Link Extractor ToolLink Extractor Tool
Link extractor tool will display all the links of a given webpage. The result will vary, based on the user choice. The option provided, are all links, internal links and external links. The advanced feature of this tool is apart from URL, it also displays information like various attributes of anchor tag, anchor text and html code of an individual link. This additional information also depends on user choice.

Our Link Extractor tool is 100% free to use. Please support this tool by linking to it.

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The Code to be added in your site is:
Your link will look like this: Link Extractor Tool

Web page link extractor tool

Our Web Page Link Extractor Tool is designed to analyse and extract information about the various links present on your specific webpage. The primary purpose of our tool is to provide you with detailed insights into the structure of links within a given webpage. It helps you to understand the link profile, identify different types of links, and gather information about each link's attributes.

Key features of our Tool:

  • User-Friendly Interface: Designed with users in mind, our tool offers an innate and easy-to-use platform, ensuring a seamless experience.

  • Link Categorization: You can choose to focus on internal, external, or all links within a given webpage, providing flexibility in analysis.

  • Detailed Link Information: Gain in-depth insights into individual links with additional information such as anchor tag attributes and anchor text. This feature aids users in understanding the context and relevance of each link.

  • Webpage SEO Analysis: Our tool proves invaluable for SEO analysis, allowing you to examine the link structure of a webpage and make informed decisions to enhance search engine visibility.

How to use our Tool:

  • Enter the Website URL:

    • Entering the URL of your website or webpage in the required field you want to analyse.

    • Show Links: All, Inbound, Outbound:

    • You are given the option to choose the type of links you want to focus on:

      • All Links: This option would display all types of links on your webpage, including both inbound (incoming to the specified page) and outbound (leading to other pages) links.

      • Inbound Links: This option specifically shows links that lead to your  specified webpage.

      • Outbound Links: This option displays links from your specified web page to other pages.

  • Html Code:

    • This feature allows you  to view the HTML code associated with the identified links. It provides transparency by revealing the underlying code structure.
  • Anchor Text:

    • The tool extracts and displays the anchor text associated with each link. Anchor text is the clickable text in a hyperlink, providing context about the linked content.

  • Attributes (like alt, title):

    • Additional attributes associated with the HTML anchor tags are extracted and presented. This may include attributes like 'alt' and 'title,' which provide further information about the linked content, especially in the case of images or multimedia.

  • Solve the Captcha

    • Unlock the power of our Domain Authority Checker tool by solving the captcha presented.

    Submit Button or Export to CSV:

    • After configuring their preferences and solving the puzzle, users can click a "Submit" button to initiate the link extraction process. Alternatively, there might be an option to export the extracted link data to a CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file. Exporting to CSV allows users to save and analyse the extracted information in spreadsheet software.


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