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Major Features: Postgres 11
POSTGRESQL is an open-source, full-featured relational database.
This presentation gives an overview of the Postgres 11 release.
Creative Commons Attribution License
Last updated: September, 2018
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Postgres 11 Feature Outline
1. Partitioning improvements
2. Parallelism improvements
3. Stored procedures with transaction control
4. Executor-stage compilation
5. Prevent table rewrite for ALTER TABLE … ADD COLUMN with
non-NULL default
6. Finer-grained access control
7. Write-ahead log (WAL) improvements
8. Allow ’quit’ and ’exit’ to exit psql
9. Miscellaneous
Full item list at
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1. Partitioning Improvements
◮ Partitioning syntax added in Postgres 10
◮ simplified administration
◮ Postgres 11
◮ faster partition pruning during optimization
◮ executor-level partition pruning, e.g., for joins
◮ hash partitioning
◮ move updated rows to new partitions
◮ allow a default partition for non-matching rows
◮ allow unique/primary indexes when the partition key is
included, and allow foreign keys to reference them
◮ more items
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Hash Partitioning Example
-- hash partition
CREATE TABLE part_test (x int, y text) PARTITION BY hash (x);
-- create child partitions
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Partitioning Row Migration
-- insert 1k rows
INSERT INTO part_test SELECT generate_series(0, 999), ’old’;
-- What partition contains row zero?
SELECT relname
FROM pg_class
WHERE oid = (SELECT tableoid FROM part_test WHERE x = 0);
-- change row zero to row 1003
UPDATE part_test SET x = 1003, y = ’new’ WHERE x = 0;
--What partition contains row 1003? Values are hashed twice.
SELECT relname
FROM pg_class
WHERE oid = (SELECT tableoid FROM part_test WHERE x = 1003);
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Partitioning Row Distribution
-- How are the rows distributed?
SELECT name, y, COUNT(*)
FROM part_test, LATERAL (
SELECT relname
FROM pg_class
WHERE pg_class.oid = part_test.tableoid) AS table_name (name)
GROUP BY name, y
ORDER BY 1, 2;
name | y | count
part_test_0 | old | 258
part_test_1 | new | 1
part_test_1 | old | 234
part_test_2 | old | 276
part_test_3 | old | 231
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Range Partitioning Example
-- range partition
CREATE TABLE part_test2 (instant TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, description TEXT)
CREATE TABLE part_test2_2017 PARTITION OF part_test2 FOR VALUES
FROM (’2017-01-01’) TO (’2018-01-01’);
CREATE TABLE part_test2_2018 PARTITION OF part_test2 FOR VALUES
FROM (’2018-01-01’) TO (’2019-01-01’);
-- create default partition
CREATE TABLE part_test2_default PARTITION OF part_test2 DEFAULT;
-- add primary key to parent table
ALTER TABLE part_test2 ADD PRIMARY KEY (instant);
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Default Partition
-- insert two years of rows
INSERT INTO part_test2
SELECT generate_series(’2017-01-01’::timestamptz,
’2018-12-31’, ’1 day’), ’rain’;
-- insert rows outside of the defined range
INSERT INTO part_test2 VALUES (’2019-02-20’, ’snow’);
FROM part_test2, LATERAL (
SELECT relname
FROM pg_class
WHERE pg_class.oid = part_test2.tableoid) AS table_name (name)
name | count
part_test2_2017 | 365
part_test2_2018 | 365
part_test2_default | 1
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2. Parallelism Improvements
◮ Parallel btree index builds
◮ Parallel hash joins
◮ Parallelize individual SELECTs in UNION
◮ Seven more items
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3. Stored Procedures with Transaction Control
◮ Similar to functions
◮ allows transaction commit and abort blocks inside procedures
◮ returns no values
◮ commands prohibited in transaction blocks are still
prohibited in procedures, e.g., VACUUM
◮ inner transactions cannot be committed independently of
outer transactions, i.e., no autonomous transactions
◮ Supported languages
◮ PL/pgSQL
◮ PL/Perl
◮ PL/Python
◮ PL/Tcl
