaks. This workshop will be divided into three major segments. 1) Will discuss installation, startup and shutdown, and hardware configurations. 2) Will include configuration, security concepts, and agent installation. 3) Will cover monitoring and technical challenges.

• First introduced as cardinality feedback in 11.2 (Replaced with statistics feedback)
• In 12c, join statistics are also monitored
• New column in v$sql -> is_reoptimizable
• Information found at execution time is persisted as SQL Plan Directives
• On second execution, statement is reparsed using execution statistics
• New child cursor created with new plan
• Directives are additional information used during optimization to generate better plan
o Directives will be automatically maintained
o Persisted on disk in SYSAUX Tablespace
o Managed using new package DBMS_SPD
o Directives can be used for multiple statements, as they are collected on query expression not
on a statement level
o Directives auto flushed after every 15 minutes. Can be manually flushed using
exec dbms_spd.flush_sql_plan_directive;
AQO – Adaptive Statistics
Frequency Histograms: When NDV is less than histogram bucket# (Max 254)
5 6 6 6 9 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 16 17 17
Rows 20
Distinct Values 8
Histogram Size 10
Values in each bucket N/A
1 4 5 7 12 17 18 20
Histogram Details in Oracle DB
Height Balanced Histograms (Pre 12c): When NDV >= histogram bucket# OR 254
5 6 6 6 9 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 16 17 17
Rows 20
Distinct Values 8
Histogram Size 5
Values in each bucket 20/5=4
0 1 2 3 4 5
Histogram Details in Oracle DB
Hybrid Histograms (12c): When NDV >= histogram bucket# OR 254
Rows 100
Distinct Values 37
Histogram Size 20
Values in each bucket 100/20=5
8 12 12 13 13 13 15 16 16 17 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20
21 22 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28
28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 32 32
32 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 36
37 38 38 38 38 38 39 39 40 41 42 42 43 43 43 44 45 46 50 59

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This slide is a translation of

Db2 V12 incompatibilities_&amp;_improvements_over_V11
Db2 V12 incompatibilities_&amp;_improvements_over_V11Db2 V12 incompatibilities_&amp;_improvements_over_V11
Db2 V12 incompatibilities_&amp;_improvements_over_V11

DB2 12 introduces continuous delivery of new capabilities through function levels, simplifying migration to a single phase process. Explain tables must be recreated in DB2 12 format prior to migration. Application compatibility settings should be set to the target function level and packages rebound to enable new SQL features and optimize access plans.

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Introduction to Threading in .Net

This document provides an overview of new features in SQL Server 2005, including SQLCLR which allows writing functions, procedures and triggers in .NET languages. It discusses how to install and debug SQLCLR assemblies, and create user-defined data types and aggregates that can extend the functionality of SQL Server. Key enhancements to T-SQL are also summarized, such as common table expressions, ranking commands, and exception handling.

sql server hosting
• Hybrid histograms enables “best of both worlds” approach
• It combines characteristics of both frequency and height balanced histograms
• Hybrid histograms helps optimizer to get more accurate cardinality
• Maximum bucket size is increased to 2048 while default size is still 256
• ESTIMATE_PERCENT to non-default value, height balanced histograms will be
Top Frequency
•Frequency histogram is only created if NDV < 254
•Case where a small number of values occupies most of the rows
•Creating frequency histogram on that small set of values is very useful
even though NDV > 254
•Ignores unpopular values to create a better quality histogram for
popular values
•Built using same technique used for frequency histograms
12c Recovery Manager
 Support for multitenant container databases and pluggable databases
 Backup can be created for CDB or individual PDBs
 PDB or CDB can be restored
 Restriction – PDB cannot be restored once dropped
 Special backup privilege – SYSBACKUP
 Privileges on X$, GV$ and V$
 Execute privileges for dbms_backup_restore, dbms_rcvman, dbms_datapump
 SQL Interface improvements
 Any SQL can run from RMAN prompt
 Table or table partition level recovery is possible from FULL database RMAN backup

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Sql 2016 - What's New

This document summarizes new features in SQL Server 2016. It discusses improvements to columnstore indexes, in-memory OLTP, the query store, temporal tables, always encrypted, stretch database, live query statistics, row level security, and dynamic data masking. It provides links to documentation and demos for these features. It also suggests what may be included in future CTP releases and lists resources for learning more about SQL Server 2016.

