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Oracle Database 12c
New Features for Developers and
Presented by: Alex Zaballa, Oracle DBA
Alex Zaballa
205 Certifications
and counting…
Worked for 7 years in Brazil as an Oracle Developer.
2000 - 2007
Worked for 8 years in Angola as an Oracle DBA
for the Ministry of Finance.
2007 - 2015
Oracle Database 12c  - New Features for Developers and DBAs
Oracle Database 12c  - New Features for Developers and DBAs
Oracle Database 12c
New Features for Developers and DBAs
Oracle Official Documentation
Oracle Learning Library (OLL)
Articles about 12c
“With more than 500 new features, Oracle
Database 12c is designed to give Oracle
customers exactly what they’ve told us they
need for cloud computing, big data, security,
and availability.”
Oracle Announces Beta Availability of Oracle Database 12c Release 2 - Oct 26,
From 252 to 4096
Don’t need to put the source in read-only for cloning
It’s like partitioning in a shared nothing database
The data is split into multiple databases
• In-Memory
In-Memory column Store on Active Data Guard
Heat Map
Pluggable Databases will share application objects
• More isolation, resource manager will limit the memory in addition to CPU and I/O.
• AWR will work on Active Data Guard Database: you can tune your reporting database
Availability of Oracle Database 12.2
Oracle Database Release Status
MOS Note:742060.1
Upgrade to or wait for
12.2 ?
OTN Article by Alex Zaballa
• Oracle Database has now native
support for JSON.
• “JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a
lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy
for humans to read and write. It is easy for
machines to parse and generate.”
Data Redaction
OTN Article in English by Alex Zaballa
Data Redaction
• One of the new features introduced in Oracle
Database 12c
• Part of the Advanced Security option
• Enables the protection of data shown to the
user in real time, without requiring changes to
the application
Data Redaction
Data Redaction
SQL Query Row Limits and Offsets
SQL Query Row Limits and Offsets
create table tabela_teste (id number, name varchar2(20), salary number);
insert into tabela_teste values (1,'Alex' ,100);
insert into tabela_teste values (2,'Joao' ,200);
insert into tabela_teste values (3,'Maria' ,300);
insert into tabela_teste values (4,'Pedro',400);
insert into tabela_teste values (5,'Paulo',500);
insert into tabela_teste values (6,'Fernando',600);
insert into tabela_teste values (7,'Rafael',700);
insert into tabela_teste values (8,'Samuel',700);
insert into tabela_teste values (9,'Daniel',800);
insert into tabela_teste values (10,'Luciano',1000);
SQL Query Row Limits and Offsets
Top-N Queries – Pré 12c
select * from ( select id, name, salary
from tabela_teste
order by salary desc)
where rownum <= 5;
SQL Query Row Limits and Offsets
select id, name, salary
from tabela_teste
order by salary desc
SQL Query Row Limits and Offsets
select id, name, salary
from tabela_teste
order by salary
SQL Query Row Limits and Offsets
select id, name, salary
from tabela_teste
order by salary desc
Invisible Columns
CREATE TABLE tabela_teste
coluna1 NUMBER,
coluna2 NUMBER,
coluna4 NUMBER
SQL> desc tabela_teste
Invisible Columns
INSERT INTO tabela_teste
(coluna1,coluna2,coluna3,coluna4) VALUES
INSERT INTO tabela_teste VALUES (1,2,4);
Invisible Columns
SQL> desc tabela_teste
Invisible Columns
ALTER TABLE tabela_teste MODIFY coluna3 VISIBLE;
SQL Text Expansion
SQL> variable retorno clob
SQL> begin
dbms_utility.expand_sql_text( input_sql_text
=> 'select * from emp', output_sql_text=>
:retorno );
SQL Text Expansion
• Views
• VPDs
function Is_Number
(x in varchar2) return varchar2 is
Plsql_Num_Error exception;
pragma exception_init(Plsql_Num_Error, -06502);
if (To_Number(x) is NOT null) then
return 'Y';
return '';
end if;
when Plsql_Num_Error then
return 'N';
end Is_Number;
select rownum, x, is_number(x) is_num from t;
Session Level Sequences
Session level sequences are used to produce
unique values in a session. Once the session
ends, the sequence is reset.
Generating Primary Keys for a Global Temporary
Table would be a field where those kinds of
sequences could be used.
