Yahoo Plagiarism Checker ToolYahoo Plagiarism Checker Tool
We recently launched the Google plagiarism checker. Our viewers have asked us to make one for Yahoo. Since the fundamental coding is same we wrote one for yahoo / bing. Remember yahoo search engine is powered by Microsoft / bing search engine. So the results don't make much difference. Yahoo plagiarism checker searches yahoo results to find any pages that uses your content. Even if your own site uses this content it will show as duplicate. Search engine don't like duplicate content so free plagiarism checker is an ideal and must have tool. Our tools and plagiarism checkers are free to use. If you like our tools please feel free to provide a link from your site. All the we ask in return is a link back. We take a lot of our time and effort to maintain this site. This site is hyper sensitive to excessive queries. So we need to monitor our site round the clock. We hope you like our new yahoo / bing plagiarism checker. If you want to leave feedback go to our contact page. Search engine genie is a leader in providing free SEO related tools.
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The Code to be added in your site is:
Your link will look like this: Yahoo Plagiarism Checker Tool
SEO and Web Tools