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Demos: Video: Event site:

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Oracle database 12.2 new features
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Oracle database 12.2 new features

This document summarizes new features in Oracle Database 12c Release 2. It outlines features for developers, administrators, SQL*Plus, conversion functions, and more. Key points include increased identifier length, new SQL*Plus features like history and prefetch settings, conversion functions, multi-tenant container database improvements, and performance enhancements like adaptive statistics and optimization.

oracle 12.2 database
12c Data Guard
Oracle Data Guard Evolution
• Prior to 12c, maximum availability supports only SYNC/AFFIRM
• 12c comes with SYNC/NOAFFIRM. The primary performs write operations and waits
only for acknowledgement that data has received on the standby, not that it has written
to disk
• With sync/noaffirm, in which there is no check that data has been written to the disk on
the standby, hence expected minimal data loss
Data Guard – Fast Sync
Zero Data Loss Challenge
The longer the distance, the larger the performance impact
Primary Standby
Commit Ack
Network Send
Network Ack

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- The document discusses managing a large OLTP database at PayPal, including capacity management, planned maintenance, performance management, and troubleshooting. It provides details on monitoring the database infrastructure, conducting maintenance such as patching and switchovers, and optimizing performance for Oracle RAC environments. The goal is to support business needs and provide uninterrupted service through proactive management of the database tier.

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TSQL in SQL Server 2012TSQL in SQL Server 2012
TSQL in SQL Server 2012

In this presentation we include the main TSQL changes in SQL Server 2012. Regards, Eduardo Castro Martinez

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Oracle Database 12c - New Features for Developers and DBAs
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Oracle Database 12c - New Features for Developers and DBAs

Oracle Database 12c includes over 500 new features designed to support cloud computing, big data, security, and availability. Key features include support for up to 4096 pluggable databases, hot cloning without placing the source database in read-only mode, sharding capabilities, in-memory column storage, application containers, improved resource management isolation, and AWR support on Active Data Guard databases. Other notable features include enhanced JSON support, data redaction for security, row limits and offsets for queries, invisible columns, SQL text expansion, PL/SQL from SQL, session-level sequences, extended data types up to 32K, multiple indexes on the same columns, READ privileges without row locking ability, session private statistics for global temporary tables,

12coraclenew features
Data Guard Far Sync
Far Sync
No Compromise Between Availability and Performance
Operational Flow
Data Guard Far Sync
Primary Standby
 For SYNC transport: remote site acknowledges
received redo before writing it to standby redo logs
 Reduces latency of commit on primary
 Better DR – increased SYNC distance
 If network round-trip latency less than time for local
online redo log write, synchronous transport will not
impact primary database performance
returned on receipt
Primary Standby
Data Guard Far Sync
Far Sync Advantages
•Provides ability to failover to terminal database with no data loss
•Fast Sync standby is supported for maximum performance or maximum availability mode
•It is easy to setup without increasing storage cost
Primary Standby 1 Standby 2SYNC or ASYNC ASYNC
• In 11.2, standby 1 waits till log switch before forwarding redo from archived logs to
standby 2
• In 12c, standby 1 forwards redo to standby 2 in real-time, as it received : no propagation
delay for log switch
• Standby 2 (ADG) is up-to-date for offloading read-only queries and reports
• Far Sync support Physical and Logical standby and requires Active Data Guard license
Rolling Upgrade with ADG
Automate complexity through simple PL/SQL Package: DBMS_ROLLING

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L’obiettivo è quello di fare una panoramica dello stato dell’arte sulle tecnologie a supporto dei database. Alcuni esempi sono la tecnologia in-memory integrata con le funzionalità di analisi operative in tempo reale e della tecnologia Always Encrypted per la protezione dei dati utilizzati in locale o durante gli spostamenti. La tecnologia in-memory consente di migliorare di 30 volte le performance delle transazioni utilizzando hardware standard di settore. Inoltre i Big Data e l'analisi sono diventati un importante fattore di differenziazione competitivo, ma la gestione delle enormi quantità di dati correlate a un tempo di attività 24 ore su 24 continua a essere una sfida per l'IT. Oggi è più importante che mai soddisfare a livello aziendale l'esigenza di prestazioni, disponibilità e sicurezza efficace per gestire carichi di lavoro mission-critical a un costo contenuto. Le soluzioni Microsoft fissano un nuovo standard nelle performance mission-critical.

sqldata sciencesql r services
Novidades do SQL Server 2016
Novidades do SQL Server 2016Novidades do SQL Server 2016
Novidades do SQL Server 2016

This document provides an overview of In-Memory OLTP and other SQL Server 2016 features such as Stretch Database, Always Encrypted, Dynamic Data Masking, and Query Store. It discusses how In-Memory OLTP can significantly improve database application performance through its memory-optimized tables and natively compiled stored procedures. It also summarizes capabilities for several high availability and security features introduced in SQL Server 2016.