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Stored Procedure Example
CREATE TABLE system (status text NOT NULL);
-- no more than one row in the table
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON system ((true));
CREATE TABLE customer (name TEXT, sales_monthly_total NUMERIC(10,2));
CREATE TABLE employee (name TEXT, sales_monthly_total NUMERIC(10,2));
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Stored Procedure Example
CREATE PROCEDURE end_of_month_processing() AS $$
INSERT INTO system VALUES (’end-of-month processing’)
ON CONFLICT ((true)) DO UPDATE SET status = excluded.status;
-- allow all sessions to see the new status
UPDATE customer SET sales_monthly_total = 0;
UPDATE employee SET sales_monthly_total = 0;
INSERT INTO system VALUES (’normal operation’)
ON CONFLICT ((true)) DO UPDATE SET STATUS = excluded.status;
-- allow all sessions to see the new status
-- inform managers only after complete
PERFORM email_managers(’end-of-month processing complete’);
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
CALL end_of_month_processing();
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Stored Procedure Example
CREATE TABLE web_session (data JSONB, last_active TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE);
-- add five web sessions
INSERT INTO web_session
FROM generate_series(1, 5);
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Stored Procedure Example
CREATE PROCEDURE expire_web_sessions(min_expire INTERVAL) AS $$
-- clock_timestamp() is updated on every loop
DELETE FROM web_session WHERE last_active < clock_timestamp()-min_expire;
RAISE NOTICE ’% rows deleted’, rows;
-- check at half of expiration time
PERFORM pg_sleep(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM min_expire) / 2);
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
CALL expire_web_sessions(’15 minutes’);
NOTICE: 0 rows deleted
NOTICE: 0 rows deleted
NOTICE: 5 rows deleted
NOTICE: 0 rows deleted
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4. Executor-Stage Compilation
Optimal Path
Generate Plan
Traffic Cop
Generate Paths
Execute Plan
Rewrite Query
Parse Statement
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Executor-Stage Compilation
Optimal Path
Plan with Ojbect Code
Execute Plan
Just−in−Time Compiler
Object Code
Generate Plan
Traffic Cop
Generate Paths
Rewrite Query
Parse Statement
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5. Prevent Table Rewrite For ALTER TABLE …
ADD COLUMN with Non-NULL Default
-- Postgres 10
CREATE TABLE alter_test (id SERIAL, name TEXT);
INSERT INTO alter_test (name) SELECT repeat(’x’, 100);
SELECT relfilenode FROM pg_class WHERE relname = ’alter_test’;
SELECT relfilenode FROM pg_class WHERE relname = ’alter_test’;
SELECT relfilenode FROM pg_class WHERE relname = ’alter_test’;
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Prevent Table Rewrite For ALTER TABLE …
ADD COLUMN with Non-NULL Default
-- Postgres 11
CREATE TABLE alter_test (id SERIAL, name TEXT);
INSERT INTO alter_test (name) SELECT repeat(’x’, 100);
SELECT relfilenode FROM pg_class WHERE relname = ’alter_test’;
SELECT relfilenode FROM pg_class WHERE relname = ’alter_test’;
SELECT relfilenode FROM pg_class WHERE relname = ’alter_test’;
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6. Finer-Grained Access Control
◮ Superuser-only file system access now controlled by role
◮ pg_read_server_files
◮ pg_write_server_files
◮ pg_execute_server_program
◮ Superuser-only access to file system functions now controlled
by function execute permissions
◮ pg_ls_dir()
◮ pg_read_file()
◮ pg_read_binary_file()
◮ pg_stat_file()
◮ Superuser-only import/export of large objects now controlled
by function execute permissions
◮ lo_import()
◮ lo_export()
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7. Write-Ahead Log (WAL) Improvements
◮ Allow WAL file size to be specified via initdb or pg_resetwal
◮ default still 16MB
◮ larger files simplify WAL archiving for active clusters
◮ Halve number of WAL files kept in pg_wal
◮ Zero trailing bytes during forced WAL switch
20 / 24
8. Allow ’quit’ and ’exit’ to Exit Psql
$ psql test
psql (11beta3)
Type "help" for help.