Session Level Sequences
CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_teste
Session Level Sequences
ALTER SEQUENCE sequence_teste
ALTER SEQUENCE sequence_teste
Extended Data Types
SQL> create table tabela_teste(campo01
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00910: specified length too long for its
Extended Data Types
- VARCHAR2 : 32767 bytes
- NVARCHAR2 : 32767 bytes
- RAW : 32767 bytes
Extended Data Types
ALTER SYSTEM SET max_string_size=extended;
**Once you switch to extended data types you can't switch back
Multiple Indexes on the same set of
Pre 12c:
ORA-01408: such column list already indexed
Multiple Indexes on the same set of
Is the ability to create more than one index on
the same set of columns in 12c.
**Only one of these indexes can be visible at a
Multiple Indexes on the same set of
Why would you want to do that?
• Unique versus nonunique
• B-tree versus bitmap
• Different partitioning strategies
READ Object Privilege and READ ANY
TABLE System Privilege
What is the difference to SELECT and SELECT
READ Object Privilege and READ ANY
TABLE System Privilege
SELECT and SELECT ANY TABLE provides the
ability to lock rows:
SELECT ... FROM table_name FOR UPDATE;
READ Object Privilege and READ ANY
TABLE System Privilege
SQL> grant select on scott.emp to teste;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> lock table scott.emp in exclusive mode;
Table(s) Locked.
READ Object Privilege and READ ANY
TABLE System Privilege
SQL> grant read on scott.emp to teste;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> lock table scott.emp in exclusive mode;
lock table scott.emp in exclusive mode
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
Session private statistics for Global
Temporary Tables
Pre 12c, statistics gathered for global temporary
tables (GTTs) were common to all sessions.
Session private statistics for Global
Temporary Tables
DBMS_STATS.set_global_prefs (
pvalue => 'SHARED');
DBMS_STATS.set_global_prefs (
pvalue => 'SESSION');
Session private statistics for Global
Temporary Tables
Temporary Undo
Global Temporary Tables (GTT) hold the data in a
temporary tablespace. The data in GTTs are either
deleted after commit or kept until the session is
connected depending of the definition of the
DMLs in a Global Temporary Tables do not generate
REDO, but generate UNDO and this will result in
REDO generating.
Temporary Undo
alter session set temp_undo_enabled=true;
**you can change for the session or for the database.
Statistics During Loads
The ability to gather statistics automatically
during bulk loads:
- INSERT INTO ... SELECT into an empty table
using a direct path insert
Partial Indexes for Partitioned Table
• You can create local and global indexes on a
subset of the partitions of a table, enabling
more flexibility in index creation.
• This feature is not supported for unique
indexes, or for indexes used for enforcing
unique constraints.
Partial Indexes for Partitioned Table
SQL*Loader Express
• You don't need to to write and test a
SQL*Loader control file.
• The benefit main is the savings for time and
SQL*Loader Express
[oracle@oracle01 tmp]$ cat EMPRESA.dat
1,Empresa 1
2,Empresa 2
3,Empresa 3
4,Empresa 4
5,Empresa 5
6,Empresa 6
7,Empresa 7
8,Empresa 8
9,Empresa 9
SQL*Loader Express
[oracle@oracle01 tmp]$ sqlldr teste/teste TABLE=EMPRESA
SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Sat Jan 11 12:16:28 2014
Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Express Mode Load, Table: EMPRESA
Path used: External Table, DEGREE_OF_PARALLELISM=AUTO
9 Rows successfully loaded.
Check the log files:
for more information about the load.
Truncate Cascade
SQL> truncate table scott.dept;
truncate table scott.dept
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02266: unique/primary keys in table
referenced by enabled foreign keys
Truncate Cascade
SQL> truncate table scott.dept cascade;
Table truncated.
The constraint should be ON DELETE CASCADE.
Limit the PGA
SQL> show parameter pga
-------------------------- ------------- ----------------------
pga_aggregate_limit big integer 2G
Limit the PGA
PGA_AGGREGATE_LIMIT is set to the greater of:
- 2 GB (default value)
- 3 MB times the PROCESSES parameter
Full Database Caching
Can be used to cache the entire database in
memory. It should be used when the buffer
cache size of the database instance is greater
than the whole database size.