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Tony Jambu (obscure) tools of the trade for tuning oracle sq ls
Tony Jambu   (obscure) tools of the trade for tuning oracle sq lsTony Jambu   (obscure) tools of the trade for tuning oracle sq ls
Tony Jambu (obscure) tools of the trade for tuning oracle sq ls

This document provides an overview of various tools that can be used for tuning Oracle SQL statements. It discusses tuning methodology, generating explain plans and traces, and tools like SQL*Plus autotrace, DBMS_XPLAN, TRCA trace analyzer, and SQLTXPLAIN. Demo examples are provided for many of the tools to analyze SQL performance.

tony jambu obscure tuning tools for oracle
License Cost (Price in USD As on 01-Nov-2014)
Named User Plus Processor License
Oracle Database
Standard Edition One 180 5,800
Standard Edition 350 17,500
Enterprise Edition 950 47,500
Enterprise Edition Options
Multitenant 350 17,500
Real Application Clusters 460 23,000
Real Application Clusters One Node 200 10,000
Active Data Guard 230 11,500
Partitioning 230 11,500
Real Application Testing 230 11,500
Advanced Compression 230 11,500
Advanced Security 300 15,000
Label Security 230 11,500
Database Vault 230 11,500
OLAP 460 23,000
Advanced Analytics 460 23,000
Spatial and Graph 350 17,500
Database In-Memory 460 23,000
Database Enterprise Mgmt
Diagnostics Pack 150 7,500
Tuning Pack 100 5,000
Database Lifecycle Management Pack 240 12,000
Data Masking and Subsetting Pack 230 11,500
Database Patch Set Roadmap