test=> quit
$ psql test
psql (11beta3)
Type "help" for help.
test=> exit
$ psql test
psql (11beta3)
Type "help" for help.
test=> SELECT
test-> quit
Use q to quit.
test-> q
21 / 24
Allow ’quit’ and ’exit’ to Exit Psql
$ psql test
psql (11beta3)
Type "help" for help.
test=> quit
test-> exit
test-> q
$ psql test
psql (11beta3)
Type "help" for help.
test=> SELECT ’
test’> q
Use control-D to quit.
test’> ^D
22 / 24
9. Miscellaneous
◮ Allow unique indexes to contain non-unique columns via
◮ additional columns can be used for index lookups or
index-only scans
◮ Window function improvements
◮ Add extensions to convert JSONB data to/from PL/Perl and
◮ Add support for large pages on Windows
◮ Allow pg_prewarm to restore previous shared buffer contents
◮ Allow a password prompt for TLS private key access
◮ Sharding advances
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  • 1. Major Features: Postgres 11 BRUCE MOMJIAN POSTGRESQL is an open-source, full-featured relational database. This presentation gives an overview of the Postgres 11 release. Creative Commons Attribution License Last updated: September, 2018 1 / 24
  • 2. Postgres 11 Feature Outline 1. Partitioning improvements 2. Parallelism improvements 3. Stored procedures with transaction control 4. Executor-stage compilation 5. Prevent table rewrite for ALTER TABLE … ADD COLUMN with non-NULL default 6. Finer-grained access control 7. Write-ahead log (WAL) improvements 8. Allow ’quit’ and ’exit’ to exit psql 9. Miscellaneous Full item list at release-11.html 2 / 24
  • 3. 1. Partitioning Improvements ◮ Partitioning syntax added in Postgres 10 ◮ simplified administration ◮ Postgres 11 ◮ faster partition pruning during optimization ◮ executor-level partition pruning, e.g., for joins ◮ hash partitioning ◮ move updated rows to new partitions ◮ allow a default partition for non-matching rows ◮ allow unique/primary indexes when the partition key is included, and allow foreign keys to reference them ◮ more items 3 / 24
  • 4. Hash Partitioning Example -- hash partition CREATE TABLE part_test (x int, y text) PARTITION BY hash (x); -- create child partitions CREATE TABLE part_test_0 PARTITION OF part_test FOR VALUES WITH (MODULUS 4, REMAINDER 0); CREATE TABLE part_test_1 PARTITION OF part_test FOR VALUES WITH (MODULUS 4, REMAINDER 1); CREATE TABLE part_test_2 PARTITION OF part_test FOR VALUES WITH (MODULUS 4, REMAINDER 2); CREATE TABLE part_test_3 PARTITION OF part_test FOR VALUES WITH (MODULUS 4, REMAINDER 3); 4 / 24
  • 5. Partitioning Row Migration -- insert 1k rows INSERT INTO part_test SELECT generate_series(0, 999), ’old’; -- What partition contains row zero? SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE oid = (SELECT tableoid FROM part_test WHERE x = 0); relname ------------- part_test_0 -- change row zero to row 1003 UPDATE part_test SET x = 1003, y = ’new’ WHERE x = 0; --What partition contains row 1003? Values are hashed twice. SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE oid = (SELECT tableoid FROM part_test WHERE x = 1003); relname ------------- part_test_1 5 / 24
  • 6. Partitioning Row Distribution -- How are the rows distributed? SELECT name, y, COUNT(*) FROM part_test, LATERAL ( SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE pg_class.oid = part_test.tableoid) AS table_name (name) GROUP BY name, y ORDER BY 1, 2; name | y | count -------------+-----+------- part_test_0 | old | 258 part_test_1 | new | 1 part_test_1 | old | 234 part_test_2 | old | 276 part_test_3 | old | 231 6 / 24