RMAN Table Recovery in 12c
RMAN enables you to recover one or more
tables or table partitions to a specified point in
RMAN Table Recovery in 12c
UNTIL TIME "TO_DATE('01/10/2013
09:33:39','DD/MM/RRRR HH24:MI:SS')"
In-Database Archiving
SQL> create table tabela_teste(coluna1 number)
row archival;
insert into tabela_teste values(1);
insert into tabela_teste values(2);
insert into tabela_teste values(3);
In-Database Archiving
In-Database Archiving
update tabela_teste
set ora_archive_state=DBMS_ILM.ARCHIVESTATENAME(1)
where coluna1=3;
In-Database Archiving
alter session set row archival visibility=all;
Heat Map, Automatic Data
Optimization and ILM
OTN Article in Portuguese by Daniel Da Meda and Alex Zaballa
Heat Map, Automatic Data
Optimization and ILM
• Heat Map: Oracle Database 12c feature that stores system-
generated data usage statistics at the block and segment
levels. Automatically tracks modification and query
timestamps at the row and segment levels.
• Automatic Data Optimization (ADO): automatically moves
and compresses data according to user-defined policies
based on the information collected by Heat Map
• ILM: Heat Map and Automatic Data Optimization make
Oracle Database 12c ideal for implementing ILM
Heat Map, Automatic Data
Optimization and ILM
Enabling Heat Map
SQL> alter system set heat_map = on;
Heat Map, Automatic Data
Optimization and ILM
Heat Map statistics can be viewed graphically
through EM Cloud Control:
Heat Map, Automatic Data
Optimization and ILM
Creating ADO policies
Compress the tablespace USER_DATA and all its residing
segments at OLTP level after 30 days of low access:
Heat Map, Automatic Data
Optimization and ILM
Creating ADO policies
Compress the table ORDER_ITEMS including any
SecureFile LOBs at OLTP level after 90 days of no
Direct SQL statement execution in
Pre - 12c:
RMAN> SQL ‘SELECT sysdate FROM dual’;
RMAN> SELECT sysdate FROM dual;
Identity Columns
CREATE TABLE tabela_teste (
coluna1 VARCHAR2(30)
Identity Columns
CREATE TABLE tabela_teste (
coluna1 VARCHAR2(30)
Identity Columns
CREATE TABLE tabela_teste (
coluna1 VARCHAR2(30)
Source: Oracle Documentation
Source: Oracle Documentation
Source: Oracle Documentation
SIMD Vector Processing
In-Memory Area – a static pool in SGA
Alter table hr.EMPLOYEES inmemory;
Oracle Database 12c  - New Features for Developers and DBAs
Thank You

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Oracle Database 12c - New Features for Developers and DBAs

  • 1. Oracle Database 12c New Features for Developers and DBAs Presented by: Alex Zaballa, Oracle DBA
  • 3. Worked for 7 years in Brazil as an Oracle Developer. 2000 - 2007 Worked for 8 years in Angola as an Oracle DBA for the Ministry of Finance. 2007 - 2015
  • 6. Oracle Database 12c New Features for Developers and DBAs
  • 7. Oracle Official Documentation • apter12102.htm Oracle Learning Library (OLL) • :1:0
  • 8. Articles about 12c • 12c
  • 9. “With more than 500 new features, Oracle Database 12c is designed to give Oracle customers exactly what they’ve told us they need for cloud computing, big data, security, and availability.”
  • 10. Oracle Announces Beta Availability of Oracle Database 12c Release 2 - Oct 26, 2015 • PLUGGABLE DATABASES From 252 to 4096 • HOT CLONING Don’t need to put the source in read-only for cloning • SHARDING It’s like partitioning in a shared nothing database The data is split into multiple databases • In-Memory In-Memory column Store on Active Data Guard Heat Map • APPLICATION CONTAINER Pluggable Databases will share application objects • More isolation, resource manager will limit the memory in addition to CPU and I/O. • AWR will work on Active Data Guard Database: you can tune your reporting database
  • 11. Availability of Oracle Database 12.2 Source:
  • 12. Oracle Database Release Status MOS Note:742060.1
  • 13. Upgrade to or wait for 12.2 ? CDB ou NON-CDB?