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12c Database new features

  • 2. New Background Processes - General Acronym Process Name Description BWnn Database Writer Process (20 possible) Writes modified blocks from the database buffer cache to the data files. The names of the 37th through 100th Database Writer Processes are BW36-BW99. See DBWn for more information on these processes. LGn Log Writer Slave On multiprocessor systems, LGWR creates slave processes to improve the performance of writing to the redo log. LGWR slaves are not used when there is a SYNC standby destination. LREG Listener Registration Process LREG notifies the listeners about instances, services, handlers, and endpoint. RM RAT Masking Slave Process This background process is used with Data Masking and Real Application Testing. RPOP Instant Recovery Repopulation Daemon Responsible for re-creating and/or repopulating data files from snapshot files and backup files. It works with the instant recovery feature to ensure immediate data file access. The local instance has immediate access to the remote snapshot file's data, while repopulation of the recovered primary data files happens concurrently. Any changes in the data are managed between the instance's DBW processes and RPOP to ensure the latest copy of the data is returned to the user. Sann SG Allocator A small fraction of SGA is allocated during instance startup. The SAnn process allocates the rest of SGA in small chunks. The process exits upon completion of SGA allocation. 2
  • 3. 12c Supported Operating Systems Operating System Minimum OS level Requirement IBM AIX Power System AIX 6.1 TL7 SP3 or later, 64-bit kernel AIX 7.1 TL1 SP3 or later, 64-bit kernel Redhat Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7: 3.10.0-54.0.1.el7.x86_64 or later Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 with the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel: 3.8.13-33.el7uek.x86_64 or later Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6: 2.6.32-71.el6.x86_64 or later Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 with the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel: 2.6.32-100.28.5.el6.x86_64 or later Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Update 6: 2.6.18- or later Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Update 6 with the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel: 2.6.32-100.0.19 or later Oracle Linux Oracle Linux 7 with the Unbreakable Enterprise kernel: 3.8.13- 33.el7uek.x86_64 or later Oracle Linux 7 with the Red Hat Compatible kernel: 3.10.0- 54.0.1.el7.x86_64 or later Oracle Linux 6 with the Unbreakable Enterprise kernel: 2.6.39- 200.24.1.el6uek.x86_64 or later Oracle Linux 6 with the Red Hat Compatible kernel: 2.6.32- 71.el6.x86_64 or later Oracle Linux 5 Update 6 with the Unbreakable Enterprise kernel: 2.6.32-100.0.19 or later Oracle Linux 5 Update 6 with the Red Hat compatible kernel: 2.6.18- or later SUSE Distributions for x86-64 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2: 3.0.13-0.27 or later Operating System Minimum OS level Requirement IBM: Linux on System z Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.3: 2.6.32-279.el6.s390x or later Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.8: 2.6.18-308.el5 s390x or later SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2: 3.0.13-0.27-default s390x or later Windows x64 Windows Server 2008 x64 - Standard, Enterprise, DataCenter, and Web editions Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 - Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter, Web, and Foundation editions Windows 7 x64 - Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate editions Windows 8 x64 and Windows 8.1 x64 - Pro and Enterprise editions Windows Server 2012 x64 and Windows Server 2012 R2 x64 - Standard, Datacenter, Essentials, and Foundation editions SPARC (64-Bit) Oracle Solaris 11 SRU 14.5 or later SRUs and updates Oracle Solaris 10 Update 11 (Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 s10s_u11wos_24a) or later updates Solaris on x86-64 (64-Bit) Oracle Solaris 11 SRU 14.5 or later SRUs and updates Oracle Solaris 10 Update 11 (Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 s10x_u11wos_24a) or later updates HP-UX Itanium HP-UX 11i V3 patch Bundle Sep/ 2008 (B.11.31.0809.326a) or higher 3
  • 5. VARCHAR2 32K • STANDARD (Default) = 4000 bytes (Pre-12c) • 12c – EXTENDED = 32767 bytes • Parameter “max_string_size” values STANDARD, EXTENDED • Parameter changes need database bounce and will update objects, may invalidate them • Parameter changes are irreversible, once changed to value EXTENDED • Parameter can also be changed at PDB level • Steps for parameter changes – o Shutdown the database/PDB o Change the parameter and open database in upgrade mode o Execute @?/rdbms/admin/utl32k.sql o Restart database in normal mode 5
  • 6. In-Database Analytics: On going SQL Evolution 4 5 • Introduction of Window functions • Enhanced Window functions (percentile,etc) • Rollup, grouping sets, cube • Statistical functions • SQL model clause • Partition Outer Join • SQL Pivot • Recursive WITH • ListAgg, Nth value window • Pattern matching • Top N clause • Identity Columns • Column Defaults 6