  • 7. Range Partitioning Example -- range partition CREATE TABLE part_test2 (instant TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, description TEXT) PARTITION BY RANGE (instant); CREATE TABLE part_test2_2017 PARTITION OF part_test2 FOR VALUES FROM (’2017-01-01’) TO (’2018-01-01’); CREATE TABLE part_test2_2018 PARTITION OF part_test2 FOR VALUES FROM (’2018-01-01’) TO (’2019-01-01’); -- create default partition CREATE TABLE part_test2_default PARTITION OF part_test2 DEFAULT; -- add primary key to parent table ALTER TABLE part_test2 ADD PRIMARY KEY (instant); 7 / 24
  • 8. Default Partition -- insert two years of rows INSERT INTO part_test2 SELECT generate_series(’2017-01-01’::timestamptz, ’2018-12-31’, ’1 day’), ’rain’; -- insert rows outside of the defined range INSERT INTO part_test2 VALUES (’2019-02-20’, ’snow’); SELECT name, COUNT(*) FROM part_test2, LATERAL ( SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE pg_class.oid = part_test2.tableoid) AS table_name (name) GROUP BY name ORDER BY 1; name | count --------------------+------- part_test2_2017 | 365 part_test2_2018 | 365 part_test2_default | 1 8 / 24
  • 9. 2. Parallelism Improvements ◮ Parallel btree index builds ◮ Parallel hash joins ◮ Parallelize individual SELECTs in UNION ◮ Seven more items 9 / 24
  • 10. 3. Stored Procedures with Transaction Control ◮ Similar to functions ◮ allows transaction commit and abort blocks inside procedures ◮ returns no values ◮ commands prohibited in transaction blocks are still prohibited in procedures, e.g., VACUUM ◮ inner transactions cannot be committed independently of outer transactions, i.e., no autonomous transactions ◮ Supported languages ◮ PL/pgSQL ◮ PL/Perl ◮ PL/Python ◮ PL/Tcl ◮ SPI 10 / 24
  • 11. Stored Procedure Example CREATE TABLE system (status text NOT NULL); -- no more than one row in the table CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON system ((true)); CREATE TABLE customer (name TEXT, sales_monthly_total NUMERIC(10,2)); CREATE TABLE employee (name TEXT, sales_monthly_total NUMERIC(10,2)); 11 / 24
  • 12. Stored Procedure Example CREATE PROCEDURE end_of_month_processing() AS $$ BEGIN INSERT INTO system VALUES (’end-of-month processing’) ON CONFLICT ((true)) DO UPDATE SET status = excluded.status; -- allow all sessions to see the new status COMMIT; UPDATE customer SET sales_monthly_total = 0; UPDATE employee SET sales_monthly_total = 0; INSERT INTO system VALUES (’normal operation’) ON CONFLICT ((true)) DO UPDATE SET STATUS = excluded.status; -- allow all sessions to see the new status COMMIT; -- inform managers only after complete PERFORM email_managers(’end-of-month processing complete’); END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CALL end_of_month_processing(); 12 / 24
  • 13. Stored Procedure Example CREATE TABLE web_session (data JSONB, last_active TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE); -- add five web sessions INSERT INTO web_session SELECT ’{"abc": 1}’, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP FROM generate_series(1, 5); 13 / 24
  • 14. Stored Procedure Example CREATE PROCEDURE expire_web_sessions(min_expire INTERVAL) AS $$ DECLARE rows INTEGER; BEGIN WHILE TRUE LOOP -- clock_timestamp() is updated on every loop DELETE FROM web_session WHERE last_active < clock_timestamp()-min_expire; GET DIAGNOSTICS rows = ROW_COUNT; COMMIT; RAISE NOTICE ’% rows deleted’, rows; -- check at half of expiration time PERFORM pg_sleep(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM min_expire) / 2); END LOOP; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CALL expire_web_sessions(’15 minutes’); NOTICE: 0 rows deleted NOTICE: 0 rows deleted NOTICE: 5 rows deleted NOTICE: 0 rows deleted 14 / 24