  • 14. JSON OTN Article by Alex Zaballa /sql/json-oracle-database-12c-2378776- ptb.html
  • 15. JSON • Oracle Database has now native support for JSON. • “JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate.” Source:
  • 16. JSON
  • 17. JSON
  • 18. DEMO
  • 19. Data Redaction OTN Article in English by Alex Zaballa atabase/data-redaction-odb12c-2331480.html
  • 20. Data Redaction • One of the new features introduced in Oracle Database 12c • Part of the Advanced Security option • Enables the protection of data shown to the user in real time, without requiring changes to the application
  • 23. DEMO
  • 24. SQL Query Row Limits and Offsets
  • 25. SQL Query Row Limits and Offsets create table tabela_teste (id number, name varchar2(20), salary number); insert into tabela_teste values (1,'Alex' ,100); insert into tabela_teste values (2,'Joao' ,200); insert into tabela_teste values (3,'Maria' ,300); insert into tabela_teste values (4,'Pedro',400); insert into tabela_teste values (5,'Paulo',500); insert into tabela_teste values (6,'Fernando',600); insert into tabela_teste values (7,'Rafael',700); insert into tabela_teste values (8,'Samuel',700); insert into tabela_teste values (9,'Daniel',800); insert into tabela_teste values (10,'Luciano',1000);
  • 26. SQL Query Row Limits and Offsets Top-N Queries – Pré 12c select * from ( select id, name, salary from tabela_teste order by salary desc) where rownum <= 5;
  • 27. SQL Query Row Limits and Offsets select id, name, salary from tabela_teste order by salary desc FETCH FIRST 5 ROWS ONLY;
  • 28. SQL Query Row Limits and Offsets select id, name, salary from tabela_teste order by salary FETCH FIRST 30 PERCENT ROWS ONLY;
  • 29. SQL Query Row Limits and Offsets select id, name, salary from tabela_teste order by salary desc OFFSET 2 ROWS FETCH NEXT 2 ROWS ONLY;
  • 30. DEMO
  • 31. Invisible Columns CREATE TABLE tabela_teste ( coluna1 NUMBER, coluna2 NUMBER, coluna3 NUMBER INVISIBLE, coluna4 NUMBER ); SQL> desc tabela_teste Name ----------------------------------------- COLUNA1 NUMBER COLUNA2 NUMBER COLUNA4 NUMBER
  • 32. Invisible Columns INSERT INTO tabela_teste (coluna1,coluna2,coluna3,coluna4) VALUES (1,2,3,4); INSERT INTO tabela_teste VALUES (1,2,4);
  • 33. Invisible Columns SET COLINVISIBLE ON SQL> desc tabela_teste Name ----------------------------------------- COLUNA1 NUMBER COLUNA2 NUMBER COLUNA4 NUMBER COLUNA3 (INVISIBLE) NUMBER
  • 34. Invisible Columns ALTER TABLE tabela_teste MODIFY coluna3 VISIBLE;
  • 35. DEMO
  • 36. SQL Text Expansion SQL> variable retorno clob SQL> begin dbms_utility.expand_sql_text( input_sql_text => 'select * from emp', output_sql_text=> :retorno ); end;
  • 37. SQL Text Expansion • Views • VPDs
  • 38. DEMO
  • 39. PL/SQL From SQL with function Is_Number (x in varchar2) return varchar2 is Plsql_Num_Error exception; pragma exception_init(Plsql_Num_Error, -06502); begin if (To_Number(x) is NOT null) then return 'Y'; else return ''; end if; exception when Plsql_Num_Error then return 'N'; end Is_Number; select rownum, x, is_number(x) is_num from t;
  • 40. DEMO
  • 41. Session Level Sequences Session level sequences are used to produce unique values in a session. Once the session ends, the sequence is reset. Generating Primary Keys for a Global Temporary Table would be a field where those kinds of sequences could be used.
  • 42. Session Level Sequences CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_teste START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 SESSION /
  • 43. Session Level Sequences ALTER SEQUENCE sequence_teste SESSION; ALTER SEQUENCE sequence_teste GLOBAL;
  • 44. DEMO
  • 45. Extended Data Types SQL> create table tabela_teste(campo01 varchar2(4001)); * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00910: specified length too long for its datatype
  • 46. Extended Data Types - VARCHAR2 : 32767 bytes - NVARCHAR2 : 32767 bytes - RAW : 32767 bytes
  • 47. Extended Data Types SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE; STARTUP UPGRADE; ALTER SYSTEM SET max_string_size=extended; @?/rdbms/admin/utl32k.sql SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE; STARTUP; **Once you switch to extended data types you can't switch back
  • 48. DEMO
  • 49. Multiple Indexes on the same set of Columns Pre 12c: ORA-01408: such column list already indexed error.