  • 7.  FETCH returns top ‘N’ records  Can specify rows or percentage,  Can include OFFSET to skip specified number of rows  Respects ORDER BY clause  Internally uses ANALYTIC functions Limiting Rows from SQL Query SELECT * FROM topn ORDER BY id FETCH FIRST 5 ROWS ONLY; SELECT * FROM topn ORDER BY id OFFSET 20 ROWS FETCH NEXT 5 ROWS ONLY; SELECT * FROM topn ORDER BY id FETCH FIRST 2 PERCENT ROWS ONLY; 7 Topn.sql
  • 8.  Use Identity Columns instead of specifying a Sequence and using triggers / processes to retrieve the next value from the sequence • ALWAYS [Default] – Uses the sequence generator • BY DEFAULT – Can explicitly assign a specified value • BY DEFAULT ON NULL – Can explicitly assign, but uses sequence if evaluates to NULL Identity Column CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 NUMBER GENERATED BY DEFAULT ON NULL AS IDENTITY, c2 NUMBER); 8 identity.sql
  • 9.  Default values are utilized when inserting a record if column not specified in the insert statement  With ON NULL will use default even if specified in the insert statement  If you specify a value explicitly it will not use default  Avoids the need for trigger logic Default | Default On Null CREATE TABLE def_test (id NUMBER, name VARCHAR2(20), age NUMBER DEFAULT ON NULL 30); 9 def_test.sql
  • 10.  Invisible columns are user specified hidden columns • SELECT *  Won’t display invisible columns • INSERT INTO x VALUES Won’t insert values in invisible columns • Must explicitly specify invisible columns to include them  New “colinvisible” setting at SQL prompt to show invisible columns Invisible Column ALTER TABLE t1 MODIFY c1 INVISIBLE; 10 inv_test1.sql inv_test2.sql
  • 11.  Multiple indexes may exists on same set of columns with same order  Restrictions are –  Indexes must be of different type (b-tree, bitmap etc.)  Only one index can be visible. Others must be INVISIBLE Multiple Indexes on same column   CREATE INDEX IND1 ON T(STATUS);   CREATE BITMAP INDEX IND2 ON T(STATUS) INVISIBLE;   11
  • 12.  Pre 12c, undo & redo of undo for GTT was generated  In 12c, undo can also be stored in TEMP tablespace  So, reduction in undo and redo  Restrictions are –  Compatibility must be 12.0 or higher  Enable TEMP_UNDO_ENABLE parameter  Can be set at session level if set before any transaction Temporary Undo 12 gtt1.sql gtt1.sql
  • 13.  Pre-12c  Put Tablespace in READ-ONLY/OFFLINE mode  Move Datafile  Rename datafile at database level  Put Tablespace in READ-WRITE mode  In 12c, Datafile movement is online operation Active Datafile/Partition movement ALTER DATABASE MOVE DATAFILE '/u01/users01.dbf' TO '/u02/users02.dbf'; ALTER DATABASE MOVE DATAFILE '/u01/users01.dbf' TO '/u02/users02.dbf' REUSE; ALTER DATABASE MOVE DATAFILE '/u01/users01.dbf' TO '/u02/users02.dbf' KEEP; 13
  • 14.  Enable to archive rows within a table by marking them as archive  Rows will remain in table but not visible to application  Pseudo column ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE will be attached to table, this holds value 0 for visible and 1 for hidden columns  API DBMS_ILM.ARCHIVESTATENAME can be used to update values, which returns 1 for non-zero value (ILM – Information Life Cycle)  Constraint integrity will be maintained. Internal packages (like dbms_stats) consider all values  Parameter “row archival visibility” can be set at session level -  ACTIVE – Rows are not visible to application  ALL – Rows are visible to application  CTAS operation will disable row archiving for new target table Row Archiving ALTER TABLE T ROW ARCHIVAL; ALTER SESSION SET ROW ARCHIVAL VISIBILITY = ALL | ACTIVE; 14 row_archival.sql row_archival_perf.sql
  • 15. Soc. Sec. # 115-69-3428 DOB 11/06/71 PIN 5623 Policy enforced redaction of sensitive data Data Redaction • Mask Application Data Dynamically Call Center Operator Payroll Processing 15
  • 16. Redaction - Methods •Masking is done based on criteria Method Original Data Redacted Data FULL 10000 0 PARTIAL 443-22-3422 XXX-XX-3422 REGULAR EXPRESSION RANDOM 123456 431652 16 redact.sql
  • 17. Redaction – Partial Fixed character Redactions Shortcut Description DBMS_REDACT.REDACT_US_SSN_F5 Redacts the first 5 numbers of Social Security numbers when the column is a VARCHAR2 data type. For example, the number 987-65-4320 becomes XXX-XX-4320. DBMS_REDACT.REDACT_US_SSN_L4 Redacts the last 4 numbers of Social Security numbers when the column is a VARCHAR2 data type. For example, the number 987-65-4320 becomes 987-65-XXXX. DBMS_REDACT.REDACT_US_SSN_ENTIRE Redacts the entire Social Security number when the column is a VARCHAR2 data type. For example, the number 987-65-4320 becomes XXX-XX-XXXX. DBMS_REDACT.REDACT_NUM_US_SSN_F5 Redacts the first 5 numbers of Social Security numbers when the column is a NUMBER data type. For example, the number 987654320 becomes XXXXX4320. DBMS_REDACT.REDACT_NUM_US_SSN_L4 Redacts the last 4 numbers of Social Security numbers when the column is a NUMBER data type. For example, the