  • 15. 4. Executor-Stage Compilation utility Plan Optimal Path Query Generate Plan Traffic Cop Generate Paths Execute Plan e.g. CREATE TABLE, COPY SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE Rewrite Query Parse Statement Utility Command 15 / 24
  • 16. Executor-Stage Compilation utility Optimal Path Query Plan Plan with Ojbect Code Execute Plan Just−in−Time Compiler Object Code Generate Plan Traffic Cop Generate Paths e.g. CREATE TABLE, COPY SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE Rewrite Query Parse Statement Utility Command 16 / 24
  • 17. 5. Prevent Table Rewrite For ALTER TABLE … ADD COLUMN with Non-NULL Default -- Postgres 10 CREATE TABLE alter_test (id SERIAL, name TEXT); INSERT INTO alter_test (name) SELECT repeat(’x’, 100); SELECT relfilenode FROM pg_class WHERE relname = ’alter_test’; relfilenode ------------- 16439 ALTER TABLE alter_test ADD COLUMN col1 INTEGER; SELECT relfilenode FROM pg_class WHERE relname = ’alter_test’; relfilenode ------------- 16439 ALTER TABLE alter_test ADD COLUMN col2 INTEGER DEFAULT 1; SELECT relfilenode FROM pg_class WHERE relname = ’alter_test’; relfilenode ------------- 16447 17 / 24
  • 18. Prevent Table Rewrite For ALTER TABLE … ADD COLUMN with Non-NULL Default -- Postgres 11 CREATE TABLE alter_test (id SERIAL, name TEXT); INSERT INTO alter_test (name) SELECT repeat(’x’, 100); SELECT relfilenode FROM pg_class WHERE relname = ’alter_test’; relfilenode ------------- 16388 ALTER TABLE alter_test ADD COLUMN col1 INTEGER; SELECT relfilenode FROM pg_class WHERE relname = ’alter_test’; relfilenode ------------- 16388 ALTER TABLE alter_test ADD COLUMN col2 INTEGER DEFAULT 1; SELECT relfilenode FROM pg_class WHERE relname = ’alter_test’; relfilenode ------------- 16388 18 / 24
  • 19. 6. Finer-Grained Access Control ◮ Superuser-only file system access now controlled by role membership ◮ pg_read_server_files ◮ pg_write_server_files ◮ pg_execute_server_program ◮ Superuser-only access to file system functions now controlled by function execute permissions ◮ pg_ls_dir() ◮ pg_read_file() ◮ pg_read_binary_file() ◮ pg_stat_file() ◮ Superuser-only import/export of large objects now controlled by function execute permissions ◮ lo_import() ◮ lo_export() 19 / 24
  • 20. 7. Write-Ahead Log (WAL) Improvements ◮ Allow WAL file size to be specified via initdb or pg_resetwal ◮ default still 16MB ◮ larger files simplify WAL archiving for active clusters ◮ Halve number of WAL files kept in pg_wal ◮ Zero trailing bytes during forced WAL switch 20 / 24
  • 21. 8. Allow ’quit’ and ’exit’ to Exit Psql $ psql test psql (11beta3) Type "help" for help. test=> quit $ psql test psql (11beta3) Type "help" for help. test=> exit $ psql test psql (11beta3) Type "help" for help. test=> SELECT test-> quit Use q to quit. test-> q 21 / 24
  • 22. Allow ’quit’ and ’exit’ to Exit Psql $ psql test psql (11beta3) Type "help" for help. test=> quit test-> exit test-> q $ psql test psql (11beta3) Type "help" for help. test=> SELECT ’ test’> q Use control-D to quit. test’> ^D 22 / 24
  • 23. 9. Miscellaneous ◮ Allow unique indexes to contain non-unique columns via INCLUDE ◮ additional columns can be used for index lookups or index-only scans ◮ Window function improvements ◮ Add extensions to convert JSONB data to/from PL/Perl and PL/Python ◮ Add support for large pages on Windows ◮ Allow pg_prewarm to restore previous shared buffer contents ◮ Allow a password prompt for TLS private key access ◮ Sharding advances 23 / 24