  • 50. Multiple Indexes on the same set of Columns Is the ability to create more than one index on the same set of columns in 12c. **Only one of these indexes can be visible at a time
  • 51. Multiple Indexes on the same set of Columns Why would you want to do that? • Unique versus nonunique • B-tree versus bitmap • Different partitioning strategies
  • 52. DEMO
  • 53. READ Object Privilege and READ ANY TABLE System Privilege What is the difference to SELECT and SELECT ANY TABLE?
  • 54. READ Object Privilege and READ ANY TABLE System Privilege SELECT and SELECT ANY TABLE provides the ability to lock rows: LOCK TABLE table_name IN EXCLUSIVE MODE; SELECT ... FROM table_name FOR UPDATE;
  • 55. READ Object Privilege and READ ANY TABLE System Privilege SQL> grant select on scott.emp to teste; Grant succeeded. SQL> lock table scott.emp in exclusive mode; Table(s) Locked.
  • 56. READ Object Privilege and READ ANY TABLE System Privilege SQL> grant read on scott.emp to teste; Grant succeeded. SQL> lock table scott.emp in exclusive mode; lock table scott.emp in exclusive mode * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
  • 57. DEMO
  • 58. Session private statistics for Global Temporary Tables Pre 12c, statistics gathered for global temporary tables (GTTs) were common to all sessions.
  • 59. Session private statistics for Global Temporary Tables BEGIN DBMS_STATS.set_global_prefs ( pname => 'GLOBAL_TEMP_TABLE_STATS', pvalue => 'SHARED'); END; / BEGIN DBMS_STATS.set_global_prefs ( pname => 'GLOBAL_TEMP_TABLE_STATS', pvalue => 'SESSION'); END; /
  • 60. Session private statistics for Global Temporary Tables BEGIN dbms_stats.set_table_prefs('SCOTT','GTT_TESTE','G LOBAL_TEMP_TABLE_STATS','SHARED'); END; BEGIN dbms_stats.set_table_prefs('SCOTT','GTT_TESTE','G LOBAL_TEMP_TABLE_STATS','SESSION'); END;
  • 61. DEMO
  • 62. Temporary Undo Global Temporary Tables (GTT) hold the data in a temporary tablespace. The data in GTTs are either deleted after commit or kept until the session is connected depending of the definition of the GTT.(ON COMMIT PRESERVE OR DELETE ROWS ). DMLs in a Global Temporary Tables do not generate REDO, but generate UNDO and this will result in REDO generating.
  • 63. Temporary Undo alter session set temp_undo_enabled=true; **you can change for the session or for the database.
  • 64. DEMO
  • 65. Statistics During Loads The ability to gather statistics automatically during bulk loads: - CREATE TABLE AS SELECT - INSERT INTO ... SELECT into an empty table using a direct path insert
  • 66. DEMO
  • 67. Partial Indexes for Partitioned Table • You can create local and global indexes on a subset of the partitions of a table, enabling more flexibility in index creation. • This feature is not supported for unique indexes, or for indexes used for enforcing unique constraints.
  • 68. Partial Indexes for Partitioned Table
  • 69. DEMO
  • 70. SQL*Loader Express • You don't need to to write and test a SQL*Loader control file. • The benefit main is the savings for time and effort.
  • 71. SQL*Loader Express [oracle@oracle01 tmp]$ cat EMPRESA.dat 1,Empresa 1 2,Empresa 2 3,Empresa 3 4,Empresa 4 5,Empresa 5 6,Empresa 6 7,Empresa 7 8,Empresa 8 9,Empresa 9
  • 72. SQL*Loader Express [oracle@oracle01 tmp]$ sqlldr teste/teste TABLE=EMPRESA SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Sat Jan 11 12:16:28 2014 Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Express Mode Load, Table: EMPRESA Path used: External Table, DEGREE_OF_PARALLELISM=AUTO Table EMPRESA: 9 Rows successfully loaded. Check the log files: EMPRESA.log EMPRESA_%p.log_xt for more information about the load.