number 987654320 becomes 98765XXXX. DBMS_REDACT.REDACT_NUM_US_SSN_ENTIRE Redacts the entire Social Security number when the column is a NUMBER data type. For example, the number 987654320 becomes XXXXXXXXX. DBMS_REDACT.REDACT_ZIP_CODE Redacts a 5-digit postal code when the column is a VARCHAR2 data type. For example, 95476 becomes XXXXX. DBMS_REDACT.REDACT_NUM_ZIP_CODE Redacts a 5-digit postal code when the column is a NUMBER data type. For example, 95476 becomes XXXXX. DBMS_REDACT.REDACT_DATE_MILLENNIUM Redacts dates that are in the DD-MON-YY format to 01-JAN-00 (January 1, 2000). DBMS_REDACT.REDACT_DATE_EPOCH Redacts all dates to 01-JAN-70. DBMS_REDACT.REDACT_CCN16_F12 Redacts a 16-digit credit card number, leaving the last 4 digits displayed. For example, 5105 1051 0510 5100 becomes ****-****-****-5100. 17
  • 18.  Tracking “hotness” of object with three kind of temperatures  Hot – Object actively participating in read and write operations  Warm – Object is only for queries i.e. for Read Only  Cold – Object is not participating in any kind of activity  Initialization parameter, HEAT_MAP can be modified at session or system level with value ON/OFF  HEAT MAP can be enabled at Object, Segment, Tablespace, Extent or Block level  HEAT MAP only works in non-CDB environment. ADO and HEAT MAP not supported in CDB Database  ADO (Automatic Data Optimization) allows to create policies for data compression and movement  ADO policies are not limited to Heap map data; custom conditions (PL/SQL) extends flexibility of ADO HEAT MAP & ADO 18
  • 19.  Compress partitions using Advance Row Compression after no modifications after 20 Days ADO Examples ALTER TABLE ODM_TEST ILM ADD POLICY COLUMN STORE COMPRESS FOR QUERY HIGH SEGMENT AFTER 30 DAYS OF NO MODIFICATION; ALTER TABLE ODM_TEST ILM ADD POLICY ROW STORE COMPRESS ADVANCED SEGMENT AFTER 30 DAYS OF NO MODIFICATION;  Compress blocks in the table after no row is in given block has been modified for 3 Days ALTER TABLE ODM_TEST ILM ADD POLICY ROW STORE COMPRESS ADVANCED ROW AFTER 3 DAYS OF NO MODIFICATION;  Moves partitions to a different tablespace when current tablespace runs low on space. The “tier to” keyword indicates that data will be moved to new tablespace when current tablespace becomes too full ALTER TABLE ODM_TEST ILM ADD POLICY tier to SECONDARY_TBS;  Compress partitions using HCC after no modifications after 30 Days Note – HCC requires use of Exadata Storage or Sun ZFS Storage appliance. 19 ado_test.sql
  • 20. Global Data Services • Current Setup is having –  Active Standby configured  Golden Gate configured  Other third party replication tool  Extended RAC • Current Challenges  No seamless way to efficiently use all databases  No automated load balancing and fault tolerance • Solution – Global Data Services  Looks like a virtual multi-instance database to database clients  GDS Attributes o Global Service Placement – Allows the preferred and available databases for that service to be specified o Replication Lag – Clients can be routed to replicas not lagging behind tolerance limit specified o Region Affinity – Allows customers to set preferences to specific region (e.g. Asia, Europe) to connect 20
  • 21. Global Data Services – ADG example • Reporting client routed to ‘best’ database o Based on location, response time, data, acceptable data lag o Reports will automatically run on least loaded server • Reporting client failover o If preferred database not available, will route to another database in same region or a remote database • Global service migration o Automatically migrates services based on failover/switchover - if primary database is down, start Call Center service on the new primary Active Data Guard Reporting Service Call Center Service 21
  • 22. Global Data Services Primary Active Standby Data Guard Order History ViewOrder Capture Critical E-Commerce App accessing Active Data Guard Standby What happens when Active Standby is down? Orders Service History Service Primary Active Standby Data Guard Order History ViewOrder Capture Orders Service History Service ? Use Case : Active Data Guard without GDS 22
  • 23. Global Data Services When Active Standby is down … GDS fails over History Service to primary, redirects connection through FAN/FCF Primary Active Standby Data Guard Orders Service History Service Global Data Services Order History View Order Capture History Service Use Case : Active Data Guard with GDS (ALL HA) 23
  • 24.  PGA Size Restriction – PGA_AGGREGATE_LIMIT  Partitioning  Add, Drop, Truncate, Split, Merge multiple partitions at a time  Partitions can be moved online. If fails, can be cleaned up using API, DBMS_PART.CLEANUP_ONLINE_OP  Pre-upgrade Script – Replaces the legacy utlu[121]s.sql  Parallel upgrade (Default 4, Maximum 8)  $ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin/perl –n 4 –catupgrade.sql  Restore/Recover database over network  RECOVER DATABASE FROM SERVICE primary_tns USING COMPRESSED BACKUPSET;  Concurrent execution of set operations like UNION and UNION ALL. New hint for this called PQ_CONCURRENT_UNION Miscellaneous 24