  • 73. DEMO
  • 74. Truncate Cascade SQL> truncate table scott.dept; truncate table scott.dept * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02266: unique/primary keys in table referenced by enabled foreign keys
  • 75. Truncate Cascade SQL> truncate table scott.dept cascade; Table truncated. The constraint should be ON DELETE CASCADE.
  • 76. DEMO
  • 77. Limit the PGA SQL> show parameter pga NAME TYPE VALUE -------------------------- ------------- ---------------------- pga_aggregate_limit big integer 2G
  • 78. Limit the PGA PGA_AGGREGATE_LIMIT is set to the greater of: - 2 GB (default value) - 200% of PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET - 3 MB times the PROCESSES parameter
  • 79. Full Database Caching Can be used to cache the entire database in memory. It should be used when the buffer cache size of the database instance is greater than the whole database size.
  • 80. RMAN Table Recovery in 12c RMAN enables you to recover one or more tables or table partitions to a specified point in time.
  • 81. RMAN Table Recovery in 12c RMAN> RECOVER TABLE HR.REGIONS UNTIL TIME "TO_DATE('01/10/2013 09:33:39','DD/MM/RRRR HH24:MI:SS')" AUXILIARY DESTINATION '/tmp/backups'
  • 82. In-Database Archiving SQL> create table tabela_teste(coluna1 number) row archival; insert into tabela_teste values(1); insert into tabela_teste values(2); insert into tabela_teste values(3);
  • 84. In-Database Archiving update tabela_teste set ora_archive_state=DBMS_ILM.ARCHIVESTATENAME(1) where coluna1=3;
  • 85. In-Database Archiving alter session set row archival visibility=all;
  • 86. Heat Map, Automatic Data Optimization and ILM OTN Article in Portuguese by Daniel Da Meda and Alex Zaballa /database-performance/ilm-e-automatic-data- optimization-2601873-ptb.html
  • 87. Heat Map, Automatic Data Optimization and ILM • Heat Map: Oracle Database 12c feature that stores system- generated data usage statistics at the block and segment levels. Automatically tracks modification and query timestamps at the row and segment levels. • Automatic Data Optimization (ADO): automatically moves and compresses data according to user-defined policies based on the information collected by Heat Map • ILM: Heat Map and Automatic Data Optimization make Oracle Database 12c ideal for implementing ILM
  • 88. Heat Map, Automatic Data Optimization and ILM Enabling Heat Map SQL> alter system set heat_map = on;
  • 89. Heat Map, Automatic Data Optimization and ILM Heat Map statistics can be viewed graphically through EM Cloud Control:
  • 90. Heat Map, Automatic Data Optimization and ILM Creating ADO policies Compress the tablespace USER_DATA and all its residing segments at OLTP level after 30 days of low access: ALTER TABLESPACE USER_DATA ILM ADD POLICY ROW STORE COMPRESS ADVANCED SEGMENT AFTER 30 DAYS OF LOW ACCESS;
  • 91. Heat Map, Automatic Data Optimization and ILM Creating ADO policies Compress the table ORDER_ITEMS including any SecureFile LOBs at OLTP level after 90 days of no modification: ALTER TABLE ORDER_ITEMS ILM ADD POLICY ROW STORE COMPRESS ADVANCED GROUP AFTER 90 DAYS OF NO MODIFICATION;
  • 94. Direct SQL statement execution in RMAN Pre - 12c: RMAN> SQL ‘SELECT sysdate FROM dual’; 12c: RMAN> SELECT sysdate FROM dual;
  • 95. Identity Columns CREATE TABLE tabela_teste ( id NUMBER GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, coluna1 VARCHAR2(30) );
  • 96. Identity Columns CREATE TABLE tabela_teste ( id NUMBER GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, coluna1 VARCHAR2(30) );
  • 97. Identity Columns CREATE TABLE tabela_teste ( id NUMBER GENERATED BY DEFAULT ON NULL AS IDENTITY, coluna1 VARCHAR2(30) );
  • 104. In-Memory SIMD Vector Processing Source: oracle-database-in-memory-2245633.html
  • 105. In-Memory In-Memory Area – a static pool in SGA
  • 109. SQLcl

Editor's Notes

  1. 96 slides Questions at the END please!!!