  • 25.  Datapump  Turn off redo generation – TRANSPFORM=DISABLE_ARCHIVE_LOGGING:Y  Transport view as table – VIEW_AS_TABLES=MYVIEW:MYTABLE  Dynamic Sampling – introduced new value, 11  PL/SQL interface to inventory/patch level SELECT DBMS_QOPATCH.GET_OPATCH_LSINVENTORY() FROM DUAL;  Gather concurrent statistics Miscellaneous SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN='DEFAULT_MAIN'; SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES=4; SQL> EXEC DBMS_STATS.SET_GLOBAL_PREFS('CONCURRENT', 'ALL'); SQL> EXEC DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS('SCOTT'); 25
  • 27.  Table statistics are gathered online for  Create table as Select (CTAS)  Insert /*+ append */ into (IIS)  Statistics getting generated on insert when table is empty  Post insert, if operation is rolled back, statistics update as NULL  Execution plan is reflecting “OPTIMIZER STATISTICS GATHERING”  Though subsequent inserts are not updating statistics, execution plan still reflects “statistics gathering” information  Histograms & index statistics gathered using new “GATHER AUTO” option without re- gathering base column statistics Online Statistics 27 SQL> EXEC DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS(USER, 'TABLE', OPTIONS=> 'GATHER AUTO'); online_stats.sql
  • 28. • Introduced to have better statistics on dependent columns • Two Types of extended statistics o Column Group Statistics – when multiple column from same table are used in where clause predicates o Expression Statistics – when column is used as part of complex expression in where clause predicate • Automatically maintained when stats are gathered on the table • Candidates for columns groups can be manually or automatically determined Extended Statistics 28 Start column usage capture DBMS_STATS.SEED_COL _USAGE(NULL, NULL, 300); Run Application Workload Check column usage - SELECT DBMS_STATS.REPORT_COL_ USAGE (user, ‘Table’) from dual; Create extended stats – SELECT DBMS_STATS.CREATE_EXTEND ED_STATS (user, ‘Table’) from dual; extended_stats.sql
  • 29. 29 Optimizer Evolution Optimizer evolved to be cost based CBOCBO CBOCBO Optimizer proactively adapts to become Reactive tuning with the use of advisors and auto jobs As environment changes Potential for plan changes Databases become more real-time, ad- hoc environments Reactive tuning not enough Rules were not enough Databases became more feature rich In the beginning there were rules RBO
  • 30. 30 Adaptive Query Optimization Adaptive Query Optimization Adaptive Plans Adaptive Statistics Join Methods Parallel distribution Methods Discover at compile time Discover at run time
  • 31. AQO – Adaptive Plans (Join Methods) 31 Table scan Order _items NESTED LOOPS Index Scan Prod_info_in d Statistics Collector HASH JOIN Table scan Prod_info Rows coming out of order_items table are buffered up to a point If row count is less than the threshold use nested Loops otherwise switch to hash join Statistics collector disabled after decision is made and becomes a pass through operation Table scan Order _items NESTED LOOPS Index Scan Prod_info_in d Table scan Prod_info Statistics Collector Adaptive plans are enabled by default & Controlled by parameter, OPTIMIZER_ADAPTIVE_REPORTING_ONLY (Def - false) adaptive.sql
  • 32. Hybrid Hash Join •New Adaptive Parallel Data Distribution method – HYBRID-HASH o Statistics collectors inserted in front of PX process on left hand side of the join o If actual number of rows < 2xDOP then switch from HASH to broadcast (Round-robin) o Decision will be taken only during run-time •Enabled by default 32 AQO – Parallel Data Distribution User connects to the database User Background process is spawned When user issues a parallel SQL statement the background process becomes the Query Coordinator Parallel servers communicate among themselves & the QC using messages that are passed via memory buffers in the shared pool How the data is distributed among the processes is based on the operation being done & number of rows expected QC gets parallel servers from global pool and distributes the work to them Parallel servers - individual sessions that perform work in parallel adaptive_px.sql
  • 33. • First introduced as cardinality feedback in 11.2 (Replaced with statistics feedback) • In 12c, join statistics are also monitored • New column in v$sql -> is_reoptimizable • Information found at execution time is persisted as SQL Plan Directives • On second execution, statement is reparsed using execution statistics • New child cursor created with new plan • Directives are additional information used during optimization to generate better plan o Directives will be automatically maintained o Persisted on disk in SYSAUX Tablespace o Managed using new package DBMS_SPD o Directives can be used for multiple statements, as they are collected on query expression not on a statement level o Directives auto flushed after every 15 minutes. Can be manually flushed using exec dbms_spd.flush_sql_plan_directive; 33 AQO – Adaptive Statistics adaptive_stats.sql
  • 34. Frequency Histograms: When NDV is less than histogram bucket# (Max 254) Example- Histograms 5 6 6 6 9 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 16 17 17 Rows 20 Distinct Values 8 Histogram Size 10 Values in each bucket N/A 1 4 5 7 12 17 18 20 Histogram Details in Oracle DB Data Histogram 34
  • 35. Height Balanced Histograms (Pre 12c): When NDV >= histogram bucket# OR 254 Example- Histograms 5 6 6 6 9 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 16 17 17 Rows 20 Distinct Values 8 Histogram Size 5 Values in each bucket 20/5=4 0 1 2 3 4 5 Histogram Details in Oracle DB Data Histogram 35
  • 36. Hybrid Histograms (12c): When NDV >= histogram bucket# OR 254 Example- Histograms Rows 100 Distinct Values 37 Histogram Size 20 Values in each bucket 100/20=5 8 12 12 13 13 13 15 16 16 17 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 36 37 38 38 38 38 38 39 39 40 41 42 42 43 43 43 44 45 46 50 59 36 histogram_hybrid.sql
  • 37. Histograms • Hybrid histograms enables “best of both worlds” approach • It combines characteristics of both frequency and height balanced histograms • Hybrid histograms helps optimizer to get more accurate cardinality • Maximum bucket size is increased to 2048 while default size is still 256 • ESTIMATE_PERCENT to non-default value, height balanced histograms will be generated 37
  • 38. Histograms Top Frequency •Frequency histogram is only created if NDV < 254 •Case where a small number of values occupies most of the rows (>99%) •Creating frequency histogram on that small set of values is very useful even though NDV > 254 •Ignores unpopular values to create a better quality histogram for popular values •Built using same technique used for frequency histograms 38 histogram_topn.sql
  • 40.  Support for multitenant container databases and pluggable databases  Backup can be created for CDB or individual PDBs  PDB or CDB can be restored  Restriction – PDB cannot be restored once dropped  Special backup privilege – SYSBACKUP  Privileges on X$, GV$ and V$  Execute privileges for dbms_backup_restore, dbms_rcvman, dbms_datapump  SQL Interface improvements  Any SQL can run from RMAN prompt  Table or table partition level recovery is possible from FULL database RMAN backup RMAN 40
  • 42. Oracle Data Guard Evolution 42
  • 43. • Prior to 12c, maximum availability supports only SYNC/AFFIRM • 12c comes with SYNC/NOAFFIRM. The primary performs write operations and waits only for acknowledgement that data has received on the standby, not that it has written to disk • With sync/noaffirm, in which there is no check that data has been written to the disk on the standby, hence expected minimal data loss Data Guard – Fast Sync 43
  • 44. Zero Data Loss Challenge The longer the distance, the larger the performance impact Primary Standby Commit Commit Ack Network Send Network Ack 44
  • 45. Data Guard Far Sync Far Sync Instance SYNC ASYNC Zero Data Loss No Compromise Between Availability and Performance Operational Flow StandbyPrimary 45
  • 46. Data Guard Far Sync Primary Standby Redo Logs Standby Redo Logs Commit Commit Acknowledge  For SYNC transport: remote site acknowledges received redo before writing it to standby redo logs  Reduces latency of commit on primary  Better DR – increased SYNC distance  If network round-trip latency less than time for local online redo log write, synchronous transport will not impact primary database performance NSS RFSLGWR Commit Commit Acknowledge Acknowledge returned on receipt Primary Standby Redo Logs Standby Redo Logs NSS RFSLGWR 46
  • 47. Data Guard Far Sync Far Sync Advantages •Provides ability to failover to terminal database with no data loss •Fast Sync standby is supported for maximum performance or maximum availability mode •It is easy to setup without increasing storage cost Primary Standby 1 Standby 2SYNC or ASYNC ASYNC • In 11.2, standby 1 waits till log switch before forwarding redo from archived logs to standby 2 • In 12c, standby 1 forwards redo to standby 2 in real-time, as it received : no propagation delay for log switch • Standby 2 (ADG) is up-to-date for offloading read-only queries and reports • Far Sync support Physical and Logical standby and requires Active Data Guard license 47
  • 48. Rolling Upgrade with ADG 48 Automate complexity through simple PL/SQL Package: DBMS_ROLLING
  • 49. 49 License Cost (Price in USD As on 01-Nov-2014) Named User Plus Processor License Oracle Database Standard Edition One 180 5,800 Standard Edition 350 17,500 Enterprise Edition 950 47,500 Enterprise Edition Options Multitenant 350 17,500 Real Application Clusters 460 23,000 Real Application Clusters One Node 200 10,000 Active Data Guard 230 11,500 Partitioning 230 11,500 Real Application Testing 230 11,500 Advanced Compression 230 11,500 Advanced Security 300 15,000 Label Security 230 11,500 Database Vault 230 11,500 OLAP 460 23,000 Advanced Analytics 460 23,000 Spatial and Graph 350 17,500 Database In-Memory 460 23,000 Database Enterprise Mgmt Diagnostics Pack 150 7,500 Tuning Pack 100 5,000 Database Lifecycle Management Pack 240 12,000 Data Masking and Subsetting Pack 230 11,500
  • 50. Database Patch Set Roadmap 50